Ariel Publicity Masterclass for Cyber PR Clients by Ariel Hyatt on what has been going wrong with their online presence and promotion thus far, and how they can turn it around.
2. Music vs. Marketing
(Why You Hate This)
- Your music should be:
Spontaneous and
- Your marketing should be
the exact opposite:
Systematic and
3. (Why You Really Hate This)
The Jante Law (Norwegian: Janteloven;
Swedish: Jantelagen; Finnish: Janten laki)
A pattern of group behavior towards individuals within
Scandinavian communities, which negatively portrays and
criticizes individual success and achievement as unworthy and
- Wikipedia
You can have your moral integrity as a society AND
ROCK at Marketing & Promotion!
4. HOW...?
How Can I Help?
What Do They Want?
What is your NICHE?
You can have your moral integrity as a society AND
ROCK at Marketing & Promotion!
5. Marketing and Performing
1. Capture & Engage
2. Create Moments
3. Change Lives
You want that moment where
the hair on the back of your
neck stands up...
6. 70%, connecting with family and friends.
49% looking to stay connected to relevant news& info
46% consumers expressed the desire for entertainment.
42% wished to share reviews of company or product experiences
Deal Fatigue
Follow Fatigue
Social Media Fatigue
Observe what they seem to want
Then again ask: How Can I Help/ Contribute or Share? or Add value
8. What Most Musicians Do Online
Facebook & Twitter & YouTube
Sporadic communication with no plan or goals and
NO products
Use BCC in email program
Ask for money before building value (or never ask at
9. What Expert Marketers Do Online
They control messages (use Facebook, Twitter
& YouTube to messages & they captivate)
Use analytics - constantly measure results and
Communicate regularly w/ purpose
BUILD LISTS - Use email programs
Strategically ask for money & make offers
only after value built
10. WWW = What Went Wrong?
Musicians learned social media
etiquette from MySpace...
Now use newer platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc.
ineffectively, by going down the rabbit hole.
12. Musicadium Study
Grif鍖th University study suggests that
having a connected web presence
correlateddirectly with digital
music sales
1. Facebook 2.Twitter
3. YouTube 4., & 5. Website
It all starts with a HOMEPAGE:
50% of artists forgot to add a buy link!
13. Move over Personal Pages... Here comes
Fan Page Needs branding & Music Players &
Apps - Rootmusic & Reverbnations new
Promote It!
News feed = The most important part of FB
New Study - dont use external apps
Online, people choose to go where their friends
are (55-65 largest demographic growing on
14. Theme and colors consistent w/ all sites
Your pitch, description & link
Know Your Handle: @CyberPR
@MusicSuccessin9 @TheHunterCat
Most artists dont know how to Engage: @s,
DM, RTs + #CyberPRHelsinki
Apps: Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, Social Oomph
16. Top 5 ways to get a RT
1. Add Link
2. Ask for ReTweets
Please ReTweet - 51%
Please RT - 39%
Neither - 12%
3. Stop talking about yourself, talk about
your audience, not about yourself
4. Talk about news, instructional,
Entertainment, opinion
5. Tweet about Twitter!
17. Online & off audiences do NOT know what to look for
(They are ignorant)
However, people expect brands to come to them now
1. Lead Them To It
2. Get Them Engaged - questions, contests,
simple things that they can share
3. Be Remarkable - people naturally share what
they like online & off
18. Where They Buy
Fans go to iTunes (not social media)
Fans also respond to special OFFERS (this is
why newsletters are KEY - 30%)
So is adding BUY LINKS (Musicadium study)
People want to buy in local currency & use
existing payment methods (Paypal)
19. The new Facebook is about causing real-time serendipity,
triggering actions inside and outside of Facebook because of what
we do and share. Through technology and human curation, we
are giving substance or meaning to experiences and as a result,
the future of the social web is de鍖ned by shared experiences, not
just in sharing experiences.
- Brian Solis,
20. Lets Stay In Touch
Ariel Hyatt
Online Course Starts Oct 24th