Differenze tra Alfresco Community ed EnterpriseSoftInstigate
Quali sono le principali differenze tra Alfresco Community ed Enterprise? Lo scopo di questo webinar in italiano 竪 illustrare i servizi a valore aggiunto che la versione professionale e stabile di Alfresco mette a disposizione di system integrator e clienti finali. Partecipa se vuoi comprendere come funziona labbonamento Alfresco Enterprise, la manutenzione, il supporto tecnico, gli stack commerciali certificati, la consulenza e tutte le tecnologie aggiuntive (clustering, monitoraggio, tuning, configurazione a caldo, integrazioni con SAP, Kofax, XAM, ) della versione a pagamento di Alfresco, progettata per ambienti mission critical e supportata dal produttore.
This document lists various services related to organizational development, including needs assessments, group process facilitation, strategic planning, coalition building, grant research, business process improvement, leadership development, governance, change management, executive coaching, business continuity planning, policy work, community outreach, business networking, succession planning, performance measurement, and leveraging organizational strengths.
The document discusses the iceberg phenomenon, where only 10% of an iceberg is visible above water while 90% is below the surface. It states this also applies to humans, where only a small portion of one's knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors are visible to others, while much remains unseen below the surface. It then provides examples of positive attitudes and quotes about maintaining a positive attitude.
Storytelling as a Facilitation TechnologyRaju Mandhyan
Storytelling is an effective facilitation tool according to Dr. Joem Antonio. It can make activities seem easier by evoking emotions in the participants. Specifically, stories involve a protagonist overcoming a challenge to obtain a prize. This follows the basic structure of a beginning, escalation of conflict or obstacle, climax, and resolution. By crafting stories this way, facilitators can highlight the value of the activity, the feasibility of completing it, and ways to overcome difficulties. This engages emotions like hope, courage, and joy, which motivate participation and effort.
The document discusses Al Jazeera's partnership with Nokia to develop their media apps for Windows Phone 8. It allows Al Jazeera to reach new audiences, do cross-promotions for app discovery and downloads, and gain feedback to improve the user experience. The next releases of the Al Jazeera English and Arabic apps will have more features like on-demand shows, voice commands, live tiles, news maps, program schedules and customization options. The focus is on live updates, enhanced personalization and improved usability of the apps in Arabic and English.
The document outlines eight secrets to life and school success: 1) taking personal responsibility, 2) self-motivation through setting meaningful goals, 3) self-management including time management, 4) interdependence by reaching out to others, 5) lifelong learning through understanding one's learning style, 6) developing emotional intelligence, 7) believing in oneself, and 8) core beliefs and replacing self-defeating scripts. It emphasizes active learning, personal responsibility, valuing goals, managing time efficiently, and developing interpersonal skills for success.
10 good reasons for using the solution focused approachBRIEF
The document provides 10 reasons for adopting the Solution Focused Approach: 1) Research shows that it is effective and changes are well maintained. 2) It is time-efficient, with average sessions below 4. 3) It is flexible and can be used with individuals, couples, families and groups in various settings. 4) It builds staff morale by making workers feel better about their work and reducing burnout. 5) It is inclusive and can work with any presentation or across differences. 6) It builds cooperation, even in challenging situations. 7) The principles are simple and seen as common sense. 8) It is easy to learn, though perfection takes time. 9) It fits with current thinking in positive psychology and recovery models.
The document outlines the agenda for a retreat business workshop covering four sections: an overview of starting a retreat business; planning retreat logistics and finances; marketing and sales; and executing a successful retreat. Section one discusses factors for success or failure, considerations for leading a retreat, and initial steps. Section two covers financial planning, logistics, marketing strategies, and sales tactics. Section three reviews execution of the retreat week. Section four concludes with a question and answer session.
Strategic Planning Facilitation Guide - 2010 PMI Region 5 Conferencemmm2033
Facilitation Guide for working sessions to prioritize and align tactical initiatives with strategic objectives while providing visibility of organizational impacts. Includes process view, templates and sample deliverables. Proven solution was easily adopted by a volunteer professional organization as part of hosting regional peer organizations for their annual leadership conference.
