Membership in XBRL Ireland provides businesses with several benefits, including leveraging a global community of over 600 member firms to manage change in business reporting, gain insights into new opportunities worldwide, and reduce administrative burden. Members also get early access to draft technical documents and emerging ideas, and can influence standards through working groups. Members gain expertise from XBRL experts and networking opportunities at conferences.
9. gain time-to-market and competitive benefits. the gateway to better technical understanding. Â
10. Membership also provides insight into plans for the use of XBRLÂ around the world, indicating new business opportunities and reducing administrative burden for business.
13. interact with the leading companies, organizations, and individuals in the business reporting world
14. Provide strategic direction for the Web's future through your seat on the XBRL Steering Committee and through participation in XBRL world wide meetings
15. Exercise influence over standards through participation in Working Groups, review of standards in development, implementations, and contribution of use cases;
16. Gain early view of draft technical documents, emerging ideas and taxonomies during their development
17. Introduce new ideas through XBRL Workshops, and Member Working Groups, as a complementary means to build interest in new work within XBRL
21. Stand out as a leader with best technical information on XBRL through electronic discussion groups, conferences and meetings
22. Access to a full-time staff of experts in Web technology, who contribute to XBRL technical work and help coordinate discussions across the Consortium.
23. Gain direct advice from to leading technical experts on XBRL on implementation and other issues .
25. Access to Member-only mailing lists, hosting discussions on work underway in the Consortium;
26. Best in class insights on how industries, government, regulators and consumers of financial information are driving transparency in business reporting using XBRL
27. Participate in setting requirements and priorities, ensuring these meet the needs of your team.Â
28. Direct contact with vendors of XBRL software tools, with opportunities for cheaper access to training.
29. Coordinate development at XBRL annual conferences, hear industry's current technical challenges and directions, and help forge solutions
30. Access to the XBRL news service. Updates on XBRL activities, announcements for meetings, workshops and conferences, the calendar of events, and Team information are sent directly via email .
33. XBRL Ireland Burlington House Burlington Road Dublin Ireland Tel: +353-1-6377200 W: E: Business Reporting Ireland Limited is a not for profit company registered in Ireland as a company limited by guarantee, number 380975 Registered office: Burlington House, Burlington Road, Dublin 4. Directors: Oliver Holt, Ronan Nolan, Conor O'Kelly, Richard Day Design by www.