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Weird, Wonderful & WTF
Good content is subject, while we mention

content that spreads naturally.

1.   Look At Stuff

2.   Lesson

3.   More Stuff

4.   Another Lesson

4.   Q&A
WEIRD: Robocop on a unicorn was a
meme in 2008. A basic image search
reveals many more instances of this meme.
WEIRD: Tom Selleck, a sandwich and a
waterfall was a 2010 meme that got some
traction. Follow Knowyourmeme.com for
all the details.
WEIRD: The Gotye meme is more recent.

becoming mutated content.
Wonderful Image

WONDERFUL: The Kenguru wheelchair
car is one for the wonderful file.
WONDERFUL: There are plenty of
                                             amazing human feats online. Photography
                                             and visuals are one of the most popular
                                             thing on the web.

息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
WONDERFUL: An American mother
made headlines online when she made her
son wear a sign of all the things he did
WONDERFUL: Everyday, someone on
Facebook makes other people smile. Some
people are better at it than others.
WTF: There is no shortage of random
content online that make you cringe or

WTF: No big deal, just a bunch dudes on
 the couch with their crotch on fire.

息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential

combine all three.
Good Content Spreads Naturally
If someone threw a brick through a boardroom

 who would be able to hold that in. Each person
 has the natural tendency to tell someone else.

 so difficult to keep a secret.

 If something disruptive happens, you have to tell
 someone else. Technology comes second in this

 Disruptive Content = Must Share

 The sharing use to happen only in person, now it

息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
focuses that they see each day, but if they see
                                             the Batmobile, they might point, take pictures
                                             and talk about it.

                                             Good disruptive experience prompt people to
                                             take action or document the experience.

                                             Unique events get special relevance and are held
                                             in the mind longer.

息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
Those same disruptions spread a lot further if
  you disrupt a large group of people. If the brick
  was thrown at a concert or the Batmobile was in
  the the parking lot post concert, the disruption
  would spread much further.

  In addition to helping spread content, the web is

  find them and give them a pleasant disruption.

息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
Good Content Generates a
   Physical Reaction
Weird                                                   Useful        Timely
    Spectacular                                      Random                Unexpected
          Better                                        Wonderful
Weird, Wonderful & WTF are only a few ways
                                                     Sexy     Urgent          Emotional
to create a disruption. All these word represent a
form of disruption. The more of these you can
own well, the more likely you are to spread you
content organically.

Each one of these words makes you have a                       Illuminating       WTF
physical reaction, it could be laughter, stopping
WEIRD: Lingscars.com is a web site with a late

successful, she made a name for herself with this
Craigslist, but everything is spelled with a lisp.
idea here. A dog will love you no

to their expectations, but if we did,
WTF: These Russian youths are
playing a dangerous game in these
high rises. The content is so WTF

YouTube to watch it.

This classic IKEA ad is about 7
years old, but definitely ticks all
the boxes.

Good Content is Timely

息 2012 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential


 Inferno blog that aims to capture instances of
 trendjacking and rapid responses.

 WEIRD: This example features guys showing their
 nipples in support of Kate Middleton. A Tumblr was
 created within 48 hours of events unfolding.
息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
WONDERFUL: This wass a brilliant rapid response,
trendjacking job by Lynx.
WTF: Apple Maps! Enough Said.
But Good Content Is
score card. First choose which words you content
                                                    YOUR CONTENT OWNS
with you rate the content 1-10 in those areas.

The higher you score, by strangers, the more
likely it is that your content could spread
                                                      RATE THEM 1-10
Content rating will only get you so
far, because making content is only
part of the equation.

You have to consider the audience,
the distribution, and how it will

If you do all of these well, we stand a
better chance of spreading
People Who Make Good Content
   Are Proactive & Have Fun
        Making Things
Please visit the Facebook page and join our movement to get David Cameron and
 Nick Clegg to grow moustaches for Movember.
息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
Weird, Wonderful & WTF
      Call Tim at +44 (0) 20 7092 0300
     or Email: Tim.D@inferno-group.com

