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College Essay : An Ideal College
An Essay on An Ideal College
Everyone has or should have an ideal; something which he can look forward to, of which he may
dream, and for which he may strive. In our colleges we come across many defects or limitations.
We often discuss these among ourselves. And in course of these discussions, and as a result of
them, we come to cherish a vague notion of what would be an ideal college, at last, what we would
regard as an ideal. Here of course I speak mostly for myself.
An ideal college, in my opinion, should consist of a building with welllighted and spacious rooms,
an extensive playground, wellequipped libraries and laboratories, and learned teachers. These are
essential, and so I will discuss these first.
On the academic side an ideal college should have two kinds of rooms: lecturerooms and tutorial
rooms. Lecturerooms should be large enough to accommodate even two to three hundred students
without crowding. In these days of amplifiers, large classes should offer no real difficulty. Only
three must be plenty of light and air to prevent stuffiness. The acoustic arrangements must be such
as to put no undue strain on a lecturer's voice. Tutorial rooms should be spacious enough to
accommodate small classes of ten or fifteen students. Too many lectures are apt to become
monotonous and boring. It would be deal if the ground covered by a lecture broadly is once again
reviewed in the tutorial classes in greater detail and with an eye to individual difficulties of students.
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My College Experience Essay examples
My College Experience
Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and
explain how college is supposed to be "the best experience of your life." The summer after my senior
year I use to try and imagine what my first semester was going to be like based on what I had heard
people talk about in the past. After my first semester at NC State I realized that I couldn't fully
understand what college was like until I experienced it for myself. My first couple of weeks at
Ohio State was rough and really tested my strength (mental and physical). I faced challenges and
obstacles that I had never heard about in those past college experience conversations. All of a
sudden there was no one to get me out of...show more content...
I can remember missing 8:05 classes because I stayed out too late the night before. In high school the
teacher would constantly remind the students when certain assignments were due, but this was not
the case in college. I learned that the hard way my first semester. Sometimes I forgot to turn in an
assignment because I didn't properly read my syllabus and my professor never mentioned it. These
were all new problems that could have easily let escalate without taking the proper actions. For the
most part I was doing fairly well but a few of my grades began to plummet. I was losing the
confidence in myself and started to wonder if going to college had been the best decision. The time
had come for me to grow up and become an adult even I didn't feel the time was right. I immediately
began attending tutoring sessions, working with peers and also keeping a daily todo list. These
factors were the eventually led to drastic improvement and success. After my first semester I
learned how better manage my time, take advantage of campus resources and also how to organize
myself better. These struggles also taught me that sometimes I try and rush through things instead
of taking my time. I realized that one of my strong points is being able to really do well when my
back is against the wall. Although I was unhappy while facing obstacles I am happy I experienced
them. I believe this experience was the reason for my
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My College Writing Project
In choosing my genre for thesis, I considered what would both be a challenge and where I could
improve certain strengths. Throughout my college writing career here at Edinboro, most of my
interest consisted in essay writing and fiction writing. For the many themes I wished to explore, I
thought fiction might allow me the most creative avenues. As a doublemajor in English Writing and
Sociology, I have been obsessed with themes of race, time, memory, language, history, and
communication. Both of my majors have contributed to the culmination of these ideas and I decided
the best vessel for them, for everything I've learned, and that would allow for the most creative
storytelling advantages led was fiction. More specifically social fiction and...show more content...
Given my biggest writing influences, which ranges from Toni Morrison and James Baldwin to
Elizabeth Strout and Zadie Smith, it my topics I thought would be able to morph and evolve best
in the flexible form of fiction storytelling. The challenge fiction posed for me during the
completion of the thesis project was the overall creative freedom. My writing style is far from
linear; I tend to jump around given what ideas are most fully formed in my mind at the time and
the freedom to go from one part of my story to the other sometimes made the writing process a bit
manic and scattered. But it was certainly never boring. That creative freedom in a fiction story can
be as scary as it is liberating. With creative nonfiction and essay writing, I believe the writer has
somewhat of a basic blueprint of real world truth they must adhere to. Even in poetry (and I could
be wrong) there is a formulaic balance that the poet predisposed to given the poem form or type.