One of the life-skills of delivering a positive No is the hallmark of an assertive individual. Based on the work of Prof. Ury this piece provides a very effective and robust technique of saying No while preserving your relationship with the person. Try this out and see the change in your chemistry with all around you.
A Japanese cosmetics company received a complaint about an empty soap box. Management asked engineers to solve the problem, who devised an expensive X-ray machine solution. However, a rank-and-file employee used a simple electric fan to blow empty boxes off the assembly line, providing a cheaper solution. The moral is to focus on simple solutions rather than complex problems.
This document lists various services related to organizational development, including needs assessments, group facilitation, strategic planning, coalition building, grant research, business process improvement, leadership development, governance, change management, executive coaching, business continuity planning, policy work, community outreach, business networking, succession planning, performance measurement, leveraging strengths, and working with non-profits, government, and businesses.
The document introduces the solutions focus approach, which is a proven method for change that focuses on solutions rather than problems. It emphasizes finding what works and building on successes. The approach was developed by Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer and focuses on the future, solutions, and what is working rather than the past or problems. Practitioners of the solutions focus use tools like the future perfect, scaling questions, and affirmations to help clients envision and work towards desired outcomes.
Solution Focus approach to complex casesNick Burnett
This document outlines a solution focused approach to complex cases presented by Nick Burnett. It discusses using questions focused on solutions rather than problems, and moving the discussion towards progress rather than explanations. It provides examples of solution focused tools like the future perfect, where the problem is imagined to be solved, miracle questions, scaling questions, and affirming clients' strengths. Partners practice these techniques on sample issues. The document emphasizes small, specific actions and positive consequences of potential solutions.
The document provides instructions from a professor to a student. It asks the student to edit slides as needed and let the professor know if a different format is preferred. It also informs the student that the professor will be traveling this weekend to visit their father-in-law in the hospital. If the professor does not return in time, the student is asked to meet at another time. The professor will be in class on Wednesday by 5pm to get the presentation ready and will print handouts for the class. The student is asked to let the professor know if anything else is needed.
The document outlines plans for a library staff retreat to develop a strategic plan through 20[Target Year]. It includes an agenda with introductions, discussions about the importance of libraries and community needs, a review of the preliminary service responses selected by the planning committee, and a tour of the library. The goal is for staff to provide input based on their knowledge of programs and community feedback to help develop a plan to guide the library.
This document provides guidance for product managers on developing successful early-stage products. It discusses prioritizing customer needs and product ideas, determining the right features, and ensuring good usability. Key aspects covered include understanding the problem and solution spaces, prioritizing user benefits and product features based on importance and satisfaction, evaluating ideas based on return and investment, and designing products to be easy to use for both frequent and infrequent features. The overall aim is helping companies build better products that meet customer needs.
This document provides an overview of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). Some key points:
- SFBT was developed in the 1980s and focuses on present and future goals rather than past problems. Therapists help clients identify exceptions, strengths, and solutions.
- Core principles include that clients are the experts in their own lives and change is constant. The future is uncertain but changeable. Therapists amplify what clients are already doing right.
- Common techniques include miracle questions to envision preferred futures, scaling questions to measure progress, and exploring exceptions when problems don't occur. The goal is for clients to do more of what works.
Squiggle birds is a quick exercise that you can use to get people stretching their visual thinking muscles. It takes about five minutes and quickly, clearly demonstrates how little effort is really required to make meaningful, easy-to-read images. The main point of the demonstration is that our minds are already pattern-making machines, and very little drawing is actually required to convey an idea. The mind will fill in the rest.
I learned this exercise from my friend Chris Glynn, a fine teacher who teaches fine things.
As always, your comments, thoughts and feedback are much appreciated.
Mastering the Art of Solution-Focused Counseling (Handouts)Jeffrey Guterman
The document provides information about an author content session on solution-focused counseling presented by Jeffrey T. Guterman. It includes the session description and objectives, an overview of solution-focused counseling principles and techniques, and references for further reading. The session aims to describe the theory, stages, and examples of solution-focused counseling to help clients build on their strengths and problem-solving abilities.
