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Xiaomeng Wu
3021 Palm Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 (765) 418-3102
Ph. D in Food Science, August 2014 The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Dissertation: Rapid Detection and Differentiation of Pathogenic Bacteria by Silver Nanorod Array Based
Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) in Fresh Produce
B.S. in Food Science, May 2009 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Cumulative GPA: 3.83/4.0 (Graduation with Distinction)
Sealed Air Corporation  Food Care R&D Duncan, SC
Senior Applications Expert, Technical Leadership Program January 2015-September 2016
 Performed development, analytical testing, evaluation, and extensive documentation for food packaging
products (Cryovac速) and food hygiene products (Diversay速). Applied food safety expertise to design new
products and improve the quality of existing products.
 Contributed expertise for over 10 projects across fresh red meat, smoked and processed meat, poultry,
beverage, fruit and vegetables, pastry, and ready meal sectors. Served as technical lead for 6 of those projects.
 Audited processing plants and provided consultation to fresh red meat, case ready, and processed meat
customers. Successfully extended customer products shelf lives through appropriate food packaging
solutions, food hygiene products, and sanitation program.
 Applied project management tools in innovation projects and oversaw all project activities.
 Developed innovative antimicrobial packaging material for fresh and processed meat to inhibit Listeria.
 Provided technical support for Asia Pacific region. Substantially increased the companys sale in China.
Dinho Online Supermarket LLC Athens, GA
Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer July 2012-August 2013
 Co-founded the first online grocery store in the region and successfully expanded to two chain stores
within one year.
 Supervised the daily operations of the company and execution of business plan, especially the food
safety aspects of the supply chain.
 Steered the business model from chain stores to franchising.
CapitalBio Corporation - Microarray Service Group Beijing, China
Summer Internship as Research Scientist May 2012- August 2012
- Consulted with clients and provided microarray services to meet their research or commercial needs,
especially in microorganism detection. Designed primers and DNA probes, performed microarray detection,
and then assessed the performance of the microarray chips.
Purdue University Sensory Evaluation Lab & Pilot Plant West Lafayette, IN
Lab and Plant Technician March 2008-May 2009
- Prototyped new product concepts using pilot plant equipment and machinery for food industrial
representatives. Performed sensory tests to evaluate competitive products versus new products.
UGA, Center for Food Safety /Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center Athens, GA
Graduate Research Assistant August 2009-August 2014
 Dissertation work on the U.S. Department of Agriculture project rapid detection of foodborne
pathogenic bacteria using silver nanorods (AgNR) based SERS. Modified the surface of the nanostructure
with antibiotics for bacteria capture. Successfully lowered the limit of detection of pathogenic bacteria to 100
CFU/ml, and the rapid detection method was applied in various fresh produce products.
 Investigated the detection of aflatoxins using SERS, and successfully detected and differentiate four
types of aflatoxins commonly occurred in food commodities.
 Collaborated with Emory Children Hospital on the research of rapid diagnostics of Pseudomonas
Aeruginosa using SERS. Successfully detected the infection in the clinical sputum and exhale breath
condenses samples from patients with cystic fibrosis disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
 Collaborated with Naval Medical Research Unit on the rapid detection and differentiation of antibiotic
resistant strains of bacteria vs. the wild strains in human blood, serum, and in wound wash using SERS.
 Manager of nanofabrication clean room and a bio-sensing laboratory. Designed and constructed optical
and mechanical instruments for experiments, such as an inductively coupled plasma generator facilitating
nanostructure cleaning and in vivo SERS measurements. Performed regular maintenance, calibration and
repair work on electron-beam evaporator system, Raman microscopes, plasma generator, and etc.
 Collaborated with Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. on the development and customization of
FirstDefender RMX Handheld Chemical Identification device. Constructed optical adaptor for the device
to be used with AgNR substrates, and developed SOP for the detection of bacteria with such device.
