Michael had been working all day and was tired and hungry (1). He went to a nearby restaurant for dinner (2). While at the restaurant, he saw Margaret, a classmate he hadn't seen in a long time (5-6). They realized they had been working in nearby offices for almost a year without knowing (7-8).
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Writing a story
A good plot (argumento)
A good end; funny, dramatic, unexpected
Cohesion between paragraphs, use adjectives, verbs to describe what is happening.
Be careful with tenses, you must use them correctly.
Imagine you have to start with this sentence : It had been a long and rainy day.....Hab鱈a sido un d鱈a largo y lluvioso.
1. Use your imagination to develop the plot: You can start thingking the story in Spanish, but be careful with the translation.
2. Ask you questions?
- who the main character is, his/her name
- Which the main idea is
- What the character did before that moment: Was he working? Studying? Was he alone?
- What the character is going to do: Is he going to the cinema? To sleep?
- What happens in a decisive point in the story: Does the character know someone? Is he in another planet?
- What about the end: Does he receive a present? Is a happy end?
3. Organise your ideas
- Beginning: It had been a long and rainy day....hab鱈a sido un d鱈a largo y lluvioso.
- What happened before: Michael hab鱈a estado trabajando todo el d鱈a y estaba muy cansando. Tiene hambre y sed.
- What happens during the story: Decide ir a cenar a un restaurante cercano.
- Decisive point: De pronto, ve a una mujer que conoce. Se trata de Margaret, una compa単era de colegio que no ve鱈a hace mucho. Se ven y se saludan.
Ambos se alegran mucho de verse.
- Ending: Michael y Margaret se dan cuenta que trabajan en oficinas muy pr坦ximas. Lo inesperado ha ocurrido.
NOW, think about the correct tenses you have to use Past Perfect ( had been, had gone), Past simple( was, saw, went), Past continuous ( was Reading)
Correspondencia de tiempos verbales para narraciones (stories) FCE
Espa単ol Ingl辿s Ejemplo
Pret辿rito Pluscuamperfecto
Sujeto + hab鱈a visto/hecho
Past Perfect
Subject + had+ seen/done/been
They had never been so happy.
Ellos nunca hab鱈an sido tan
2. felices.
Pret辿rito indefinido/imperfecto
Sujeto + verbo en pasado
Simple Past Tense
Subject + simple past tense
won, ate, saw
She won the lottery. Ella gan坦 la
Pret辿rito indefinido/imperfecto
Past Tense Verbo to be.
Sujeto +fue+ era + estaba
Past Tense verb to be
Subject + was/were
She was very happy. Ella estaba
muy contenta.
Pasado para di叩logos
l dijo, pens坦, pregunt坦, orden坦,
cont坦, record坦
Past tense (for dialogues)
Suject + said, thought,asked, told,
He said to his friend: Wait
l le dijo a su amigo: Espera.
Pasado continuo
Sujeto + ser/estar + v.p. en participio
Past Continuous
Subject+ was/were + winning, eating,
He was working. l estaba
Sujeto + come, mira, camina
Present Tense
Subject + eat, look, walk
They eat, drink and smoke a lot.
Ellos comen, beben y fuman
Presente continuo (para di叩logos)
Sujeto + ser/estar/ presente
comiendo, mirando, caminando.
Present Continuous (for dialogues)
Subject + am/is/are + eating, looking,
Im coming she answered.
Voy dijo ella.
Futuro (para di叩logos)
Sujeto + comer叩, mirar叩, caminar叩
Future (for dialogues)
Subject + will eat, will look, will walk.
She said: I will go there. Ella dijo:
Yo ir辿 all鱈.
4. Write your story in English
- Be careful with the tenses
- Write short paragraphs. Each idea is a paragraph
- Use conectors.
- Use verbs and adjective to create the atmosphere
- Use some direct speech: She asked me: What are you doing here?
- Include a title
This is an example
It had been a long and rainy day. Michael had been working all day and was very tired and hungry.(1) He decided to go and have dinner at a restaurant
which was very near his office.(2) He put his raincoat on, took his umbrella and headed to the street. (3) He walked briskly to Le Chezon.(4)
The restaurant was half-full. As usual, he decided to sit at the bar and order some fish and chips. The waiter, Paul, knew him and said: Right away Sir,
while he served him the usual beer. Michael had a first sip and looked around. (5)卒Wow- he thought- thats Margaret- I havent seen her for ages. (6)
Margaret had been his classmate at secondary school. She seemed to be having a drink with a friend. She was calling the waiter, and suddenly saw
3. Michael sitting at the bar. They both smiled at each other.Michael went over to her to say hello. It was an exiciting encounter, and they were both very
happy to see each other again.(7) As they talked they came to realise that they had been working at offices which were very near for almost a year. Thats
life Michael Michael- unexpected things happen every day.(8)
- What happened before (1)
Michael had been working all day and was very tired and hungry.
1. Me he inventado un nombre para mi personaje: Michael.
2. He utilizado el Past Perfect Continuous. "Michael had been working/ Hab鱈a estado trabajando, para hacerlo coincidir con el Past Perfect
de la oraci坦n anterior "It had been a long/ hab鱈a sido...
- What happens during the story: (2) to (5)
1. Utilizo el Simple Past Tense: He decided to go and have dinner at a restaurant which was very near his office. Decidi坦 ir a cenara un restaurante
que estaba muy cerca de su oficina.
2. Narro una acci坦n tras otra en Simple Past Tense, para dar ritmo a la historia. He put his raincoat on, took his umbrella and headed to the
street. Se puso la gabardina, cogi坦 un paraguasy se dirigi坦 a la calle.
3. Utilizo "briskly" un adjetivo no tan com炭n que significa "br鱈o" para crear atm坦sfera. Invento el nombre del restaurante "Le Chezon." He walked
briskly to Le Chezon. Camin坦 con br鱈o a Le Chezon.
4. Creo m叩s ambiente. The restaurant was half-full. As usual, he decided to sit at the bar and order some fish and chips. The waiter, Paul, knew him and
said: Right away Sir, while he served him the usual beer. Michael had a first sip and looked around. El restaurante estaba medio lleno.Como de
costumbre decidi坦 sentarse en la barra y pedir pescado con patatas fritas. El camarero, Paul, lo conoc鱈a y le dijo: "Ahora mismo se単or",mientrasle
serv鱈a la cerveza de siempre. Michael tom坦 un trago y mir坦 a su alrededor.
- Decisive point.(6/7) Ending. (8)
5. Revise your writing 6. Write, write and write
Sentences to start the story
I was busy all day.... Estuve todo el d鱈a ocupado We were trying to contact them.... Estuvimos intentado contactar con ellos
It was a dark and cold night.... Era una noche oscura y fr鱈a.
Sentences to end the story
Eventually everything turned out fine....Al final todo sali坦 bien.
They smiled and went back home...Sonrieron y volvieron a casa It had to be that way... Tuvo que ser as鱈.