This document provides guidance on how to conduct personal retrospectives. It recommends preparing by setting the stage with music, then gathering data from calendars, notes, and feedback. The next step is to generate insights by creating a timeline of events, asking why things occurred, and identifying patterns. Goals and actions are then decided on to improve going forward. The retrospective closes by reflecting on what was learned and setting intentions for the future. Regular personal retrospectives allow for self-reflection and continuous learning opportunities.
28. Set the Stage Decide What to Do
Preparations Goals
Starting Music SMART Objectives
Read out Prime Make it happen
Directive Closing the
Gather Data Retrospective
Calendar/ToDo Lists Retrospective Letter
Mingle/Jira/Bugzilla Enjoy Timeline
et al. Cocktail
Notes, Diary, Closing Music
Engineering Log
Generate Insights
Ask Why 5 Times
Mind Maps
31. Images
Times for Reflection
Learn 1
Learn 2
Write it down
Retrospective 2009
Fotos of Me Lukasz Burdzanowski et al.
Other Images MS PowerPoint ClipArt Gallery
#10: Write it downRetrospective Meetings are communication in Team -> Sticky Notes support communicationPersonal Retrospectives are happening in Your Head -> Write it down, to help you structure your thoughts
#23: ----- Meeting Notes (05/07/2012 23:28) ------ How would you start?- Do you do PRs?
#24: My storyenergized to try Retrospectives Linda Rising/SE RadioFinished studies and was working for some time what are my goals?Retrospective of Year 2009
#25: Retrospective 2009finished studies and was working for some timewhat are my goals?Retrospective of Year 2009Good way to start -> because you have timeTook a Sunday afternoon (4 hrs) Reflected on what happened in 2009 (finished studies & started to work)Put it in a timeline -> started to do Retrospecitves
#26: Heartbeat RetrospectiveRetrospective FormRythmAlways the same
#27: How would you start your Personal Retrospective?Does anyone practice them and wants to share his view?