Teaching Assistant, The University of Georgia January 2010-August 2013
- Assisted in teaching 3 undergraduate courses: New Food Product Development, Special Problems in Food
Science, and International Agribusiness and Environmental Management.
Mentor, Young Scholars Research Apprenticeship Program May-July, 2010 and May-July 2011
- Mentored participating high school students in individual research projects. Supervised students in daily
research activities and final oral presentation. One of my students won 1st Place in Presentation Competition.
Student Affairs and Advisory Committee, Chinese American Food Society. 2016-Present
President, Toastmasters International Sealed Air Duncan Club 2015- 2016
Committee member, Sealed Air Womens Initiative Network 2015- 2016
Committee member, Sealed Air R&D Safety Steering Committee 2016
Team Leader, PDMA Student Product Development Competition April, 2010
- Let a team of 7 students developing a yogurt coated pomegranate granola with antioxidants, prebiotics, and
probiotics. Won Second Place in the competition.
Executive Vice President, Chinese Student Association, The University of Georgia 2011-2014
 The University of Georgia Graduate School Deans Award for International Study, 2013
 Chinese American Food Society Graduate Student Scholarship, 2011
 Purdue University Food Science Grand Cru Award, 2009
 Rex Hall Memorial Scholarship, Purdue University, 2008
 Language: Fluent in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English.
 Lab work: Expert on conventional and molecular microbiology methods, cell culture, packaging
material characterization, and nanomaterial fabrication. Proficient in physical, chemical, and biological
analytical methods, such as PCR, microarray, SEM, TEM, Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis, and etc.
 Computer: Proficient in Minitab速, SAS速, MatLab速, Compusense速, AutoCAD速, and etc.
 Certifications: Certified New Product Development Professional (Product Development Management
Association); Certificate of Developing and Implementing GAPs & HACCP for Fresh Produce Industry.
 Training: Design for Lean Six Sigma green belt; Project Management.
 9 refereed journal articles (6 first author) and 4 refereed conference papers at national conferences.

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Xiaomeng Wu Resume_final

  • 1. Xiaomeng Wu xiaomengwu56@gmail.com 3021 Palm Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 (765) 418-3102 EDUCATION Ph. D in Food Science, August 2014 The University of Georgia, Athens, GA Dissertation: Rapid Detection and Differentiation of Pathogenic Bacteria by Silver Nanorod Array Based Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) in Fresh Produce B.S. in Food Science, May 2009 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Cumulative GPA: 3.83/4.0 (Graduation with Distinction) WORKING EXPERIENCE Sealed Air Corporation Food Care R&D Duncan, SC Senior Applications Expert, Technical Leadership Program January 2015-September 2016 Performed development, analytical testing, evaluation, and extensive documentation for food packaging products (Cryovac速) and food hygiene products (Diversay速). Applied food safety expertise to design new products and improve the quality of existing products. Contributed expertise for over 10 projects across fresh red meat, smoked and processed meat, poultry, beverage, fruit and vegetables, pastry, and ready meal sectors. Served as technical lead for 6 of those projects. Audited processing plants and provided consultation to fresh red meat, case ready, and processed meat customers. Successfully extended customer products shelf lives through appropriate food packaging solutions, food hygiene products, and sanitation program. Applied project management tools in innovation projects and oversaw all project activities. Developed innovative antimicrobial packaging material for fresh and processed meat to inhibit Listeria. Provided technical support for Asia Pacific region. Substantially increased the companys sale in China. Dinho Online Supermarket LLC Athens, GA Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer July 2012-August 2013 Co-founded the first online grocery store in the region and successfully expanded to two chain stores within one year. Supervised the daily operations of the company and execution of business plan, especially the food safety aspects of the supply chain. Steered the business model from chain stores to franchising. CapitalBio Corporation - Microarray Service Group Beijing, China Summer Internship as Research Scientist May 2012- August 2012 - Consulted with clients and provided microarray services to meet their research or commercial needs, especially in microorganism detection. Designed primers and DNA probes, performed microarray detection, and then assessed the performance of the microarray chips. Purdue University Sensory Evaluation Lab & Pilot Plant West Lafayette, IN Lab and Plant Technician March 2008-May 2009 - Prototyped new product concepts using pilot plant equipment and machinery for food industrial representatives. Performed sensory tests to evaluate competitive products versus new products. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE UGA, Center for Food Safety /Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center Athens, GA Graduate Research Assistant August 2009-August 2014 Dissertation work on the U.S. Department of Agriculture project rapid detection of foodborne pathogenic bacteria using silver nanorods (AgNR) based SERS. Modified the surface of the nanostructure
  • 2. with antibiotics for bacteria capture. Successfully lowered the limit of detection of pathogenic bacteria to 100 CFU/ml, and the rapid detection method was applied in various fresh produce products. Investigated the detection of aflatoxins using SERS, and successfully detected and differentiate four types of aflatoxins commonly occurred in food commodities. Collaborated with Emory Children Hospital on the research of rapid diagnostics of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa using SERS. Successfully detected the infection in the clinical sputum and exhale breath condenses samples from patients with cystic fibrosis disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Collaborated with Naval Medical Research Unit on the rapid detection and differentiation of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria vs. the wild strains in human blood, serum, and in wound wash using SERS. Manager of nanofabrication clean room and a bio-sensing laboratory. Designed and constructed optical and mechanical instruments for experiments, such as an inductively coupled plasma generator facilitating nanostructure cleaning and in vivo SERS measurements. Performed regular maintenance, calibration and repair work on electron-beam evaporator system, Raman microscopes, plasma generator, and etc. Collaborated with Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. on the development and customization of FirstDefender RMX Handheld Chemical Identification device. Constructed optical adaptor for the device to be used with AgNR substrates, and developed SOP for the detection of bacteria with such device. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant, The University of Georgia January 2010-August 2013 - Assisted in teaching 3 undergraduate courses: New Food Product Development, Special Problems in Food Science, and International Agribusiness and Environmental Management. Mentor, Young Scholars Research Apprenticeship Program May-July, 2010 and May-July 2011 - Mentored participating high school students in individual research projects. Supervised students in daily research activities and final oral presentation. One of my students won 1st Place in Presentation Competition. LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE Student Affairs and Advisory Committee, Chinese American Food Society. 2016-Present President, Toastmasters International Sealed Air Duncan Club 2015- 2016 Committee member, Sealed Air Womens Initiative Network 2015- 2016 Committee member, Sealed Air R&D Safety Steering Committee 2016 Team Leader, PDMA Student Product Development Competition April, 2010 - Let a team of 7 students developing a yogurt coated pomegranate granola with antioxidants, prebiotics, and probiotics. Won Second Place in the competition. Executive Vice President, Chinese Student Association, The University of Georgia 2011-2014 AWARDS The University of Georgia Graduate School Deans Award for International Study, 2013 Chinese American Food Society Graduate Student Scholarship, 2011 Purdue University Food Science Grand Cru Award, 2009 Rex Hall Memorial Scholarship, Purdue University, 2008 SKILLS & CERTIFICATES Language: Fluent in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English. Lab work: Expert on conventional and molecular microbiology methods, cell culture, packaging material characterization, and nanomaterial fabrication. Proficient in physical, chemical, and biological analytical methods, such as PCR, microarray, SEM, TEM, Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis, and etc. Computer: Proficient in Minitab速, SAS速, MatLab速, Compusense速, AutoCAD速, and etc. Certifications: Certified New Product Development Professional (Product Development Management Association); Certificate of Developing and Implementing GAPs & HACCP for Fresh Produce Industry. Training: Design for Lean Six Sigma green belt; Project Management. PUBLICATIONS 9 refereed journal articles (6 first author) and 4 refereed conference papers at national conferences.