The story describes how an ant worked productively without supervision. However, a lion supervisor recruited additional managers like a cockroach, spider, and fly to oversee the ant's work. This led to increased paperwork and meetings that reduced the ant's productivity. More supervisors like a cicada and consultants like an owl were hired, further burdening the department. In the end, an audit revealed the department had become overstaffed and less productive, so the ant was fired for a lack of motivation.
Thank you for viewing this companion resource to our facilitation skills live training session! We hope you find this a great resource for your next presentation.
In this edition of Leadership Secrets of Mr. Potato Head created by our amazing Director of Awesomeness Amy Gallimore, TeamTRI takes you through over 100 slides containing tips and techniques for facilitating and moving your participants to a greater learning experience.
Inspired by Kelly Barnes's MOVE Formula, the Facilitation Secret's of Mr. Potato Head walks you through a brief history of the evolution of Mr. Potato Head and how that relates to the development phase each speaker and trainer goes through as they develop ninja level facilitation skills. Mr. Potato Head then walks you through a variety of methods to MOVE participants to an even greater learning experience.
Whether you're an educator, volunteer leader at church, a corporate trainer, or industry executive, if you have to get up and present you might as well get up and be awesome! There's bound to be at least one new tip or technique in here you can use to rock your next presentation and delight your audience.
Email us at info@teamtri.com if you're interested in even more ways we can coach or help your organization improve its facilitation and presentation skills.
WordPress Deployment e Migrazioni. Strategie e Pratiche EfficaciRenato Gelforte
Incontro informativo e pratico dedicato alle sfide e alle soluzioni relative alla migrazione e al deployment di siti creati con WordPress.
Milano 5 giugno 2024 presso edificio 6 Politecnico di Milano - gruppo WordPress MeetUp Milano
In questo incontro, dopo aver accennato agli approcci diversi utilizzati dagli sviluppatori, come ad esempio Bitnami, Softaculous, Docker, XAMPP MAMP e WAMP, Git o Composer per creare, sviluppare e mettere in opera siti WordPress si affrontano alcuni aspetti peculiari delle migrazioni.
Mentre ogni sviluppatore adotta un approccio unico e personale, in questo incontro si analizzano le pratiche comuni per mettere "in produzione" un sito WordPress.
Vengono esaminati i metodi tradizionali come l'utilizzo di FTP e MySQL, cos狸 come l'uso di plugin specializzati per semplificare il processo di deployment.
Inoltre, si illustra la procedura consigliata da WordPress.org "Giving WordPress Its Own Directory", che consente di lavorare direttamente su una cartella presente sul sito prima di metterlo online.
Durante l'incontro, viene presentato un esempio pratico di migrazione utilizzando una delle procedure descritte.
The document outlines eight secrets to life and school success: 1) taking personal responsibility, 2) self-motivation through setting meaningful goals, 3) self-management including time management, 4) interdependence by reaching out to others, 5) lifelong learning through understanding one's learning style, 6) developing emotional intelligence, 7) believing in oneself, and 8) core beliefs and replacing self-defeating scripts. It emphasizes active learning, personal responsibility, valuing goals, managing time efficiently, and developing interpersonal skills for success.
10 good reasons for using the solution focused approachBRIEF
The document provides 10 reasons for adopting the Solution Focused Approach: 1) Research shows that it is effective and changes are well maintained. 2) It is time-efficient, with average sessions below 4. 3) It is flexible and can be used with individuals, couples, families and groups in various settings. 4) It builds staff morale by making workers feel better about their work and reducing burnout. 5) It is inclusive and can work with any presentation or across differences. 6) It builds cooperation, even in challenging situations. 7) The principles are simple and seen as common sense. 8) It is easy to learn, though perfection takes time. 9) It fits with current thinking in positive psychology and recovery models.
The document outlines the agenda for a retreat business workshop covering four sections: an overview of starting a retreat business; planning retreat logistics and finances; marketing and sales; and executing a successful retreat. Section one discusses factors for success or failure, considerations for leading a retreat, and initial steps. Section two covers financial planning, logistics, marketing strategies, and sales tactics. Section three reviews execution of the retreat week. Section four concludes with a question and answer session.
