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Writing a social justice action plan
Part I: Theoretical and historical frame
Part II: Practical frame
Part III: Proposal for action
Part IV: Justification
What are the scholarly perspectives on the
causes, consequences, and possible solutions to the
social justice challenge youre addressing?
 In a nutshell, how are you defining the challenge?
 What about its causes, consequences, and potential
solutions do the scholars agree upon?
 What do they disagree about?
 Where do you stand in this debate, and why?
What are the local stakeholders perspectives on the
causes, consequences, and possible solutions to the
social justice challenge youre addressing?
What do the stakeholders agree upon?
What do they stakeholders about?
How do the stakeholders perspectives compare/contrast
with the scholars perspectives?
Where do you stand in this debate, and why?
Specifically what do you propose that our social justice
community do to address the challenge youve
 Begin your proposal with a succinct overview of the
action, and then break it down step by step, with a
 Discuss whos cooperation youll need and how youll
win it.
 Discuss likely sources of resistance to your action and
how youll negotiate them.
Why should the community  our LLC, the campus
community, and/or the wider community  join you in
this action?
 How does the action you propose address the
challenge as you discussed it in Part I? That is, how
does it speak to the scholars arguments?
 How does it address the issues raised in Part II? That
is, how does it fir with the stakeholders perspectives
and meet their concerns?
 How does it advance values that our LLC, the campus
community, and/or the wider community share?

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Writing a social justice action plan

  • 2. FOUR PARTS Part I: Theoretical and historical frame Part II: Practical frame Part III: Proposal for action Part IV: Justification
  • 3. PART I: THEORETICAL AND HISTORICAL FRAME What are the scholarly perspectives on the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to the social justice challenge youre addressing? In a nutshell, how are you defining the challenge? What about its causes, consequences, and potential solutions do the scholars agree upon? What do they disagree about? Where do you stand in this debate, and why?
  • 4. PART II: PRACTICAL FRAME What are the local stakeholders perspectives on the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to the social justice challenge youre addressing? What do the stakeholders agree upon? What do they stakeholders about? How do the stakeholders perspectives compare/contrast with the scholars perspectives? Where do you stand in this debate, and why?
  • 5. PART III: PROPOSAL FOR ACTION Specifically what do you propose that our social justice community do to address the challenge youve identified? Begin your proposal with a succinct overview of the action, and then break it down step by step, with a timeline. Discuss whos cooperation youll need and how youll win it. Discuss likely sources of resistance to your action and how youll negotiate them.
  • 6. PART IV: JUSTIFICATION Why should the community our LLC, the campus community, and/or the wider community join you in this action? How does the action you propose address the challenge as you discussed it in Part I? That is, how does it speak to the scholars arguments? How does it address the issues raised in Part II? That is, how does it fir with the stakeholders perspectives and meet their concerns? How does it advance values that our LLC, the campus community, and/or the wider community share?