This document discusses eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). It begins with an agenda for the presentation. It then defines XBRL as a global standard for digital business reporting that connects financial reporting to the internet. It highlights features like unique tags for financial data, cost savings, and improved analysis. The document discusses how XBRL benefits investors and analysts by providing context and making data more granular. It provides timelines of XBRL adoption in the US and India, including mandatory filings. Finally, it lists some taxonomies developed for business reporting in India.
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XBRL-A New Reporting Style
1. eXtensible Business Reporting Language
Presented by:
Group - 1
Bishnu Panda
Kailash Gupta
Kalyan Kumar Das
Subhasish Das
5/30/2012 Praxis Business School 1
2. Agenda
XBRL What it is?
Features of XBRL
XBRL for investors and analysts
XBRL events and market size in US
XBRL events in India
5/30/2012 Praxis Business School 2
3. What is XBRL?
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a freely available, open and global standard which
supports information modeling, exchanging business information and the expression of semantic
meaning commonly required in business reporting.
Global Standard for digital reporting.
It connects the generation, exchange and consumption of business reports with the dynamic and
interactive world of the internet.
XBRL enhances the quality and efficiency of reports, for internal use or for external
publication, reusing business and financial information.
XBRL is based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language) developed by XBRL International, a non profit
consortium with over 650 companies and agencies working together.
XBRL uses related XML technologies such as XML Schema, XLink, XPath, and Namespaces.
XBRL consists of financial facts and a set of taxonomies defining dependencies of such facts.
XBRL Taxonomies are the vocabularies or dictionaries which the language uses.
XBRL has a set of standard validation rules containing formulas for validating values.
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4. Features
XBRL formatting can be done for
financial and non-financial data:
Unique identifying tags are applied to
financial statements
Supplier data
Customer application forms
Project information
Employee data
Regulatory submissions
Other management information systems
Benefits: Applications:
Better business reporting and analysis.
Tax Returns
Cost saving and faster
Bank Call Reports
More reliable and more accurate handling of data,
Financial Statements
Improved analysis for better quality of information and decision-making.
General Ledger
Avoids time-consuming manual comparison and re-entry of data.
Event Reporting
Internet Ready for transmission and direct use by all stake holders
Audit Schedules
Improvement in the speed of collating and analysing data
Early users of XBRL included regulators viz. the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the
Australian Prudential Regulatory Agency (APRA) and the Committee of European Banking Supervisors
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5. XBRL for investors and analysts
Packages explanatory contextual information around each data point
Makes data more granular, more extractable
Improve the accuracy, quality and transparency of corporate
Provides a common framework of definitions
Enables easier comparison of multiple companies
Reduces reliance on normalized data
Improve the accuracy/quality of financial information in the
Reduce errors in the information reported
Improve the ability to compare and benchmark ones financials
with peer companies
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6. XBRL events and market size in US
Events: XBRL for Business Reporting in US:
XBRL effort started in 1998 by Charles Hoffman XBRL for G/L Journal Entry Reporting
XBRL for Financial Statements
XBRL 2.0 December 2001
XBRL for Regulatory Filings
XBRL for Business Events Reporting
XBRL 2.1 December 2003
XBRL for Audit Schedules
FDIC XBRL Contract Awarded June 2003 XBRL for Credit Filings
SEC Solicits Market Feedback July 2004
Voluntary XBRL reporting (100 companies) 2008 US XBRL market size:
Mandatory XBRL filing for 500 Public Companies
NASDAQ: ~ 3,200 Public Companies
(<$5 billions) June 2009
NYSE: ~ 2,800 Public Companies
Mandatory XBRL filing for other big public companies (list
TOTAL: ~ 6,000 Public Companies
of companies to be announced) June 2010
Mandatory XBRL filing for all US public companies - June
7. XBRL events in India
Events: Fairly broad-based participation from various sectors:
XBRL effort started in Jan 2007 by ICAI
Formation of XBRL group with an objective of establishing
forum for development of XBRL in India including its
promotion and to act as general body of membership of XBRL
India jurisdiction of XBRL International
Carrying the task of XBRL in India forward, the XBRL Group
established the XBRL India jurisdiction of XBRL International
in Dec 2008
XBRL India was awarded the status of an Established
jurisdiction capable of having a representative of India at the
International Steering Committee (ISC), the governing body Taxonomies:
of XBRL International in Dec 2010 General purpose taxonomy called Commercial and
Industrial Taxonomy based on IFRS 2006
On 31 March 2011, MCA issued a Circular mandating all listed architecture.
companies and certain unlisted companies, to file their Banking Taxonomy, an extension to the core Indian
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 XBRL C&I Taxonomy.
onward using an XBRL format. Taxonomies for NBFCs, Insurance & Power Sectors
in process.
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#8: XBRL India is a company registered under section 25 of Companies Act, 1956. The company is facilitated by ICAI, incorporated for managing the affairs of Indian Jurisdiction of XBRL International. In the initial phase, the MCA mandate applies to: All companies listed in India and their subsidiaries, including overseas subsidiaries All companies having a paid up capital of INR 5 crore or above, or a turnover of INR 100 crores or aboveThe main objectives of the XBRL India jurisdiction:Promote and encourage the adoption of XBRL as the standard for electronic business reporting in IndiaDevelop and manage XBRL taxonomiesRepresent Indian interests within XBRL InternationalContribute to the international development of XBRLCurrently Available Products Automatic XBRL Filing XBRL Reverse Engineering Wizard XBRL Validator Instant XBRL Filing Editing Evolutionary TaggerC & I Taxonomy:This taxonomy was developed through a due consultative process where the Industry experts reviewed the draft taxonomy, thereafter it was exposed in the public domain for comments. After finalisation on the basis of comments, the taxonomy was acknowledged by XBRL International. This taxonomy has been developed to enable companies prepare their financial statements, viz., Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement in XBRL format, based on the requirements of the accounting standards, Indian company law and the requirements under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement. Components of Taxonomy:Schema Defines the elements used in the link basesPresentation link base Which defines the structure for displaying the data, along with the preferred label attribute.Calculation link base Establishes the arithmetical relationship of simple addition and subtraction, which is done by way of a weight attribute (1 or -1)Label link base Stores the labels about the concepts (it is the human readable name of the element)