Strategic Planning Facilitation Guide - 2010 PMI Region 5 Conferencemmm2033
Facilitation Guide for working sessions to prioritize and align tactical initiatives with strategic objectives while providing visibility of organizational impacts. Includes process view, templates and sample deliverables. Proven solution was easily adopted by a volunteer professional organization as part of hosting regional peer organizations for their annual leadership conference.
One of the life-skills of delivering a positive No is the hallmark of an assertive individual. Based on the work of Prof. Ury this piece provides a very effective and robust technique of saying No while preserving your relationship with the person. Try this out and see the change in your chemistry with all around you.
A Japanese cosmetics company received a complaint about an empty soap box. Management asked engineers to solve the problem, who devised an expensive X-ray machine solution. However, a rank-and-file employee used a simple electric fan to blow empty boxes off the assembly line, providing a cheaper solution. The moral is to focus on simple solutions rather than complex problems.
This document lists various services related to organizational development, including needs assessments, group facilitation, strategic planning, coalition building, grant research, business process improvement, leadership development, governance, change management, executive coaching, business continuity planning, policy work, community outreach, business networking, succession planning, performance measurement, leveraging strengths, and working with non-profits, government, and businesses.
The document introduces the solutions focus approach, which is a proven method for change that focuses on solutions rather than problems. It emphasizes finding what works and building on successes. The approach was developed by Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer and focuses on the future, solutions, and what is working rather than the past or problems. Practitioners of the solutions focus use tools like the future perfect, scaling questions, and affirmations to help clients envision and work towards desired outcomes.
Solution Focus approach to complex casesNick Burnett
This document outlines a solution focused approach to complex cases presented by Nick Burnett. It discusses using questions focused on solutions rather than problems, and moving the discussion towards progress rather than explanations. It provides examples of solution focused tools like the future perfect, where the problem is imagined to be solved, miracle questions, scaling questions, and affirming clients' strengths. Partners practice these techniques on sample issues. The document emphasizes small, specific actions and positive consequences of potential solutions.
The document provides instructions from a professor to a student. It asks the student to edit slides as needed and let the professor know if a different format is preferred. It also informs the student that the professor will be traveling this weekend to visit their father-in-law in the hospital. If the professor does not return in time, the student is asked to meet at another time. The professor will be in class on Wednesday by 5pm to get the presentation ready and will print handouts for the class. The student is asked to let the professor know if anything else is needed.
The document outlines plans for a library staff retreat to develop a strategic plan through 20[Target Year]. It includes an agenda with introductions, discussions about the importance of libraries and community needs, a review of the preliminary service responses selected by the planning committee, and a tour of the library. The goal is for staff to provide input based on their knowledge of programs and community feedback to help develop a plan to guide the library.
This document provides guidance for product managers on developing successful early-stage products. It discusses prioritizing customer needs and product ideas, determining the right features, and ensuring good usability. Key aspects covered include understanding the problem and solution spaces, prioritizing user benefits and product features based on importance and satisfaction, evaluating ideas based on return and investment, and designing products to be easy to use for both frequent and infrequent features. The overall aim is helping companies build better products that meet customer needs.
This document provides an overview of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). Some key points:
- SFBT was developed in the 1980s and focuses on present and future goals rather than past problems. Therapists help clients identify exceptions, strengths, and solutions.
- Core principles include that clients are the experts in their own lives and change is constant. The future is uncertain but changeable. Therapists amplify what clients are already doing right.
- Common techniques include miracle questions to envision preferred futures, scaling questions to measure progress, and exploring exceptions when problems don't occur. The goal is for clients to do more of what works.
Squiggle birds is a quick exercise that you can use to get people stretching their visual thinking muscles. It takes about five minutes and quickly, clearly demonstrates how little effort is really required to make meaningful, easy-to-read images. The main point of the demonstration is that our minds are already pattern-making machines, and very little drawing is actually required to convey an idea. The mind will fill in the rest.
I learned this exercise from my friend Chris Glynn, a fine teacher who teaches fine things.
