This document discusses worldview and how developing a Christian worldview can transform one's faith. It covers key topics like what forms a worldview, addressing doubts about topics like suffering and science, and reasons why faith in God and the gospel are reasonable. The document concludes by discussing how embracing a Christian worldview can change one's entire perspective on life and the world.
9. Pop Quiz
Is it important to get a college degree?
10. Pop Quiz
When should children move out of
their parents house?
11. Worldview
What is it?
Why is it important?
How does it inform and transform our
12. Definition
Worldview - is the fundamental
cognitive orientation of an individual or
society encompassing the entirety of the
individual or societys knowledge and
13. Definition
Worldview provides the unexamined
underpinning from perception and the
nature of reality as experienced by
individuals who share a common
Multicultural Assessment Perspectives for Professional Psychology
14. QuickTime and a
are needed to see this picture.
15. What forms it?
- Language
- Shared Stories - Folktales, legends, and myths
- Symbols and Art
- Media
- Technology
Family of Origin
16. Questions It Answers?
Is there a god and what is he like?
What is the nature and origin of the universe?
What is the nature and origin of man?
What happens to man after death?
Where does knowledge come from?
What is the basis of ethics and morality?
What is the meaning of human history?
17. Worldview Test
Coherence Existential
Mean Competition
Power and Scope Predictive
18. QuickTime and a
are needed to see this picture.
19. What is Next?
Session 2 - The Leap of Doubt
Session 3 - The Reason for Faith
Session 4 - The World Will Never be the
21. Definition
Worldview - is the fundamental
cognitive orientation of an individual or
society encompassing the entirety of the
individual or societys knowledge and
22. Can there be just one?
Outlaw religion
Condemn religion
Keep it private
Respect in whole practice
23. What about suffering?
Evil and suffering are not evidence
against God
Evil and suffering may be evidence for
Life of Christ
Redemption, suffering, and
24. What about Truth?
Truth is unavoidable
Community cannot be completely
Christianity is not culturally rigid
Freedom is not simple
Love is more constraining than we
might think
25. What about the Church?
Flaws in practice
Religion and violence
The Biblical critique of religion
Justice in Jesus name
26. What about Hell?
A God of judgment cannot exist
A God of judgment cannot love
Hell and equality
Hell and love
27. What about Science?
Miracles and science cannot coexist
Science and Christianity in conflict
Evolution disproves the Bible
Healing the world
28. What about the Bible?
You cannot take the Bible literally
You cannot take the Bible historically
You cannot trust the Bible culturally
31. Definition
Worldview - is the fundamental
cognitive orientation of an individual or
society encompassing the entirety of the
individual or societys knowledge and
32. The Clues of God
Mysterious bang
Regularity of nature
Clue of beauty
Cognitive faculties
33. The Knowledge of God
Concept of moral obligation
The problem
Issue of human rights
The argument
34. The Problem of Sin
The meaning of sin
Personal consequences of sin
Social consequences of sin
Cosmic consequences of sin
35. Religion and the Gospel
Two forms of self centeredness
The difference of grace
The threat of grace
36. The Cross
Real forgiveness is costly suffering
Real love is a personal exchange
37. The Reality of the
Empty Tomb
Resurrection and immortality
A new worldview
40. Definition
Worldview - is the fundamental
cognitive orientation of an individual or
society encompassing the entirety of the
individual or societys knowledge and
42. Crisis of Faith
The call to grow
The fear of loss
The opportunity of thriving
43. Critical Thinking
Understand the crisis
Identify and evaluate sources
Synthesize information
Solidify solution
Continue to follow
44. Faith and Knowledge
Faith seeking understanding
Imperfect trying to understand the
Knowledge is not negative
Humility is key
God gives us the right to be wrong
45. Circles of Importance
Pure Speculation
Not Important
Important but not Essential
Essential for Orthodoxy
Essential for
46. Where to Go From Here?
Examine your motives
Counting the cost
Taking inventory
Making the move
Committing to community
47. The Trauma of Grace
It is mind blowing
It is costly
It is beautiful
It is truly amazing
Editor's Notes
#23: Outlaw Religion - One way to deal with the divisiveness of religion has been to control or forbid it. Religion as a evolution crutch. This does not work. Nearly all religions are growing in number of adherents. Persecution of religion almost makes it stronger. Condemn Religion - Use education and arguments as means of lessing its influence. The phrase all religions are the same. It is inconsistent. Keep it private - Religion should be kept out of the public sphere. The problem is a belief in only humans is humanism and is a form or worship or religion. Respect in whole practice - Christians had within their belief system the strongest possible resource for practicing sacrificial service, generosity, and peace-making. At the very heart of their view of reality was a man who died for his enemies, praying for their forgiveness.
#24: Evil and suffering are not evidence against God - God cant exist because evil exist. The problem with this perspective is that just because you cant see or imagine a good reason why God might allow something to happen doesnt mean there cant be one. Evil and suffering may be evidence of God - Why would there be good? Life of Christ - Christ acknowledged the evil while demonstrating hope in Gods goodness. Redemption, suffering, and resurrection - Resurrection is not a future that is just a consolation for the life we never had but a restoration of the life you always wanted.
#25: Truth is unavoidable - There are some times of foundational definers to life. The question really is who is the arbiter of the truth. Community cannot be completely inclusive - by nature of belief there are those who must not-believe. Christianity is not culturally rigid - Core with adaptable forms Freedom is not simple - mistakes happen Love is more constraining than we might think - You have to lose independence to attain greater intimacy. Freedom is not the absence of limitations and constraints but it is finding the right ones, those that fit our nature and liberate us.
#26: Flaws in practice - We have to address the behavior of Christians - individual and corporate - that has undermined the plausibility of Christianity. Religion and violence - Belief that orthodox religion leads to violence. Russian, Chinese, and Cambodian regimes reject Christianity yet have massive violence. Fanaticism - People who seem to go off the deep end. Overbearing, self-righteous, opinionated, insensitive, and harsh. That is not Christ. The Biblical critique of religion - Jesus and the prophets critique, self-righteous religion marked by insensitivity to issues of social justice, while true faith is marked by profound concern for the poor and marginalized. Justice in Jesus name - this means that the responsibility of Christ followers is to mirror truth of Gods reign in the world.
#27: A God of judgement cannot exist - How can we know this? What about evil? A God of judgement cannot love - All loving people are sometimes filled with wrath. Hell and equality - God allows people to have what they want. Both the Christian and the secular person believe that self-centeredness and cruelty have very harmful consequences. Christians believe that those consequences follow the person. Hell and love - Love has boundaries and cares for others.
#28: Science has disproved Christianity Miracles by nature are outside the normal pattern of behavior. Science cant explain everything and can be compatible with Christianity. Evolution - If evolution is elevated to the status of a worldview of the way things are, then there is direct conflict with biblical faith. But if evolution remains at the level of scientific biological hypothesis, it would seem that there is little reason for conflict between the implications of Christian belief in the Creator and the scientific explorations of the way which- at the level of biology - God has gone about his creating process. David Atkinson, The Message of Genesis 1-11 (IVP, 1990), p.31. Miracles should be hard to believe in. John the Baptist. Our focus should not be the miracles but the healing of the world via the power of the Spirit working in us. That is something that science should take note in.
#29: Literally - Founded because they do not know the Bible. They assume it has too many errors. Historically - Recorded too early to be legends. Too counterproductive for the gospels to be legends. Too detailed to be legend. Culturally - Some text many not teach what they first appear. based on an unexamined belief in the superiority of their historical movement over all others. We must not universalize our time any more than we should universalize our culture. p115 Reason for God