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Weird, Wonderful & WTF

  • 3. GOOD IS SUBJECTIVE. Good content is subject, while we mention content that spreads naturally.
  • 4. Agenda 1. Look At Stuff 2. Lesson 3. More Stuff 4. Another Lesson 4. Q&A
  • 5. WEIRD: Robocop on a unicorn was a meme in 2008. A basic image search reveals many more instances of this meme.
  • 6. WEIRD: Tom Selleck, a sandwich and a waterfall was a 2010 meme that got some traction. Follow Knowyourmeme.com for all the details.
  • 7. WEIRD: The Gotye meme is more recent. becoming mutated content.
  • 8. Wonderful Image WONDERFUL: The Kenguru wheelchair car is one for the wonderful file.
  • 9. WONDERFUL: There are plenty of amazing human feats online. Photography and visuals are one of the most popular thing on the web. 息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 10. WONDERFUL: An American mother made headlines online when she made her son wear a sign of all the things he did wrong.
  • 11. WONDERFUL: Everyday, someone on Facebook makes other people smile. Some people are better at it than others.
  • 12. WTF: There is no shortage of random content online that make you cringe or examples.
  • 13. WTF: No big deal, just a bunch dudes on the couch with their crotch on fire. 息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 14. WEIRD, WONDERFUL & WTF: Muscle combine all three.
  • 15. Good Content Spreads Naturally
  • 16. If someone threw a brick through a boardroom who would be able to hold that in. Each person has the natural tendency to tell someone else. so difficult to keep a secret. If something disruptive happens, you have to tell someone else. Technology comes second in this equation. Disruptive Content = Must Share The sharing use to happen only in person, now it 息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 17. focuses that they see each day, but if they see the Batmobile, they might point, take pictures and talk about it. Good disruptive experience prompt people to take action or document the experience. Unique events get special relevance and are held in the mind longer. 息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 18. Those same disruptions spread a lot further if you disrupt a large group of people. If the brick was thrown at a concert or the Batmobile was in the the parking lot post concert, the disruption would spread much further. In addition to helping spread content, the web is find them and give them a pleasant disruption. 息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 19. Good Content Generates a Physical Reaction
  • 20. Weird Useful Timely Valuable Funny Spectacular Random Unexpected Better Wonderful Shocking Weird, Wonderful & WTF are only a few ways Sexy Urgent Emotional to create a disruption. All these word represent a form of disruption. The more of these you can own well, the more likely you are to spread you content organically. Each one of these words makes you have a Illuminating WTF Unique physical reaction, it could be laughter, stopping
  • 21. WEIRD: Lingscars.com is a web site with a late successful, she made a name for herself with this
  • 22. Craigslist, but everything is spelled with a lisp.
  • 23. idea here. A dog will love you no to their expectations, but if we did,
  • 24. WTF: These Russian youths are playing a dangerous game in these high rises. The content is so WTF YouTube to watch it. http://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=kdsryZINo3Y&featur e=related
  • 25. WEIRD, WONDERFUL &WTF: This classic IKEA ad is about 7 years old, but definitely ticks all the boxes. http://www.y outube.com/w atch?v=tetOS MilRKg
  • 26. Good Content is Timely 息 2012 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 27. www.zei.tgei.st TRENDJACKING Inferno blog that aims to capture instances of trendjacking and rapid responses. WEIRD: This example features guys showing their nipples in support of Kate Middleton. A Tumblr was created within 48 hours of events unfolding. 息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 28. WONDERFUL: This wass a brilliant rapid response, trendjacking job by Lynx.
  • 29. WTF: Apple Maps! Enough Said.
  • 31. CHOOSE ALL WORDS THAT score card. First choose which words you content YOUR CONTENT OWNS with you rate the content 1-10 in those areas. The higher you score, by strangers, the more likely it is that your content could spread RATE THEM 1-10 organically.
  • 32. Content rating will only get you so far, because making content is only part of the equation. You have to consider the audience, the distribution, and how it will propagate. If you do all of these well, we stand a better chance of spreading
  • 33. People Who Make Good Content Are Proactive & Have Fun Making Things
  • 34. Please visit the Facebook page and join our movement to get David Cameron and Nick Clegg to grow moustaches for Movember. Moalition.com 息 2011 Inferno Ltd | Internal Confidential
  • 36. INTERESTED IN A CONTENT WORKSHOP? Call Tim at +44 (0) 20 7092 0300 or Email: Tim.D@inferno-group.com www.inferno-group.com