As always, your comments, thoughts and feedback are much appreciated.
Mastering the Art of Solution-Focused Counseling (Handouts)Jeffrey Guterman
The document provides information about an author content session on solution-focused counseling presented by Jeffrey T. Guterman. It includes the session description and objectives, an overview of solution-focused counseling principles and techniques, and references for further reading. The session aims to describe the theory, stages, and examples of solution-focused counseling to help clients build on their strengths and problem-solving abilities.
The story describes how an ant worked productively without supervision. However, a lion supervisor recruited additional managers like a cockroach, spider, and fly to oversee the ant's work. This led to increased paperwork and meetings that reduced the ant's productivity. More supervisors like a cicada and consultants like an owl were hired, further burdening the department. In the end, an audit revealed the department had become overstaffed and less productive, so the ant was fired for a lack of motivation.
Thank you for viewing this companion resource to our facilitation skills live training session! We hope you find this a great resource for your next presentation.
In this edition of Leadership Secrets of Mr. Potato Head created by our amazing Director of Awesomeness Amy Gallimore, TeamTRI takes you through over 100 slides containing tips and techniques for facilitating and moving your participants to a greater learning experience.
Inspired by Kelly Barnes's MOVE Formula, the Facilitation Secret's of Mr. Potato Head walks you through a brief history of the evolution of Mr. Potato Head and how that relates to the development phase each speaker and trainer goes through as they develop ninja level facilitation skills. Mr. Potato Head then walks you through a variety of methods to MOVE participants to an even greater learning experience.
Whether you're an educator, volunteer leader at church, a corporate trainer, or industry executive, if you have to get up and present you might as well get up and be awesome! There's bound to be at least one new tip or technique in here you can use to rock your next presentation and delight your audience.
Email us at info@teamtri.com if you're interested in even more ways we can coach or help your organization improve its facilitation and presentation skills.
WordPress Deployment e Migrazioni. Strategie e Pratiche EfficaciRenato Gelforte
Incontro informativo e pratico dedicato alle sfide e alle soluzioni relative alla migrazione e al deployment di siti creati con WordPress.
Milano 5 giugno 2024 presso edificio 6 Politecnico di Milano - gruppo WordPress MeetUp Milano
In questo incontro, dopo aver accennato agli approcci diversi utilizzati dagli sviluppatori, come ad esempio Bitnami, Softaculous, Docker, XAMPP MAMP e WAMP, Git o Composer per creare, sviluppare e mettere in opera siti WordPress si affrontano alcuni aspetti peculiari delle migrazioni.
Mentre ogni sviluppatore adotta un approccio unico e personale, in questo incontro si analizzano le pratiche comuni per mettere "in produzione" un sito WordPress.
Vengono esaminati i metodi tradizionali come l'utilizzo di FTP e MySQL, cos狸 come l'uso di plugin specializzati per semplificare il processo di deployment.
Inoltre, si illustra la procedura consigliata da WordPress.org "Giving WordPress Its Own Directory", che consente di lavorare direttamente su una cartella presente sul sito prima di metterlo online.
Durante l'incontro, viene presentato un esempio pratico di migrazione utilizzando una delle procedure descritte.
Il Microsoft .NET Framework 竪 in continua evoluzione ed ha raggiunto la versione 4.0 accompagnato da moltissime novit. In questa sessione andremo in dettaglio per ci嘆 che riguarda l'ultima versione di ASP.NET 4.0, ponendo il focus sulle nuove funzionalit e sui cambiamenti pi湛 importanti. Con esempi pratici vedremo come questa nuova versione agevoler lo sviluppatore nel realizzare le proprie applicazioni. Maggiore controllo del codice prodotto, SEO, nuovi template project, Script Loader, Client Data Access e migliorie ai controlli esistenti, sono solo alcuni degli argomenti che verranno trattati.
Talks on my machine: Drupal CMS versus The Cool Kidssparkfabrik
Drupal 竪 un carrozzone obsoleto, dicono in molti. Dobbiamo essere agili e disaccoppiati rispondono altri. Esistono decine di CMS online che con 2 click ti mettono a disposizione un backend piuttosto configurabile ed espongono i tuoi contenuti via API. Gi, piuttosto configurabile...
