October 29 - November 1, 2009, Lima (Peru): XII International Asparagus Symposium. Info: Prof. Andres V. Casas Diaz, Dept. Of Horticulture, Univ. Nac. Agraria - La Molina, Apdo. 12-056, Lima 12, Peru. Phone: (51)13485796, Fax: (51)13481660, E-mail: cda@lamolina.edu.pe E-mail symposium: info@iasperu2009.com Web: http://www.ias2009peru.com/
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XII International Asparagus Symposium
1. IAS
XIIth International Asparagus Symposium
Experiences in peru
Explore Peruvian wonderful flavours
and diversity of living cultures.
2. Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
The Flavour of
nature & geography
Discover Perus distinctive geography,
spectacular diversity and natural richness.
The Flavour
of the Best Cuisine
Peru was gifted with lands and seas of divine
abundance and we, the Peruvians, for centuries
now, have given thanks for this gift by cooking,
eating and creating just as the gods do.
Ballestas Island,
Lanz坦n de Chav鱈n
3. The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the :
XIIth International Asparagus Symposium
To be held from Thursday October 29th until Sunday November 1st 2009, in Lima, Peru.
The IAS 2009 is organized under the auspices of the International Society for Horticultural
Science (ISHS) and is hosted by the Peruvian Asparagus & Vegetables Institute, PromPeru
and Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru.
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
IPEH Guillermo van Oordt P.
Andr辿s Casas Chair Univ. Nac. Agraria La Molina. Peru
Leylha Rebaza G.
Pedro Cisneros IPEH
Santiago Fumagalli G.
Julio Toledo Univ. Nac. Agraria La Molina. Peru
Instituto Peruano del Esp叩rrago
Miguel Holle Univ. Nac. Agraria La Molina. Peru
y Hortalizas - www.ipeh.org
Daniel Drost Utah University. USA
Chee-kok Chin Rutgers University. USA
UNALM Andr辿s Casas D.
Maria Ines Gonzales INIA.Quillamapu. Chile
Roberto Ugaz C.
Cosme Guerrero Universidad de Sonora. M辿xico
Saray Siura C.
Neil Stone Universidad de California. USA
Univ. Nac. Agraria La Molina
Pierre Lavrijsen Holanda
PROMPERU Comisi坦n de Promoci坦n del Per炭
para la Exportaci坦n y el Turismo
4. Plaza de Armas
The following is the schedule for the
symposium, which can also be found at
Thursday, October 29th
09:00 13:00 Registration
13:00 13:45 Opening Ceremony
UNALM Welcoming
IPEH Opening Remarks
Theme: Pests & Diseases
13:45 14:30 pm Peruvian Asparagus:
An associative experience
implementing an integral
system for the reduction of
quarantine pests
Carnival Dance
14:30 15:00 Paper
15:00 15:30 Break
15:30 16:00 Paper
16:30 17:00 Paper
Friday, October 30th
09:00 09:45 Integrated Pest Management
in Asparagus
Peruvian Situation
Guillermo Sanchez, Professor
09:45 10: 15 Paper
10:15 10: 45 Paper
10:45 11:00 Break
11:00 11:30 Paper
11:30 12:00 Asparagus pest management:
strategies for a Sustainable
crop production
Juan Cabrera, Ph D.
Research consultant
12:00 14:00 Lunch
Theme: Crop Management
14:00 14:45 Research Consultant Asparagus
Industry in China
Chen Guangyu, Ph D
Chinese Asparagus Association
14:45 15:15 Paper
15:15 15: 45 Paper
15:45 16:00 Break
5. 16:00 16:30 Paper
16:30 17:00 Paper
17:00 17:30 Workshop
Saturday, October 31st
Theme: Breeding
09:00 09:45 The future challenge of asparagus
breeding: converting Kg per Hectare
to grower profits, Neil Stone, Ph D
Univ. of California, Riverside
09:45 10:15 Paper
10:15 10:45 Paper
10:45 11:00 Break
11:00 11:30 Paper
11:30 12:00 Paper
12:00 14:00 Lunch
Theme: Physiology
14.00 14:45 Asparagus production benefits
from crop management decisions
based on assessments of
root carbohydrate dynamics.
Derek Wilson, Ph D.
Puno Science Group Manager,
Sustainable Production
Systems, New Zealand Institute
for Crop & Food , Research
14:45 15:15 Paper
15:15 15:45 Paper
15:45 16:00 Break
16:00 16:30 Paper
16:30 17:00 Paper
17:00 17:30 Workshop
Sunday, November 1st
Theme: Marketing
09:00 09:45 Peruvian asparagus: From the
field to the consumer, an analysis.
