#7: If the symposium contained nothing more than practical tips and lessons learned, then it would simply be a swap shop for tradesmen. The academics and theorists save us from this by providing perspectives that are interesting, if not immediately applicable in daily practice. The gems are those speakers who can take the abstract, develop it in a disciplined fashion, and then demonstrate its utility. I think there were a couple of those gems this year.
#25: This page includes a specific area to cut and paste your clients logo (top right side of the page) and your clients logo (bottom left side of the page). To get the logo transparent, click on the logo, select the Set Transparent icon in the images tool bar (second icon from the right) and click on the color you want to make transparent. The footer is displayed on the right bottom side of the document. To update it, click on View , Master, 際際滷 master and change the footer content. Head of chapters tabs are displayed on the top of the page. On each page, each of them must be in blue. To change the colour, select the appropriate text and click on Font/Color. Use the first blue among the specific colours. Une zone est pr辿vue pour linsertion dun logo client en haut droite et dun logo partenaire en bas gauche. Ins辿rez le logo. Pour rendre le fond du logo transparent, s辿lectionnez limage du logo, s辿lectionnez lic担ne 束油fond transparent油損油(deuxi竪me ic担ne partir de la droite) sur la barre doutils Image et cliquez sur le fond de limage rendre transparent. En bas droite se situe le pied de page. Pour le modifier, cliquez sur 束油Affichage Masque油Masque des diapositives損 et modifiez la zone de pied de page. En haut se situe des onglets t棚tes de chapitre. Sur chaque page un de ces onglets doit 棚tre en bleu. Pour cela s辿lectionnez le mot dans la zone de texte et cliquez sur 束油Police油- Couleur損 et utilisez le premier bleu d辿fini dans les couleurs sp辿cifiques. 12/12/10