Qualche tempo fa un cliente ci ha dato una lista di funzionalit e ci ha chiesto di valutare, tra i vari CMS headless disponibili sul mercato, quello che ne soddisfacesse di pi湛.
I requisiti erano i pi湛 disparati, dal supporto al multilingua ai workflow editoriali avanzati; dalla possibilit di chiamare API di terze parte al login via Single Sign On.
Indovinate un po? Nessuno era in grado di rispettarli tutti.
Sapete invece chi li rispettava tutti? Gi, Drupal. Certo non era il pi湛 cool, non aveva linterfaccia pi湛 carina, cera (troppo) poco JavaScript. Ma alla fine il lavoro a casa lavrebbe portato, e senza compromessi.
La community Drupal per嘆 vorrebbe che Drupal finisse nella lista dei cool kids e sta lavorando alacremente a Drupal CMS, una soluzione per migliorare drasticamente lesperienza duso di Drupal.
In questo talk vedremo quali sono le principali differenze tra Drupal CMS e alcune piattaforme headless come Strapi e Contentful.
WordPress, CMS/Blog per tutte le esigenzeRaoul Petten嘆
Lobbiettivo di questa presentazione, non 竪 tanto quello di mostrare le funzionalit di unapplicazione web o farne un riassunto del manuale utente, ma mostrare alcune peculiarit e stimolare la curiosit a provare uno strumento che pu嘆 essere molto utile qualsiasi sia linteresse che muove un player della rete.
Joomla! 1.5: CMS a mani tese verso gli sviluppatoriGrUSP
Joomla! 竪 un CMS ritenuto troppo spesso una soluzione esclusivamente for dummies : in questo intervento cercheremo di sfatare questa convinzione andando ad analizzare le feature che la versione 1.5 ha introdotto a favore degli sviluppatori.
Verranno proposte, per ogni capitolo del talk, slide introduttive e di approfondimento, concludendo con un case study per ogni tematica proposta.
Obiettivo del talk sar quello di comprendere quanto Joomla! sia una soluzione che offre grandi vantaggi fondendo abbattimento di costi, elevata relazionabilit con il cliente finale e buona estendibilit per le esigenze dello sviluppatore.
Un breve talk per introdurre ad alcune funzioni native di Joomla! ( e del suo framework ) che ci permettono di riconsiderare il CMS a liverllo di sviluppo.
Enterprise Applications - Angular Day 2018Paolo Galfione
Angular 6 introduce il concetto di workspace per la creazione di applicazioni Angular aziendali complesse e articolate. Grazie ad un approccio basato sul pattern mono-repo un workspace pu嘆 contenere pi湛 applicazioni e librerie condivisibili tra le applicazioni stesse. Vedremo come progettare un workspace e sfruttare la potenza dei nuovi @angular-devkit/schematics per automatizzare la generazione di codice applicativo pronto alluso
Come portare il profiler di symfony2 in drupal8Luca Lusso
Molti progetti PHP open source hanno adottato Symfony2 come base per la loro prossima versione, tra questi c'竪 anche il CMS Drupal (http://drupal.org). In questo talk vedremo come scrivere un modulo per Drupal8 in modo da sfruttare il pi湛 possibile il suo nuovo motore Symfony2, dall'integrazione con il service container alla gestione degli eventi, dal routing a Twig. Verr usato come esempio il modulo webprofiler (http://drupal.org/project/webprofiler) per dimostrare come un bundle per Symfony2 possa essere trasformato in un modulo per Drupal8 e integrato facilmente nel sistema.
2. Cos竪 e a cosa serveIl WSS solution framework fornisce una metodologia e degli strumenti per estendere WSS raggruppando tutto quanto 竪 necessario in un unico file chiamato solution file. Un solution file 竪 un file CAB con estensione .WSP.Il file 竪 deployable e riusabile, pu嘆 contenere un set di elementi attivabili e disattivabili individualmente (Feature) ed 竪 lunico modo per eseguire automaticamente il deployment di funzionalit su una SharePoint server farm. In una multiple server farm, il solution framework gestisce automaticamente listallazione su tutti i server. Una volta creato dallo sviluppatore pu嘆 essere consegnato ad un server administratore distribuito ed istallato su diversi server.