However, the varied ways to write fiction prose never seems to stay static. I considered a more
experimental, somewhat abstract concept at firststraightforward chapters with little interludes in
between with thoughts or stray poems or scenes that were cut out from other narratives. However, I
chose to keep the story concealed within a basic fiction novel
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College Writing Challenges
As author Joshua J. Marine said, " Challenges are what makes life interesting overcoming them is
what makes life meaningful," applied now, are you prepared to overcome the transition from
highschool to college writing? Yes, that transition is tough, but the experience it will give will be
totally worth it in the end. In college I will have to grow accustomed to writing about new topics in
new styles and explore the different ways I can present my ideas and incorporate them into the
paper I am writing. My vocabulary has to grow, for two reasons, which are to keep up a level of
interest in the readerwho wants to read the same words over and over again? and to again express
my ideas in the clearest and most effective way.
In the transition...show more content...
One main difference, though, is that in high school there was only one way taught to play out my
argument, in college there are so many different ways I can discuss my perspective. When
argumenting for myself, there should not be a sense of, "Here is my idea, take it or leave it," but
a sense of me wanting to share my knowledge and opinion for the reader to form an opinion of their
own. College writing has been fun, though hard, because of the difficulty I have had changing my
process from topic to essay, to essay to topic. Another contrast in writing would be that the
arguments I discuss have changed to having a more conversational flow, still a hint of debate in
there, but not as forced as you might find in my high school essays where I was just trying to find
enough words to fill out the page, despite my point being proven. This topic, however, on the
transition between high school to college writing I feel more connected to because I have the ability
to make my essay the stand point, not the topic. So far in my barelythere college writing
experience I've found there has been much more of an open field, with much more room for
interpretation of the topic I am given, and I
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college essay
Accomplishments for my college years
My name is NAME. I am Age and I live in WHERE YOU LIVE in fact I have lived here all my life.
I am currently attending SCHOOL NAME, which has helped prepare me for my future at a college
or university level.
I began working with children and youth at a very early age. This began as the leader of recreation
summer camps and coaching youth basketball teams, and soon led me to my current career path.
When I was sixteen I was very grateful to be approached about designing and implementing a
program for youth. It was an excellent experience for me, giving me knowledge and confidence.
Over the years I have assisted the gym teachers in my high school and worked with the mentally
challenged. They...show more content...
In my past four years in high school I have set my self forth to become not a good but a great
leader. I have worked very hard in high school and in the community to show my leadership
qualities and what I will have to offer as a future educator. As a future educator, I want to influence
others to strive for their goals to never give up no matter how hard or challenging their task may
be. I feel that I will be able to accomplish my goals and dedicate my life to the education field.
I am choosing the field of education to teach and to enjoy what I do for a living, and to get what I
feel will be the best from life and a career. Working with children and teenagers is something I get
great satisfaction from.
Education is the field in which, I plan to dedicate a good part of my life. Knowing that I am
majoring in education has given me a direction; I plan to work to my fullest potential to obtain
the goals and ideals of becoming not just a good teacher but a great one. Through my years in
school many of my teachers have influenced me and have shown me a direction and a career. The
teachers I have had over the years have shown me the gratification a person can get out of
educating children and being a positive influence on them. The pride that I can take in teaching my
students is a feeling that has influenced me to choose this field. Seeing that teaching is not only just
a job, but also a way I can
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My Journey to College Essay
My Journey to College
I first came to the university during spring break of my junior year of high school. At the time I
was just visiting the three main universities in Arizona so that I would be able to make an educated
decision as to where I wanted to get my college education. There were many events showing me the
way to this university and little did I know that these events would come upon me and that they
would show me the doors to the place where I was truly meant to be.
I had a small thought in mind of becoming a chef or something else in the hospitality field. My mom
had heard about NAU's hospitality college and informed me that it was within the top ten. During
our visit to NAU we met with and...show more content...
I then had the dilemma of deciding which dorm I wanted to apply for. This was a large decision for
me seeing as how I had never moved in my life and how this would be my new home for the next
year. I chose Rielly Hall which was the best I could do by looking at pictures online.
