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Chapter 7

                              7.6        Name:                                    Class:                   Date:

                   Greenery Galore                                                                ge
                                                                                                     t   Skill:

                                                                                                   Analysing reasons
                                                                                                   and ways of
1.   Photograph A and Photograph B show two nature reserves in                                     conserving land

     A                                                      The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve was
                                                            established as a forest reserve in 1883.
                                                            Today, it is home to 840 species of plants
                                                            and 500 species of animals.


                 The Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve was
                 set aside as a nature reserve in January
                 2002. It is an important habitat for
                 migratory birds.

In groups of three or four, recommend an area of land in Singapore to be conserved as a nature
reserve and write a report on it. Visit the National Parks Board website at http://www.nparks.
gov.sg to 鍖nd out more about nature reserves under the heading Parks & Gardens.

Use the following questions to guide you.
   What is a nature reserve?
   What are the criteria a piece of land must have in order for it to be set aside
    as a nature reserve?

Your report should include the following:
   Why the area of land you have chosen should be conserved as a nature reserve
   How the area of land will be conserved to protect its plant and animal life

Your report should not exceed 350 words. Photographs, maps or newspaper articles should be
added where appropriate to support your report.

                                                                                                                  Worksheet 7.6   79
Use the rubrics below to 鍖nd out how well your group has done. For each criterion, put a tick
     in the box that best re鍖ects your performance.

          Criterion        Excellent                    Good               Average            Needs
       Content         You have given at         You have given        You have given      You have given
                       least three reasons       at least three        at least two        one reason and
                       and three suggestions     reasons and two       reasons and one     one suggestion
                       for conserving the        suggestions for       suggestion for      for conserving the
                       area. You have also       conserving the        conserving the      area.
                       attached relevant         area.                 area.
                       evidence to support
                       your case.

       Explanation     You have given            You have given        You have            You have merely
                       clear and detailed        clear explanations.   given brief         listed your points.
                       explanations.                                   explanations.

       Research        You have referred         You have referred     You have            You have only
                       to several sources,       to several sources,   referred to a few   referred to one
                       including other           including other       sources, such as    source (i.e. the
                       websites, books           websites and          other websites,     website given)
                       or brochures and          books or brochures    to obtain your      to obtain your
                       surveys to obtain         to obtain your        information.        information.
                       your information.         information.

       Presentation    Your report is well       Your report is        Your report         Your report
                       organised and             well organised. At    is neat. Only       is untidy.
                       attractively laid out.    least two relevant    one relevant        Illustrations used
                       At least three relevant   illustrations are     illustration is     are not clear or
                       and captioned             used.                 used.               irrelevant.
                       illustrations are used.

       Teamwork        Everyone in the           Everyone in the       At least three      Only one or
                       group participated        group participated    members             two members
                       actively in the           in the research and   participated in     participated in
                       research and writing,     writing.              the research and    the research and
                       and the work was                                writing.            writing.
                       equally distributed.

80   Worksheet 7.6

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Ws7 6

  • 1. Chapter 7 7.6 Name: Class: Date: Greenery Galore ge t Skill: r Ta Analysing reasons and ways of 1. Photograph A and Photograph B show two nature reserves in conserving land Singapore. A The Bukit Timah Nature Reserve was established as a forest reserve in 1883. Today, it is home to 840 species of plants and 500 species of animals. B The Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve was set aside as a nature reserve in January 2002. It is an important habitat for migratory birds. In groups of three or four, recommend an area of land in Singapore to be conserved as a nature reserve and write a report on it. Visit the National Parks Board website at http://www.nparks. gov.sg to 鍖nd out more about nature reserves under the heading Parks & Gardens. Use the following questions to guide you. What is a nature reserve? What are the criteria a piece of land must have in order for it to be set aside as a nature reserve? Your report should include the following: Why the area of land you have chosen should be conserved as a nature reserve How the area of land will be conserved to protect its plant and animal life Your report should not exceed 350 words. Photographs, maps or newspaper articles should be added where appropriate to support your report. Worksheet 7.6 79
  • 2. Use the rubrics below to 鍖nd out how well your group has done. For each criterion, put a tick in the box that best re鍖ects your performance. Criterion Excellent Good Average Needs improvement Content You have given at You have given You have given You have given least three reasons at least three at least two one reason and and three suggestions reasons and two reasons and one one suggestion for conserving the suggestions for suggestion for for conserving the area. You have also conserving the conserving the area. attached relevant area. area. evidence to support your case. Explanation You have given You have given You have You have merely clear and detailed clear explanations. given brief listed your points. explanations. explanations. Research You have referred You have referred You have You have only to several sources, to several sources, referred to a few referred to one including other including other sources, such as source (i.e. the websites, books websites and other websites, website given) or brochures and books or brochures to obtain your to obtain your surveys to obtain to obtain your information. information. your information. information. Presentation Your report is well Your report is Your report Your report organised and well organised. At is neat. Only is untidy. attractively laid out. least two relevant one relevant Illustrations used At least three relevant illustrations are illustration is are not clear or and captioned used. used. irrelevant. illustrations are used. Teamwork Everyone in the Everyone in the At least three Only one or group participated group participated members two members actively in the in the research and participated in participated in research and writing, writing. the research and the research and and the work was writing. writing. equally distributed. 80 Worksheet 7.6