3. A cosa serveCon una Solution si pu嘆:Istallare FeaturesIstallare assemblies nella GAC Istallare assemblies nella directory BIN di una web application Aggiungere assembly descriptions alla sezione safecontrols del web.config.Settare delle Code Access Security configurations.Istallare file nelle directory di SharePoint (C:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\MicrosoftShared\web server extensions\12\) detto anche 12 hive.Istallare una site definition.
4. A cosa serveUna Featureincapsula una funzionalit per estendere il coreproductdi SharePoint. E un insieme di file XML che descrivono elementi di WSS attivabili in scope specifici. Un feature manifest file checontiene le info generichesulcontenutodella feature e deglielement manifest file checontengono le informazioni circa glispecificielementiche la compongono. Con una Feature si pu嘆: Aggiungere una site columnAggiungere un contenttypeAggiungere una list template e creare una list instanceAggiungere custom actions ai menu di SharePointIstallare web parts, master pages, layout pages, immagini e altri contenutiEcc
5. Cosa contiene, com竪 fattaFigure 15. Anatomy of a SharePoint solutionUna Solution package contiene:Assemblies .NET contenenti la logica degli elementi inclusi nella soluzione.File da deployare come immagini, file per il multilingua, css, jse altro. File xml per il delivery di template e la definizione di siti, liste, document library, fields, contenttypes, e altro.File di configurazione per il settaggio dei front-end Web server in cui si fa il deploy.Manifest file per guidare il processo di deploy, elencando tutti gli asset contenuti nella solution (riferimenti a file), le loro target locations e configurazioni varie.
6. Come crearloOrganizzaregerarchicamenteivari files in cartelle dedicate.Creareil manifest file nel root folder.Creareun ddf file nel root folder.Il file DDF dichiaraquali file inserirenel cabinet. Vieneusatodamakecab.exe per creareil file CAB. Molti productivity tool possono generare i file manifest, ddf e wsp automaticamente.
7. Ciclo di vita delle SolutionWSPAggiunta a Solution StoreDeploymentAttivazione/disattivazione FeaturesAggiornamentoUtilizzoRitiroCancellazione
8. Aggiuntadiuna SolutionSignificaaggiungere la solution al Solution Store (nelconfiguration database di WSS), ma senzaeffettuareil deploy dellecomponenti sui server.E possibilevisualizzareil Solution Store tramiteilsito Central Administration di SharePoint.Bisognacopiareil file .wspsul server cheospitaunaCentral Administration edeseguireilcomando:stsadm -o addsolution -filename MySolution.wspstsadm.exe si trova in C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\MicrosoftShared\web server extensions\12\bin\
9. Deploy di una SolutionIl processodi deployment comprende le operazionidi:copiadi file nelle directory diWSSistallazionedi Featureaggiuntadi DLL alla GAC Si pu嘆 fare dalla CentralAdministration oppure tramite il comando stsadm.exe:stsadm -o deploysolution-nameMySolution.wspprevede diversi parametri per configurare il tipo di deploy che si intende fare (es single server farm o multiple server farm, copia di dll nella GAC o nella Bin, uso della schedulazione, ecc)Crea un timer job che effettua il deploy in tutti i front-end Web server della farm, e in tutte le web application in SharePoint.Pu嘆essereancheschedulato, utile per ambientidiproduzione.