After being accepted my mom and I made another visit up to NAU so that I could see the
university with different eyes, eyes that new this was where the journey of my life was heading
next. We arrived at NAU and I was very excited to be on campus once again but with a completely
new perspective. I met with an HRM advisor and talked a little more about the program. At that
time I learned all about their study abroad program. From that information I decide that I wanted
not to just be a hotel and restaurant major but that I wanted to be a full International Hospitality
major. This was going to be a little more work than my original plan but I would get to study abroad
and experience so much culture.
After my meeting with the HRM advisor we headed over to the dorms to check them out. I ended
up walking past Sechrist Hall first and was approached by an NAU student who seemed to be
about a Junior and was an RA on one of the floors. As he approached me he said "Would you like
me to show you around the building". Even
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My first day at college had a great meaning to me. It was the beginning of my dream to go to
college and to pursue a higher education.I had so many emotions running trough me , it was the
first time being in this level and the first time paying for education myself. I always wanted to be a
college student, a serious student who would decide what to be in her life. The first day at Truman
College was on August 25th, 2005. The first year of my freshman year and Fall semester. That
day I had so many things on my mind, from what I was going to wear to figure out where the class
number and the floor it would be located at. It was actually a day full of new experiences. I had just
turned 28 years old. By the time I had a fulltime job in...show more content...
I never took a class like this before, and it was a totally different system than a traditional class that I
used to attend. I considered that would help me later in the future with other classes. Thus, I loved the
idea of taking an English class in this kind of environment, moreover, I was proud to be part of it.
In addition, I thought it was a good idea to use laptops in class since I owed one at home, and I
was able to relate with the purpose of the class. For instance, I could enter an electronic groupforum
from home, so we were able to share ideas an opinions without being in the classroom. Also, I found
very handy to be able to send my homework electronically to my teacher.
On the other hand, one of the greatest experiences I had in the first day was, not only being in a
interesting English class, but being part of a diverse and cultural international class. Well, I call it
this way because to me, it was the first impression. Although, I always wanted to study abroad and to
be an international student , English 100, gave me the opportunity to meet and share experiences with
people from other nationalities. Although most of my classmates did not speak Spanish, which is
my native language, I was able to communicate in English with them. Moreover, I was interested in
learning another language; thus, I met a girl from
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Write My College Essay

  • 1. College Essay : An Ideal College An Essay on An Ideal College Everyone has or should have an ideal; something which he can look forward to, of which he may dream, and for which he may strive. In our colleges we come across many defects or limitations. We often discuss these among ourselves. And in course of these discussions, and as a result of them, we come to cherish a vague notion of what would be an ideal college, at last, what we would regard as an ideal. Here of course I speak mostly for myself. An ideal college, in my opinion, should consist of a building with welllighted and spacious rooms, an extensive playground, wellequipped libraries and laboratories, and learned teachers. These are essential, and so I will discuss these first. On the academic side an ideal college should have two kinds of rooms: lecturerooms and tutorial rooms. Lecturerooms should be large enough to accommodate even two to three hundred students without crowding. In these days of amplifiers, large classes should offer no real difficulty. Only three must be plenty of light and air to prevent stuffiness. The acoustic arrangements must be such as to put no undue strain on a lecturer's voice. Tutorial rooms should be spacious enough to accommodate small classes of ten or fifteen students. Too many lectures are apt to become monotonous and boring. It would be deal if the ground covered by a lecture broadly is once again reviewed in the tutorial classes in greater detail and with an eye to individual difficulties of students. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. My College Experience Essay examples My College Experience Throughout my lifetime I have listened to people reflect back on their college experiences and explain how college is supposed to be "the best experience of your life." The summer after my senior year I use to try and imagine what my first semester was going to be like based on what I had heard people talk about in the past. After my first semester at NC State I realized that I couldn't fully understand what college was like until I experienced it for myself. My first couple of weeks at Ohio State was rough and really tested my strength (mental and physical). I faced challenges and obstacles that I had never heard about in those past college experience conversations. All of a sudden there was no one to get me out of...show more content... I can remember missing 8:05 classes because I stayed out too late the night before. In high school the teacher would constantly remind the students when certain assignments were due, but this was not the case in college. I learned that the hard way my first semester. Sometimes I forgot to turn in