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Ideas for Personal
What is a
Time for Reflection
Regular Ritual
What is a
About me
Write it down
 Set the Stage
 Gather Data
 Generate Insights
 Decide What to Do
 Closing the Retrospective

          Set the Stage
Have Music

             Set the Stage
Data Sources

               Gather Data
Data Sources

               Gather Data
Fill Timeline

                Generate Insights
Colorize Timeline



                      Generate Insights
Patterns in Timeline

                       Generate Insights
Define Goals

               Decide What to Do
Choose Actions

                 Decide What to Do
Make it happen

                 Decide What to Do
Write a letter

How to start
with Personal
X-Conf India - Ideas for Personal Retrospectives
Retrospective 2009
X-Conf India - Ideas for Personal Retrospectives
How will
you start
Evolve your
own style
       Set the Stage         Decide What to Do
     Preparations                 Goals
     Starting Music               SMART Objectives
     Read out Prime               Make it happen
      Directive               Closing the
       Gather Data            Retrospective
     Calendar/ToDo Lists          Retrospective Letter
     Mingle/Jira/Bugzilla         Enjoy Timeline
      et al.                        Cocktail
     Notes, Diary,                Closing Music
      Engineering Log
       Generate Insights
        Ask Why 5 Times
        Mind Maps
Ideas for Personal
Johannes Th旦nes
ThoughtWorks Germany (Hamburg)
Times for Reflection   http://www.flickr.com/photos/paul_everett82/379557067
Ritual                 http://www.flickr.com/photos/pasukaru76/3694736727/
Learn 1                http://www.flickr.com/photos/28096801@N05/4023696768
Learn 2                http://www.flickr.com/photos/matthewfane/6489257009
Write it down          http://www.flickr.com/photos/matsuyuki/2328829160
Music                  http://www.flickr.com/photos/tangysd/6816262905
Retrospective 2009     http://www.flickr.com/photos/jakecaptive/3205277810

Fotos of Me            Lukasz Burdzanowski et al.
Other Images           MS PowerPoint ClipArt Gallery

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X-Conf India - Ideas for Personal Retrospectives

Editor's Notes

  • #3: * Introduction to Retrospectives (Short)
  • #4: Time for ReflectionWhat we (as a team) didWhat happenedHow we felt about it
  • #5: Regular RitualReflection is not natural to usDoing it regular creates a habitMaking it a ritual to stress, that it is a special meeting
  • #6: LearnAcknowlegde ExperienceKeep doing what was goodStop doing what was badAcknowlegde what you cannot change
  • #7: LearnAcknowlegde ExperienceKeep doing what was goodStop doing what was badAcknowlegde what you cannot change
  • #8: Difference Personal Retrospectives vs. Team RetrospectivesIn Your Head vs. Write it down
  • #9: A retrospective about me
  • #10: Write it downRetrospective Meetings are communication in Team -> Sticky Notes support communicationPersonal Retrospectives are happening in Your Head -> Write it down, to help you structure your thoughts
  • #11: Stages of a Personal Retrospecitve
  • #12: PreparationSwitch off anything which takes your focus away (phone, spouse, children)Move to different table/environment
  • #13: Music
  • #14: CalendarToDo ListsMingleJIRA/Buzgzilla etc.
  • #15: Dairy/NotesE-Mails/Call LogsRecorded FeedbackMetrics
  • #16: Put Data in the Timeline
  • #17: Color the TimelineMark the Timeline with PatternsMads/Sads/GladsKeep/Drop/Add Prouds/Sorries
  • #18: See patterns?When came the red in?Were are the implication
  • #19: Goals
  • #20: What could I do?SMART Objectives
  • #21: Make it happenPlan the time (Calendar)Remind yourself (ToDo List)Tell other people
  • #22: Retrospective Letter to yourself
  • #23: ----- Meeting Notes (05/07/2012 23:28) ------ How would you start?- Do you do PRs?
  • #24: My storyenergized to try Retrospectives Linda Rising/SE RadioFinished studies and was working for some time what are my goals?Retrospective of Year 2009
  • #25: Retrospective 2009finished studies and was working for some timewhat are my goals?Retrospective of Year 2009Good way to start -> because you have timeTook a Sunday afternoon (4 hrs) Reflected on what happened in 2009 (finished studies & started to work)Put it in a timeline -> started to do Retrospecitves
  • #26: Heartbeat RetrospectiveRetrospective FormRythmAlways the same
  • #27: How would you start your Personal Retrospective?Does anyone practice them and wants to share his view?