By is used to indicate proximity, the person that performs an action in a passive sentence, an action with a particular purpose, a means or method, a deadline, the person or thing that performs an action, how something is done, measurements or amounts, how frequently something increases or changes, and someone's character, job, etc.
With is used to indicate "using" something.
Beside is only used as a preposition meaning "next to" or "compared to" and is always followed by a noun, with "next to" being its more common meaning.
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Writing work-by (1)
1. 1
By isused to indicate proximity.Example:
Can I sitby you?
He wasstandingbyme.
The post office isbybank.
By isusedto indicate the personthatdoessomethinginapassive voice sentence.Example:
The microwave wasfixedbymechanic.
The flowerswere deliveredbypostman.
The branch office wasclosedbyheadoffice.
By isusedto indicate anactionwith a particularpurpose.Example:
You can pass the exambypreparingforit.
I expressedmyfeelingtowardherbywritingaletter.
She finallybroke the recordbypure effort.
By isusedto indicate ameanor method.Example:
Please sendthispackage toRussiabyairmail.
I came here bysubway.
We use byto talk abouta deadline whensomethingwill happenbefore thattime. Example:
By tomorrow
By nextweek
By six o'clock
By Wednesday
By summer
By isusedto showthe personor thingthat doessomething.Example:
The motorcycle wasdrivenby tinybald man.
I'm readingsome shortstories byChekhov.
I feltfrightenedby angerinhisvoice.
By isusedto showhowsomethingisdone.Example:
2. 2
TheytravelledacrossEurope bytrain.
He learnedEnglishbylisteningtothe radio.
I refuse tolive bytheirrules.
By as a prepositionisusedtoexpressnearorat the side of.Example:
A small childstoodsullenlybyherside.
He wantedtokeepherclose byhimalways.
The policewomanwalkedbythemwithoutsayingaword.
By isusedto showmeasurementsoramounts.Examples:
Our office floorspace measuredtwelve metersbyten.
Theirwageswere increasedby15 percent.
Freelance workersare paidby hour.
These phoneshave soldbythousand(=several thousandhave beensold).
By isusedto say that somethingincreasesorchangeswitheveryminute,hour,day,etc.Example:
The deathtoll from the hurricane wasclimbingminute byminute.
The credibilityof the campaignhasdeterioratedmonthbymonth.
By isusedto describe orshowwhat happenseveryminute,hour,etc. Example:
A minute-by-minute timelineof the incident.
The book paintsa detailed,week-by-weekportraitof hisfather'sillness.
By isusedwhendescribingsomeone'scharacter,job, etc.Example:
She is,by nature,a sunny,positive kindof person.
He's a plumberbytrade.
She was,by profession,alawyer.
Usedto indicate "using":
3. 3
eat witha fork;made us laughwithhisjokes.
I wrote a letterwiththe penyougave me.
Is usedonlyasa preposition,whichmeansthereisalwaysanounfollowingit.Itmeanseithernext
to or comparedto, as showninthe examplesbelow.The firstmeaning,nextto,ismore
She sat beside (=nextto) himduringdinner.
I like tositbeside myfriend.
(Mairs s.f.)
Mairs, Jane. Meriab Webster. s.f.
and-besides-preposition-adverb(炭ltimoacceso:14de Enerode 2016). s.f.炭ltimo
acceso:14 de enerode 2016).