an assignment because I didn't properly read my syllabus and my professor never mentioned it. These were all new problems that could have easily let escalate without taking the proper actions. For the most part I was doing fairly well but a few of my grades began to plummet. I was losing the confidence in myself and started to wonder if going to college had been the best decision. The time had come for me to grow up and become an adult even I didn't feel the time was right. I immediately began attending tutoring sessions, working with peers and also keeping a daily todo list. These factors were the eventually led to drastic improvement and success. After my first semester I learned how better manage my time, take advantage of campus resources and also how to organize myself better. These struggles also taught me that sometimes I try and rush through things instead of taking my time. I realized that one of my strong points is being able to really do well when my back is against the wall. Although I was unhappy while facing obstacles I am happy I experienced them. I believe this experience was the reason for my Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. My College Writing Project In choosing my genre for thesis, I considered what would both be a challenge and where I could improve certain strengths. Throughout my college writing career here at Edinboro, most of my interest consisted in essay writing and fiction writing. For the many themes I wished to explore, I thought fiction might allow me the most creative avenues. As a doublemajor in English Writing and Sociology, I have been obsessed with themes of race, time, memory, language, history, and communication. Both of my majors have contributed to the culmination of these ideas and I decided the best vessel for them, for everything I've learned, and that would allow for the most creative storytelling advantages led was fiction. More specifically social fiction and...show more content... Given my biggest writing influences, which ranges from Toni Morrison and James Baldwin to Elizabeth Strout and Zadie Smith, it my topics I thought would be able to morph and evolve best in the flexible form of fiction storytelling. The challenge fiction posed for me during the completion of the thesis project was the overall creative freedom. My writing style is far from linear; I tend to jump around given what ideas are most fully formed in my mind at the time and the freedom to go from one part of my story to the other sometimes made the writing process a bit manic and scattered. But it was certainly never boring. That creative freedom in a fiction story can be as scary as it is liberating. With creative nonfiction and essay writing, I believe the writer has somewhat of a basic blueprint of real world truth they must adhere to. Even in poetry (and I could be wrong) there is a formulaic balance that the poet predisposed to given the poem form or type. However, the varied ways to write fiction prose never seems to stay static. I considered a more experimental, somewhat abstract concept at firststraightforward chapters with little interludes in between with thoughts or stray poems or scenes that were cut out from other narratives. However, I chose to keep the story concealed within a basic fiction novel Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. College Writing Challenges As author Joshua J. Marine said, " Challenges are what makes life interesting overcoming them is what makes life meaningful," applied now, are you prepared to overcome the transition from highschool to college writing? Yes, that transition is tough, but the experience it will give will be totally worth it in the end. In college I will have to grow accustomed to writing about new topics in new styles and explore the different ways I can present my ideas and incorporate them into the paper I am writing. My vocabulary has to grow, for two reasons, which are to keep up a level of interest in the readerwho wants to read the same words over and over again? and to again express my ideas in the clearest and most effective way. In the transition...show more content... One main difference, though, is that in high school there was only one way taught to play out my argument, in college there are so many different ways I can discuss my perspective. When argumenting for myself, there should not be a sense of, "Here is my idea, take it or leave it," but a sense of me wanting to share my knowledge and opinion for the reader to form an opinion of their own. College writing has been fun, though hard, because of the difficulty I have had changing my process from topic to essay, to essay to topic. Another contrast in writing would be that the arguments I discuss have changed to having a more conversational flow, still a hint of debate in there, but not as forced as you might find in my high school essays where I was just trying to find enough words to fill out the page, despite my point being proven. This topic, however, on the transition between high school to college writing I feel more connected to because I have the ability to make my essay the stand point, not the topic. So far in my barelythere college writing experience I've found there has been much more of an open field, with much more room for interpretation of the topic I am given, and I Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. college essay Accomplishments for my college years My name is NAME. I am Age and I live in WHERE YOU LIVE in fact I have lived here all my life. I am currently attending SCHOOL NAME, which has helped prepare me for my future at a college or university level. I began working with children and youth at a very early age. This began as the leader of recreation summer camps and coaching youth basketball teams, and soon led me to my current career path. When I was sixteen I was very grateful to be approached about designing and implementing a program