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Some recent interventions
eXperientia? eXperientia means Conscious learning for life derived from purposeful reflection on direct participation in action events   -  Latin definition   Powerful,  Pragmatic and Real Time interventions.
Multinational Bank / FI Primary Brief:  Mandate from Netherlands based principals: To launch a  Net Based Product , with aggressive timelines. Secondary Brief: Integrate Finance, IT and Operations, consisting of a 100 people. These people have not had much interaction . Intervention: 3 days residential experiential workshop designed to involve all 100 people. Outcome: The teams formulated the road map during the workshop. The net based product was launched with 2 months to spare.  The entire  Founders Team was taken on a star cruise trip as reward. Result  Successful business today employing 3000 people across India.
Multinational Bank / FI  IT Primary Brief: Facilitate solutions for visibility and  recognition issues for support functions (IT) Intervention: 2 days residential workshop, using experiential methodology. Outcome: The 2 IT related entities merged and christened themselves as ITO Through Task Teams facilitated by Xperentia, solution driven presentations were made to the Business Head Task Teams became Project Teams and  took responsibility for executing, with milestones and review dates. Reviews conducted by Xperentia, along with management reps. Result - Communication, rewards and recognition strategy implemented
MULTINATIONAL  GEN. INSURANCE CO. Primary Brief: Address Back-end and Front-end PEOPLE and PROCESS issues Interventions: A two days residential workshop using the  Experiential Learning methodology Outcome: People integrated across functions as one team. Cross functional  Task Teams addresses Process bottlenecks and  Re-designed them . Result - Considerable reduction in Cycle Time, increased productivity
FMCG COMPANY Background:   Breads hived off after change in leadership and made into an independent profit center. Primary Brief: Convey the message Sink or Swim. Secondary Brief:  Cross functional integration  Sales, Production and Purchase, at the people and process Level. (Sales and production head were not on talking terms) Intervention & Outcome: 3 day experiential workshop targeting the functional leadership and their downline Looking at the business as Entrepreneurs and not as functional heads in a  corporate. Value chain redesigned by cross functional task teams, resulting in faster time to market with consistent quality. Result  25% growth post intervention, resulting in a turnaround
ITES  Primary Brief:  Mandate from  principals: Build Team India Integrate Leadership spread in four circles of influence across India. Intervention: 3 days experiential intervention in a Expedition format, designed to involve all constituencies Outcome: Task teams formed -  facilitated dialogue  process Teams formulated the road map for integration & alignment.  The entire  Founders Team meets quarterly in a open forum Result  Team India is on its way
Multinational Network Marketing Co. Primary Brief   Re - align people (mindsets) and processes to current reality. Intervention 3 day residential workshop with the entire organisation, using experiential triggers and simulations Intense process and dialogue resulting in identification of thrust areas Self driven, cross functional core task teams. a) to re-align the mother process and crunch time to market & b) Address people processes  communication, accountability with empowerment. Outcome People :  Work values defined by task team and endorsed by leadership. Process :  Re  engineering of 3 key processes,  led by cross - functional task team  Result - Alignment to market conditions with streamlined processes and  committed people
Large Steel Mfg. Company Background      New startup venture with senior leadership talent drawn from various large steel companies like Tisco, Essar, Jindal , Mukund etc. Primary Brief Cultural alignment, as the CEO and some key people were from TISCO Secondary Brief Facilitating the creation of VISION, MISSION and VALUES Intervention 2.5 Days Experiential Intervention with experiences designed to evolve the not  negotiable core values for the group, and articulate its collective ambition and path forward.   Result  Vision, Mission, Core values and Leadership template evolved
Multinational Insurance Co. Primary Brief Improve communication and develop synergies within a) Marcom team b) Marcom team & other functions c) Marcom team and its external vendor partners (Advertising agencies and PR consultants) Intervention 3 Day experiential workshop, addressing all the above audiences.  A common framework of understanding was created by the facilitator, with regards to work ethics, values, team responsibility and accountability. (Team = client + external vendor) Result  Evolution of 3 templates which defined the relationships

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  • 2. eXperientia? eXperientia means Conscious learning for life derived from purposeful reflection on direct participation in action events - Latin definition Powerful, Pragmatic and Real Time interventions.
