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A generic, cross-chemical predictive
                PBTK-model running in MS-Excel
                       Frans Jongeneelen & Wil ten Berge

X2012, Edinburgh (UK), 2-5 July 2012
Physiologically Based ToxicoKinetic (PBTK)
modeling in chemical risk assessment

Domain of PBTK modeling
                           Schematic from: Georgopoulos
Exposure scenario
                                                 Three routes of uptake:
Overview                                              Inhalation - concentration
                                                      Dermal  dose rate
PBTK-model                                            Oral - dose
                                                 Duration of exposure
IndusChemFate                                    Personal Protective Equipment
                                                 Species / subgroup
                                                 Physical activity level (rest/ light)
      1. Enter parameters
 Compound parameters
  Physical-chemical properties:
        Molecular weight
        Vapour pressure
        Log(Kow) at pH 5.5 and 7.4
        Water Solubility
  Biochemical parameters :
        Metabolism (kM and Vmax)
        Renal tubulair resorption         4,50E-04
                                                                            Pyrene and metabolites (Venous Blood)

        Enterohepatic circulation ratio   4,00E-04



                                                                                                                                     VenBl C0 袖mol/l
                                                                                                                                     VenBl C1 袖mol/l
                                           1,50E-04                                                                                  VenBl C2 袖mol/l

      2. Run model and get result          1,00E-04


                                                  0,000   10,000   20,000      30,000   40,000

                                                                                                 50,000   60,000   70,000   80,000
Physiology of the PBTK-model
                Parent compound

                                                                     Cyclus of 1st metabolite
    Dermal                                             Evaporation            Lungs

                              Dermis                                           Brain
            V                                          A
            E                                          R
            N                                          T
            O                                          E                       Dermis
                              Muscle                   R             V                                 A
            U                                                                                          R
                                                                     E        Adipose
            S                                          I             N                                 T
                               Bone                    A                                               E
                                                       L             U         Muscle                  R
                        Bone marrow                                  S                                 I
   Oral                                                                         Bone                   A
   intake                                                                                              L
                                                                            Bone marrow
                               Stomach +
                               intestine                                      Stomach +                    To 2nd
            B                                          B                      intestine                    metabolite
            L                                          L             B                                 B
                               Liver                   O             L                                 L   cyclus
                                                                     O         Liver                   O
            O                                          O
                              Kidney                                 O                                 O
            D                                          D             D         Kidney                  D

                                     Excretion of                                     Excretion of
                                     parent compound                                  1st metabolite
                                     in urine                                         in urine

Routing of chemicals and metabolites
    Absorption: 3 routes
          1.   Inhalation
          2.   Oral uptake
          3.   Dermal uptake
    Partitioning in the body
          損 Algorithm for estimate of blood:air partitioning
          損 Algorithms for estimates of tissue:blood partitioning in 11
          損 Saturable metabolism according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics
    Excretion: 2 pathways
          1.   Renal excretion: algorithm related to log (kow)
          2.   Exhaled air: related to blood:air partitioning coefficient
    Set of differential equations predict change of amount over
     time                                                     5
The PBTK-model is easy-to-use
   Well-known software platform MS Excel
   The file IndusChemFate.xls contains 4
       1. Tutorial with instructions in short
       2. Worksheet
             For parameter entry
             For listing of numerical output
       3. Datasheet with physical-chemical and
          biochemical properties of chemicals
       4. Sheet with output in graphs

Examples of simulations compared
with observations
Example 1: metabolites in urine of men and women
after exposure to Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)

Simulation example 1
Inhalation study of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether
(MTBE) in men & women (Dekant et al, 2001)

     3 male and 3 female volunteers were exposed in an
    exposure chamber during 4h to 140 mg/m3
     Three metabolites were measured in urine
         Metabolite 1 = tert-butanol = TBA
         Metabolite 2 = 2-methyl-1,2-propanediol = MPD
         Metabolite 3 = 2-hydroxy isobutyrate = HIBA
     No differences were found between men and women