10. Aggiornamento di una SolutionLaggiornamentopermettediaggiornare le variecomponentidiuna solution senzadoverdeattivare le sue Feature.Pu嘆esserefatta solo tramitestsadm, usandoilcomando:stsadm -o upgradesolution -name <Solution Name> -filename <New Solution File> -immediateprevedealtriparametri
11. Ritiro di una SolutionIl ritiro (Retraction) 竪 loperazioneopposta a quelladi deploy.Serve a rimuoveretutte le componentiistallatedalla solution duranteil deploy dalle web application. Si faeccezione per le componentichesono in uso come site columns, site content types o liste.Non rimuove la solution dal Solution Store.Si pu嘆 fare dalsitodella Central Administration o tramite: stsadm -o retractsolution-nameMySolution.wspcome per il deploy prevede diversi altri parametri
12. Cancellazione di una SolutionLa cancellazioneelimina la solution dal Solution Store.Si pu嘆 fare da Central Administration o tramiteilcomando:stsadm -o deletesolution -name MySolution.wspNon pu嘆esserefatta se 竪 ancoradeployatasuqualche web application.
13. Istallazionediuna Feature Le Featurepossonoessereistallateanchemanualmente (al difuoridiuna solution), ma la replica sututtii server non sarautomatica.Bisognacreareuna directory colnomedellaFeature inC:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES e copiarviil file feature.xml e glialtri file necessari (es element油manifests油). In seguitoeseguireilcomando:stsadm -o installfeature -name <Feature folder name>Per la disistallazioneeseguireilcomando:stsadm -o uninstallfeature -name <Feature folder name>
14. Attivazione di una FeatureDa allamministratore la capacit di attivare e disattivare, su richiesta, specifici set di funzionalit. Si pu嘆 attivare tramite linterfaccia di SharePoint oppure sempre tramite stsadm:stsadm -o activatefeature-name <Feature folder name> -url http://MyServer/MyWebSite dove http://MyServer/MyWebSite 竪 lURL del web site in cui attivare la Feature.Il comando per disattivare 竪:stsadm -o deactivatefeature-name <Feature folder name> -url http://MyServer/MyWebSite
15. Attivazione di una FeatureOgni feature ha uno scope di destinazione, questo vuol dire che se ad esempio lo scope fosse un sito web, lamministratore potrebbe aggiungere una funzionalit ad un sito e lasciarla disattivata su un altro.Uno Scope definiscequindiilcontesto in cui una feature pu嘆essereattivata/disattivataedentro cui le sue componentisonodeployabili e visibili.Non tutte le componentidiuna feature comunquepossonoessereistallate in tuttiicontesti. Es. Un content type pu嘆avere come scope solo una site collection non pu嘆esserelimitato ad un sito web oppure un List Template pu嘆averevisibilit solo allinternodi un web site.Gli scope possibilisonoquattro: Farm Attivabile o disattivabileda Central Administration, Operations section, e Manage Farm FeaturesnelgruppoGlobal Configuration. Web Application Attivabile o disattivabileda Central Administration, Application Management section, e Manage Web Application FeaturesnelgruppoSharePoint Web Application Management. Site Collection Attivabile o disattivabiledai settings del root web site, in Site Collection FeaturesnelgruppoSite Collection Administration. Web Site Attivabile o disattivabiledai settings di un web site, in Site FeaturesnelgruppoSite Administration.
16. FeaturereceiverLattivazionediuna feature effettuail provisioning nello scope diattivazionedituttiglielementidefiniti in manieradichiarativatramitei file elements.xml. Per questaoperazionesifausoditutti I file e risorsecontenutinella Feature chesonostaticopiati e dispostinelleposizionidicompetenzadurantelistallazione.Allattodellattivazione (cosi come anchedurantelistallazione, la disistallazione e la disattivazione) WSS fascattare un eventochepu嘆esseregestitodaunaclassechiamatafeature receiver chesitrovanella GAC. La classefeature receiver vieneinserita in una DLL quandosicrea la feature e vienecopiatanella GAC durantelistallazione. Nel file feature.xml sipu嘆indicaretramitegliattributiReceiverAssembly e ReceiverClass. Negli handler dellaclassesipu嘆interagire con lobject model di SharePoint edeffettuarequalsiasioperazione, necessaria al funzionamentodella Feature. In particolarmodo (ma non solo) tutte le operazioniche non possonoesseresvoltetramite la logicadichiarativadei file element.xml (come laggiuntadi un campo di lookup ad unalista, la cancellazionedielementi, laggiuntadielementi al web.config, ecc).