  • 3. Multinational Bank / FI Primary Brief: Mandate from Netherlands based principals: To launch a Net Based Product , with aggressive timelines. Secondary Brief: Integrate Finance, IT and Operations, consisting of a 100 people. These people have not had much interaction . Intervention: 3 days residential experiential workshop designed to involve all 100 people. Outcome: The teams formulated the road map during the workshop. The net based product was launched with 2 months to spare. The entire Founders Team was taken on a star cruise trip as reward. Result Successful business today employing 3000 people across India.
  • 4. Multinational Bank / FI IT Primary Brief: Facilitate solutions for visibility and recognition issues for support functions (IT) Intervention: 2 days residential workshop, using experiential methodology. Outcome: The 2 IT related entities merged and christened themselves as ITO Through Task Teams facilitated by Xperentia, solution driven presentations were made to the Business Head Task Teams became Project Teams and took responsibility for executing, with milestones and review dates. Reviews conducted by Xperentia, along with management reps. Result - Communication, rewards and recognition strategy implemented
  • 5. MULTINATIONAL GEN. INSURANCE CO. Primary Brief: Address Back-end and Front-end PEOPLE and PROCESS issues Interventions: A two days residential workshop using the Experiential Learning methodology Outcome: People integrated across functions as one team. Cross functional Task Teams addresses Process bottlenecks and Re-designed them . Result - Considerable reduction in Cycle Time, increased productivity
  • 6. FMCG COMPANY Background: Breads hived off after change in leadership and made into an independent profit center. Primary Brief: Convey the message Sink or Swim. Secondary Brief: Cross functional integration Sales, Production and Purchase, at the people and process Level. (Sales and production head were not on talking terms) Intervention & Outcome: 3 day experiential workshop targeting the functional leadership and their downline Looking at the business as Entrepreneurs and not as functional heads in a corporate. Value chain redesigned by cross functional task teams, resulting in faster time to market with consistent quality. Result 25% growth post intervention, resulting in a turnaround
  • 7. ITES Primary Brief: Mandate from principals: Build Team India Integrate Leadership spread in four circles of influence across India. Intervention: 3 days experiential intervention in a Expedition format, designed to involve all constituencies Outcome: Task teams formed - facilitated dialogue process Teams formulated the road map for integration & alignment. The entire Founders Team meets quarterly in a open forum Result Team India is on its way
  • 8. Multinational Network Marketing Co. Primary Brief Re - align people (mindsets) and processes to current reality. Intervention 3 day residential workshop with the entire organisation, using experiential triggers and simulations Intense process and dialogue resulting in identification of thrust areas Self driven, cross functional core task teams. a) to re-align the mother process and crunch time to market & b) Address people processes communication, accountability with empowerment. Outcome People : Work values defined by task team and endorsed by leadership. Process : Re engineering of 3 key processes, led by cross - functional task team Result - Alignment to market conditions with streamlined processes and committed people
  • 9. Large Steel Mfg. Company Background New startup venture with senior leadership talent drawn from various large steel companies like Tisco, Essar, Jindal , Mukund etc. Primary Brief Cultural alignment, as the CEO and some key people were from TISCO Secondary Brief Facilitating the creation of VISION, MISSION and VALUES Intervention 2.5 Days Experiential Intervention with experiences designed to evolve the not negotiable core values for the group, and articulate its collective ambition and path forward. Result Vision, Mission, Core values and Leadership template evolved
  • 10. Multinational Insurance Co. Primary Brief Improve communication and develop synergies within a) Marcom team b) Marcom team & other functions c) Marcom team and its external vendor partners (Advertising agencies and PR consultants) Intervention 3 Day experiential workshop, addressing all the above audiences. A common framework of understanding was created by the facilitator, with regards to work ethics, values, team responsibility and accountability. (Team = client + external vendor) Result Evolution of 3 templates which defined the relationships