Cancer is also cured by Orobanche and heart stimulates is also increases by C...iosrjce
Now in present days Cancer is also a very dangerous disease like Hepatitis and Ebola. So, we
experiment on plant ( parasite) Orobanche for a better record than we found that there is a very extra ordinary
change after using this Orobanche plant as a Cancer medicine and Cascuta as stimulator or cardio-tonic of
human and other living organisms heart beats.
This document summarizes a study on private investment in agricultural research and technology transfer in India. Some key points:
- Private sector agricultural R&D investment in India has grown significantly, reaching $55 million annually in the mid-1990s, about half of public sector investment. However, this growth still may not fill the need to support rapid growth in food demand.
- Foreign firms have made an important contribution to private agricultural research in India. Liberalization of policies allowing private and foreign firms in agricultural inputs helped induce this growth.
- While private sector investment is increasing, challenges remain like weak technology transfer between public and private sectors due to lack of enabling policies and incentives for collaboration between academia and industry.
1. Seismic refraction methods were used to measure the velocity gradients of underground layers in Unwana, Nigeria. Forward and reverse shootings were conducted along a profile line using a seismograph.
2. Velocities of 315m/s and 300m/s were found for the first layer, and 608m/s and 600m/s for the second layer from forward and reverse shootings. Thicknesses of 2.1m and 2.0m for the first layer, and 7.3m and 4.7m for the second layer were measured.
3. Velocity gradients of 149s-1 and 150s-1 for the first layer indicated horizontally homogeneous materials.
Arrow is a rapidly growing uranium discovery located on NexGen's Rook I project in the Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan, Canada. Drilling at Arrow has identified a high-grade zone measuring 645m by 235m with mineralization from 100m to 920m depth. Three high-grade shear zones, A2, A3 and A4, have been identified within Arrow and remain open in all directions. Over 95% of drill holes at Arrow have intersected uranium mineralization. NexGen plans additional drilling in 2016 to further expand the discovery.
This document contains technical drawings and measurements for a building project, including a floor plan, elevation view 1, and elevation view 2. The floor plan is 4600mm by 2972mm, and elevation views 1 and 2 show the building at 2772mm tall with internal dimensions of 900mm and 200mm.
El documento describe las principales caracter鱈sticas y efectos de las redes sociales. Destaca que las redes sociales permiten establecer v鱈nculos y conexiones entre personas e incentivan la interacci坦n. Tambi辿n analiza las ventajas, como mantener el contacto con conocidos y compartir momentos, y las desventajas, como la exposici坦n de la vida privada y el posible uso criminal de la informaci坦n personal.
Este documento describe una pr叩ctica de laboratorio sobre fluidos de perforaci坦n. El objetivo es conocer c坦mo preparar un fluido de perforaci坦n a partir de un s坦lido y un l鱈quido, y observar c坦mo cambia la densidad y viscosidad al aumentar el porcentaje del s坦lido. Se introducen los fluidos de perforaci坦n y sus usos, y se explican conceptos como densidad y viscosidad, adem叩s de describir los equipos y procedimientos para medir estas propiedades de los fluidos de perforaci坦n.
1. Seismic refraction methods were used to measure the velocity gradients of underground layers in Unwana, Nigeria. Forward and reverse shootings were conducted along a profile line using a seismograph.
2. Velocities of 315m/s and 300m/s were found for the first layer, and 608m/s and 600m/s for the second layer from forward and reverse shootings. Thicknesses of 2.1m and 2.0m for the first layer, and 7.3m and 4.7m for the second layer were measured.
3. Velocity gradients of 149s-1 and 150s-1 for the first layer indicated horizontally homogeneous materials.
Arrow is a rapidly growing uranium discovery located on NexGen's Rook I project in the Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan, Canada. Drilling at Arrow has identified a high-grade zone measuring 645m by 235m with mineralization from 100m to 920m depth. Three high-grade shear zones, A2, A3 and A4, have been identified within Arrow and remain open in all directions. Over 95% of drill holes at Arrow have intersected uranium mineralization. NexGen plans additional drilling in 2016 to further expand the discovery.
This document contains technical drawings and measurements for a building project, including a floor plan, elevation view 1, and elevation view 2. The floor plan is 4600mm by 2972mm, and elevation views 1 and 2 show the building at 2772mm tall with internal dimensions of 900mm and 200mm.
El documento describe las principales caracter鱈sticas y efectos de las redes sociales. Destaca que las redes sociales permiten establecer v鱈nculos y conexiones entre personas e incentivan la interacci坦n. Tambi辿n analiza las ventajas, como mantener el contacto con conocidos y compartir momentos, y las desventajas, como la exposici坦n de la vida privada y el posible uso criminal de la informaci坦n personal.
Este documento describe una pr叩ctica de laboratorio sobre fluidos de perforaci坦n. El objetivo es conocer c坦mo preparar un fluido de perforaci坦n a partir de un s坦lido y un l鱈quido, y observar c坦mo cambia la densidad y viscosidad al aumentar el porcentaje del s坦lido. Se introducen los fluidos de perforaci坦n y sus usos, y se explican conceptos como densidad y viscosidad, adem叩s de describir los equipos y procedimientos para medir estas propiedades de los fluidos de perforaci坦n.
2. Que es una xarxa social?
Una xarxa social es un medi de comunicaci坦
social que es centra en establir contacte
amb altres persones utilitzant internet.
3. Caracter鱈stiques
Cada xarxa social es diferent, per嘆 totes
tenen en com炭 que tens que tenir un perfil
propi amb una mica de la teva informaci坦 i
una foto si vols, hi ha diferents tipus de
xarxes socials, en les que pots pujar fotos i
v鱈deos i publicar el que penses, tamb辿 nhi
ha xarxes socials per buscar parella etc.
4. Avantatges
- Pots con竪ixer molta gent.
- En xarxes socials de v鱈deos tens per
exemple tutorials o v鱈deos que tensenyen
cosses amb les que aprendre.
- Pot parlar a distancia amb amics.
- Pots publicar fotos que tagradin que
sempre estaran all.
5. Inconvenients
- Al crear un perfil en una xarxa social
molt鱈ssima gent t辿 informaci坦 teva la qual
tu no voldries que tothom la pugui veure.
- Hi ha gent que pot robar-te el compte i
publicar coses i parlar amb els teus amics
fent-se passar per t炭.