for youth. It was an excellent experience for me, giving me knowledge and confidence. Over the years I have assisted the gym teachers in my high school and worked with the mentally challenged. They...show more content... In my past four years in high school I have set my self forth to become not a good but a great leader. I have worked very hard in high school and in the community to show my leadership qualities and what I will have to offer as a future educator. As a future educator, I want to influence others to strive for their goals to never give up no matter how hard or challenging their task may be. I feel that I will be able to accomplish my goals and dedicate my life to the education field. I am choosing the field of education to teach and to enjoy what I do for a living, and to get what I feel will be the best from life and a career. Working with children and teenagers is something I get great satisfaction from. Education is the field in which, I plan to dedicate a good part of my life. Knowing that I am majoring in education has given me a direction; I plan to work to my fullest potential to obtain the goals and ideals of becoming not just a good teacher but a great one. Through my years in school many of my teachers have influenced me and have shown me a direction and a career. The teachers I have had over the years have shown me the gratification a person can get out of educating children and being a positive influence on them. The pride that I can take in teaching my students is a feeling that has influenced me to choose this field. Seeing that teaching is not only just a job, but also a way I can Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. My Journey to College Essay My Journey to College I first came to the university during spring break of my junior year of high school. At the time I was just visiting the three main universities in Arizona so that I would be able to make an educated decision as to where I wanted to get my college education. There were many events showing me the way to this university and little did I know that these events would come upon me and that they would show me the doors to the place where I was truly meant to be. I had a small thought in mind of becoming a chef or something else in the hospitality field. My mom had heard about NAU's hospitality college and informed me that it was within the top ten. During our visit to NAU we met with and...show more content... I then had the dilemma of deciding which dorm I wanted to apply for. This was a large decision for me seeing as how I had never moved in my life and how this would be my new home for the next year. I chose Rielly Hall which was the best I could do by looking at pictures online. After being accepted my mom and I made another visit up to NAU so that I could see the university with different eyes, eyes that new this was where the journey of my life was heading next. We arrived at NAU and I was very excited to be on campus once again but with a completely new perspective. I met with an HRM advisor and talked a little more about the program. At that time I learned all about their study abroad program. From that information I decide that I wanted not to just be a hotel and restaurant major but that I wanted to be a full International Hospitality major. This was going to be a little more work than my original plan but I would get to study abroad and experience so much culture. After my meeting with the HRM advisor we headed over to the dorms to check them out. I ended up walking past Sechrist Hall first and was approached by an NAU student who seemed to be about a Junior and was an RA on one of the floors. As he approached me he said "Would you like me to show you around the building". Even Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. My first day at college had a great meaning to me. It was the beginning of my dream to go to college and to pursue a higher education.I had so many emotions running trough me , it was the first time being in this level and the first time paying for education myself. I always wanted to be a college student, a serious student who would decide what to be in her life. The first day at Truman College was on August 25th, 2005. The first year of my freshman year and Fall semester. That day I had so many things on my mind, from what I was going to wear to figure out where the class number and the floor it would be located at. It was actually a day full of new experiences. I had just turned 28 years old. By the time I had a fulltime job in...show more content... I never took a class like this before, and it was a totally different system than a traditional class that I used to attend. I considered that would help me later in the future with other classes. Thus, I loved the idea of taking an English class in this kind of environment, moreover, I was proud to be part of it. In addition, I thought it was a good idea to use laptops in class since I owed one at home, and I was able to relate with the purpose of the class. For instance, I could enter an electronic groupforum from home, so we were able to share ideas an opinions without being in the classroom. Also, I found very handy to be able to send my homework electronically to my teacher. On the other hand, one of the greatest experiences I had in the first day was, not only being in a interesting English class, but being part of a diverse and cultural international class. Well, I call it this way because to me, it was the first impression. Although, I always wanted to study abroad and to be an international student , English 100, gave me the opportunity to meet and share experiences with people from other nationalities. Although most of my classmates did not speak Spanish, which is my native language, I was able to communicate in English with them. Moreover, I was interested in learning another language; thus, I met a girl from Get more content on HelpWriting.net