This document provides guidance on writing apology emails. It explains that using "I'm sorry that" takes full responsibility for the issue, while "I'm sorry if" does not imply full responsibility. It also recommends using "I'm sorry about" to apologize for minor mistakes like typos or incorrect dates. Examples are given for each phrase, such as "I'm sorry that the correct file was not sent" or "I'm sorry if you didn't receive my previous mail." The purpose is to teach the proper way to structure apologies in professional emails.
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Write your email professionally- Writing apology Emails
6. Im sorry if
Not sure of Responsibility
Im sorry if + description..
7. Im sorry if
Im sorry if + description..
Im sorry if you didnt receive my previous mail on
training calendar.
Im sorry if I didnt understand the directions correctly.
9. Im sorry that
100% sure of the responsibility
Im sorry that + description
10. Im sorry that
100% sure of the responsibility
Im sorry that + description
Im sorry that the correct file was not sent.
Im sorry that our training for next cycle has been deferred.
11. Im sorry that the correct file was not sent.
I have included the correct file in the attachment.
Im sorry that our training for next cycle has been deferred.
Please check the new dates below at your convenience.
12. Im sorry about
Im sorry about + Noun
Slip- ups , minor
13. Im sorry about + Noun
Im sorry about + Noun
Im sorry about the confusion. I will send you the new
document with updated statistics shortly.
14. Im sorry about the confusion.
Im sorry for the inconvenience/delay.