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Wts Energy Company Brochure
Wts Energy Company Brochure
Wts Energy Company Brochure


    Petrochemical, Re鍖nery

    Exploration & Production


    Engineering, Procurement, Construction


    Executives & Management
    Power, Nuclear, Renewables

    Professional Services
28% / More than 15 years

                           18% / 11-15 years

                                               22% / 6-10 years

                                                                                                     5% / Graduates
                                                                  16% / 3-5 years

                                                                                    11% / 1-2years



                                                                                                                            Petrochemical, Re鍖nery

                                                                                                                            Exploration & Production


                                                                                                                            Engineering, Procurement, Construction


                                                                                                                            Executives & Management
                                                                                                                            Power, Nuclear, Renewables

                                                                                                                            Professional Services

Wts Energy Company Brochure
Wts Energy Company Brochure
Wts Energy Company Brochure
Wts Energy Company Brochure

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Wts Energy Company Brochure

  • 4. 31% 17% Petrochemical, Re鍖nery 19% Exploration & Production 24% QHSE 9% Engineering, Procurement, Construction 30% 7% Executives & Management Power, Nuclear, Renewables 6% Professional Services 5% 28% / More than 15 years 18% / 11-15 years 22% / 6-10 years 5% / Graduates 16% / 3-5 years 11% / 1-2years 15% 20% 17% 31% 17% Petrochemical, Re鍖nery 19% Exploration & Production 24% QHSE 9% Engineering, Procurement, Construction 30% 7% Executives & Management Power, Nuclear, Renewables 6% Professional Services 5%