 Question: Does modeling confirm the absence of gender

Simulation example 1
Metabolism of MTBE

        MTBE       TBA  MPD  HIBA
  parent compound  1st-  2nd-  3rd-metabolite
Simulation example 1
Modeling: parameterisation of MTBE and
    1) Physical-chemical properties
          MTBE + 3 metabolites
    2) Biochemical parameters of MTBE
          MTBE + 3 metabolites
    3) Exposure scenario
          Inhalation MTBE: 4 h of 140 mg/m3
          Exposed subject: male or female in rest
          Follow up time: 72 h

example 1          MTBE


Tert-ButylAlcohol (TBA)

 Methylpropanediol (MPD)   11
Simulation example 1
Modeling: entering exposure scenario
and selection of exposed subject

 Select subject

Simulation example 1
Modeling: predicted concentration of MTBE
and metabolites in urine of men in rest
                                  MTBE and metabolites in urine
     250                                                                     C0 = MTBE (袖mol/L)
     200                                                                     C1 = TBA (袖mol/L)
     150                                                                     C2 = MPD (袖mol/L)
                                                                             C3 = HIBA (袖mol/L)
           0   6   12   18   24   30    36     42   48   54   60   66   72

Simulation example 1
Observed and predicted concentrations in urine
of men and women in rest

Simulation example 2: Dermal uptake of
ethanol at hygienic hand + arm disinfection

Compound   Exposure   Exposure scenario          Measured     Reference
           route                                 parameter

Ethanol    Dermal     Disinfection of hands +    Ethanol in   Kramer et
                      arms to elbow with 95%     blood        al, 2007

                      10 Rubs with 20 ml in 80

                      Six male volunteers

                      In open room of 37 m3

Simulation example 2
Observed and predicted concentrations of ethanol in
blood after disinfection of hands and arms

                          Simulated dermal uptake + inhalation of 300 mg/m3!

                              Simulated : dermal uptake only

Suggested application domain of the
PBTK-model IndusChemFate
    Biomonitoring provides a glimse of the personal
      dose. The PBTK-model can be of help for
      interpretation of results
        Bridge the gap between external and internal exposure
    1st tier assessment of the fate of data-poor
     chemicals in body
    Educational tool to understand toxicokinetics of
     chemicals in human body in relation to physical-
     chemical properties
Where to get more info?
 Download EXCEL-application file and user manual:
     Website CEFIC LRI, web page IndusChemFate

 Two papers (Ann Occup Hyg, 2011; Int Arch Occup Environ Hlth, 2012)

