2. Introduction
Think about your introduction as a narrative written
in two to four paragraphs that briefly answers the
following four questions:
What is the central research problem?
What is the topic of study related to that research
What methods should be used to analyze the research
Why is this important research, what is its
significance, and why should someone reading the
proposal care about the outcomes of the proposed
3. Background and Significance
To that end, while there are no prescribed rules for establishing the significance of
your proposed study, you should attempt to address some or all of the following:
State the research problem and give a more detailed explanation about the purpose
of the study than what you stated in the introduction. This is particularly important if
the problem is complex or multifaceted.
Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth
doing; be sure to answer the "So What? question [i.e., why should anyone care].
Describe the major issues or problems to be addressed by your research. This can be
in the form of questions to be addressed. Be sure to note how your proposed study
builds on previous assumptions about the research problem.
Explain the methods you plan to use for conducting your research. Clearly identify
the key sources you intend to use and explain how they will contribute to your
analysis of the topic.
Describe the boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.
Where appropriate, state not only what you plan to study, but what aspects of the
research problem will be excluded from the study.
If necessary, provide definitions of key concepts or terms.
4. Literature Review
To help frame your proposal's review of prior research, consider the "five Cs" of
writing a literature review:
Cite, so as to keep the primary focus on the literature pertinent to your research
Compare the various arguments, theories, methodologies, and findings expressed in
the literature: what do the authors agree on? Who applies similar approaches to
analyzing the research problem?
Contrast the various arguments, themes, methodologies, approaches, and
controversies expressed in the literature: describe what are the major areas of
disagreement, controversy, or debate among scholars?
Critique the literature: Which arguments are more persuasive, and why? Which
approaches, findings, and methodologies seem most reliable, valid, or appropriate,
and why? Pay attention to the verbs you use to describe what an author says/does
[e.g., asserts, demonstrates, argues, etc.].
Connect the literature to your own area of research and investigation: how does
your own work draw upon, depart from, synthesize, or add a new perspective to
what has been said in the literature?
5. Research Design and Methods
This section must be well-written and logically organized because you are not actually doing the
research, yet, your reader must have confidence that it is worth pursuing.
When describing the methods you will use, be sure to cover the following:
Specify the research process you will undertake and the way you will interpret the results
obtained in relation to the research problem. Don't just describe what you intend to achieve from
applying the methods you choose, but state how you will
spend your time while applying these methods [e.g., coding text from interviews to find
statements about the need to change school curriculum; running a regression to determine if
there is a relationship between campaign advertising on social media
sites and election outcomes in Europe].
Keep in mind that the methodology is not just a list of tasks; it is an argument as to why these
tasks add up to the best way to investigate the research problem. This is an important point
because the mere listing of tasks to be performed does not
demonstrate that, collectively, they effectively address the research problem. Be sure you clearly
explain this.
Anticipate and acknowledge any potential barriers and pitfalls in carrying out your research
design and explain how you plan to address them. No method is perfect so you need to describe
where you believe challenges may exist in obtaining data or
accessing information. It's always better to acknowledge this than to have it brought up by your
6. Preliminary Suppositions and
When thinking about the potential implications of your study, ask the following questions:
What might the results mean in regards to challenging the theoretical framework
and underlying assumptions that support the study?
What suggestions for subsequent research could arise from the potential outcomes
of the study?
What will the results mean to practitioners in the natural settings of their
Will the results influence programs, methods, and/or forms of intervention?
How might the results contribute to the solution of social, economic, or other types
of problems?
Will the results influence policy decisions?
In what way do individuals or groups benefit should your study be pursued?
What will be improved or changed as a result of the proposed research?
How will the results of the study be implemented and what innovations or
transformative insights could emerge from the process of implementation?
7. Conclusion
The conclusion reiterates the importance or significance of your proposal and
provides a brief summary of the entire study. This section should be only one
or two paragraphs long, emphasizing why the research problem is worth
investigating, why your research study is unique, and how it should advance
existing knowledge.
Someone reading this section should come away with an understanding of:
Why the study should be done,
The specific purpose of the study and the research questions it attempts
to answer,
The decision to why the research design and methods used where chosen
over other options,
The potential implications emerging from your proposed study of the
research problem, and
A sense of how your study fits within the broader scholarship about the
research problem.
8. References
References -- lists only the literature that you
actually used or cited in your proposal.
Dont use statement without reference.
Use style according to your university rules.
Give respect whom work you are quoted.
9. Common Mistakes in Proposal
Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question.
Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.
Failure to cite landmark studies.
Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by
other researchers.
Failure to stay focused on the research question.
Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed
Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.
Too much rambling -- going "all over the map" without a clear sense of
(The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.)
Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.
Too long or too short.
Failing to follow the APA style.
Slopping writing.