 Ask us to do a live-demonstration

Funding from CEFIC-LRI

                 Thank you


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X2012 F.Jongeneelen

  • 1. A generic, cross-chemical predictive PBTK-model running in MS-Excel Frans Jongeneelen & Wil ten Berge X2012, Edinburgh (UK), 2-5 July 2012
  • 2. Physiologically Based ToxicoKinetic (PBTK) modeling in chemical risk assessment Domain of PBTK modeling Schematic from: Georgopoulos 2
  • 3. Exposure scenario Three routes of uptake: Overview Inhalation - concentration Dermal dose rate PBTK-model Oral - dose Duration of exposure IndusChemFate Personal Protective Equipment Species / subgroup Physical activity level (rest/ light) 1. Enter parameters Compound parameters Physical-chemical properties: Density Molecular weight Vapour pressure Log(Kow) at pH 5.5 and 7.4 Water Solubility Biochemical parameters : PBTK-model Metabolism (kM and Vmax) Renal tubulair resorption 4,50E-04 Pyrene and metabolites (Venous Blood) Enterohepatic circulation ratio 4,00E-04 3,50E-04 3,00E-04 2,50E-04 VenBl C0 袖mol/l 2,00E-04 VenBl C1 袖mol/l 1,50E-04 VenBl C2 袖mol/l 2. Run model and get result 1,00E-04 5,00E-05 0,00E+00 0,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Hours 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 3
  • 4. Physiology of the PBTK-model Parent compound Inhalation Exhalation Lungs Cyclus of 1st metabolite Heart Exhalation Brain Dermal Evaporation Lungs load Heart Dermis Brain V A E R Adipose N T O E Dermis Muscle R V A U R E Adipose S I N T Bone A E O L U Muscle R Bone marrow S I Oral Bone A intake L Bone marrow Stomach + intestine Stomach + To 2nd B B intestine metabolite L L B B O Liver O L L cyclus O Liver O O O Kidney O O D D D Kidney D Excretion of Excretion of parent compound 1st metabolite in urine in urine 4
  • 5. Routing of chemicals and metabolites Absorption: 3 routes 1. Inhalation 2. Oral uptake 3. Dermal uptake Partitioning in the body 損 Algorithm for estimate of blood:air partitioning 損 Algorithms for estimates of tissue:blood partitioning in 11 compartments Metabolism 損 Saturable metabolism according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics Excretion: 2 pathways 1. Renal excretion: algorithm related to log (kow) 2. Exhaled air: related to blood:air partitioning coefficient Set of differential equations predict change of amount over time 5
  • 6. The PBTK-model is easy-to-use Well-known software platform MS Excel The file IndusChemFate.xls contains 4 sheets: 1. Tutorial with instructions in short 2. Worksheet For parameter entry For listing of numerical output 3. Datasheet with physical-chemical and biochemical properties of chemicals 4. Sheet with output in graphs 6
  • 7. Examples of simulations compared with observations Example 1: metabolites in urine of men and women after exposure to Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 7
  • 8. Simulation example 1 Inhalation study of Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) in men & women (Dekant et al, 2001) 3 male and 3 female volunteers were exposed in an exposure chamber during 4h to 140 mg/m3 Three metabolites were measured in urine Metabolite 1 = tert-butanol = TBA Metabolite 2 = 2-methyl-1,2-propanediol = MPD Metabolite 3 = 2-hydroxy isobutyrate = HIBA No differences were found between men and women Question: Does modeling confirm the absence of gender differences? 8
  • 9. Simulation example 1 Metabolism of MTBE MTBE TBA MPD HIBA parent compound 1st- 2nd- 3rd-metabolite 9
  • 10. Simulation example 1 Modeling: parameterisation of MTBE and metabolites 1) Physical-chemical properties MTBE + 3 metabolites 2) Biochemical parameters of MTBE MTBE + 3 metabolites 3) Exposure scenario Inhalation MTBE: 4 h of 140 mg/m3 Exposed subject: male or female in rest Follow up time: 72 h 10
  • 11. Simulation example 1 MTBE Modeling: entering model parameters Tert-ButylAlcohol (TBA) Methylpropanediol (MPD) 11
  • 12. Simulation example 1 Modeling: entering exposure scenario and selection of exposed subject Airborne exposure scenario Select subject 12
  • 13. Simulation example 1 Modeling: predicted concentration of MTBE and metabolites in urine of men in rest MTBE and metabolites in urine 450 400 350 300 250 C0 = MTBE (袖mol/L) 200 C1 = TBA (袖mol/L) 150 C2 = MPD (袖mol/L) C3 = HIBA (袖mol/L) 100 50 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Hours 13
  • 14. Simulation example 1 Observed and predicted concentrations in urine of men and women in rest 14
  • 15. Simulation example 2: Dermal uptake of ethanol at hygienic hand + arm disinfection Compound Exposure Exposure scenario Measured Reference route parameter Ethanol Dermal Disinfection of hands + Ethanol in Kramer et arms to elbow with 95% blood al, 2007 ethanol 10 Rubs with 20 ml in 80 min Six male volunteers In open room of 37 m3 15
  • 16. Simulation example 2 Observed and predicted concentrations of ethanol in blood after disinfection of hands and arms Simulated dermal uptake + inhalation of 300 mg/m3! Simulated : dermal uptake only 16
  • 17. Suggested application domain of the PBTK-model IndusChemFate Biomonitoring provides a glimse of the personal dose. The PBTK-model can be of help for interpretation of results Bridge the gap between external and internal exposure monitoring 1st tier assessment of the fate of data-poor chemicals in body Educational tool to understand toxicokinetics of chemicals in human body in relation to physical- chemical properties 17
  • 18. Where to get more info? Download EXCEL-application file and user manual: Website CEFIC LRI, web page IndusChemFate http://www.cefic-lri.org/lri-toolbox/induschemfate Two papers (Ann Occup Hyg, 2011; Int Arch Occup Environ Hlth, 2012) Ask us to do a live-demonstration 18