09:45 10:15 Paper
10:15 10:45 Paper
10:45 11:00 Break
11:00 11:30 Paper
11:30 12:00 Paper
12:00 12:30 Closing Ceremony
6. Peruvian Paso Horse
Call for oral presentations, posters and
In addition to the invited speakers, participants are invited
to submit abstracts; the symposium will address the
following topics:
Crop management Pests & Diseases Breeding
Physiology Markets & Marketing
For each topic, three to five oral presentations will be
selected from these abstracts, in addition to the ones
mentioned in the program. Remaining abstracts may be
presented as posters.
Oral presentations on other topics will be considered. In
addition to the plenary lectures, two evenings have been
reserved for workshops. The workshops are to provide
ample opportunity for participants to discuss specific topics
informally. These workshops could be ideal for initiating
new research co-operation or discussing the results of
current research programmes. Participants are invited to
propose subjects for workshops. Advance preparation is
required. Details (i,e. introduction and discussion points)
must be included in the abstracts.
Abstracts presented as oral presentations, as posters or
in workshops will be published in Acta Horticulturae if
accepted by the editor. Abstracts, posters and workshop
information must be in English and will not be translated
to be published in Acta Horticulturae. Abstracts (200-300
words) in Microsoft Word files must be received by August
15, 2009 at:
cda@lamolina.edu.pe, info@ias2009peru.com and
Misti Volcano
Completed manuscripts for Acta Horticulturae in Microsoft
Word files must be received before October 10, 2009.
Torre Tagle Palace
Manuscripts on CD-ROM or DVD must be turned in during
Papers will be refereed and edited before inclusion in Acta
Horticulturae. Details of the requirements for papers and
posters, as well as workshop information, will be provided
with notification of acceptance, following receipt of the
abstract. Instructions to authors for Acta Horticulturae can
be found at: http://www.ishs.org
To all speakers: Please make all presentations in Microsoft
PowerPoint and send a copy on CD-Rom (to this address:
Av. Arambur炭 N尊166 4A, Lima 18, Miraflores, Lima -
Peru) or by e-mail in advance to info@ias2009peru.com,
AII participants will receive a copy of the abstracts (papers,
posters and workshops) at the time of registration. The
proceedings will be published by the ISHS in Acta Horticulturae
and sent to all participants in the lAS 2009.
Tuesday, October 27th
Caballitos de Totora
La Libertad: where the cultivation of white asparagus started almost 60 years ago. Trujillo, its capital city, is known as The City
of the Eternal Spring and Capital of the Marinera, the national dance of Peru. Located 557 km to the north of Lima, it is the land
of the famous Caballo de paso or pacer horse that evolved on the large sugar cane haciendas as the landlords rode them to
inspect their crops and properties.
The cultural heritage of Trujillo includes La Compa単鱈a Church, from the XVII century, the Cathedral on the city main square
built in 1647 and El Carmen Church and Monastery, where you can see art and architecture from colonial times.
Near Trujillo on t he western side of the city, there is a pre-Inca city known as Chan Chan. It is unique because it is made of mud
bricks and is considered the largest city of its kind in the ancient world. UNESCO declared this ancient city as the Heritage of
Mankind in 1986, Huaca del Sol (Sun) and Huaca de la Luna (Moon) are the largest pyramids made of mud bricks in Peru. There
you can see representations of the gods of the Mochica culture on the walls.
Trujillo is also an agricultural, commercial and transportation center as a result of the large areas dedicated to cultivating
sugar cane and asparagus.
The CHAVIMOCHIC Irrigation Project, which irrigates the Chao, Vir炭, Moche and Chicama valleys has made possible the
successful production and exportation of agricultural products such as artichokes, paprika, avocado, mango, grapes, etc.
Trujillos cuisine: the richness of Trujillos cuisine is base on local ingredients, for example zapallo loche, a kind of squash that
gives a unique taste to local dishes such as Cabrito de leche or young goat.
Crab cebiche and other types of sea food are dishes that visitors will remember forever.
Trip to Trujillo from Lima (October 27th, evening)
Participants will be picked up from Trujillos Capitan Carlos Mart鱈nez De Pinillos Airport and driven to the hotel.
Welcome Dinner: A welcome dinner will be offered to the participants where they will be able to taste local and traditional
dishes. IPEH, APTCH, CHAVIMOCHIC Project presentations.
** Hotel accommodations and meals are inclueded in the fee
Wednesday, October 28th
Morning visits to CHAVIMOCHIC, with the following program: Visit to SF Alm叩cigos (asparagus cultivation trial)
Visit to a leading white asparagus farm
Lunch at Asoc. Criadores de Caballo de Paso
Visit to Chan-Chan pre Inca city
Return trip to Lima (night)
Ica: Home of green asparagus cultivation and of our traditional beverage, PISCO
Sunday, November 1st
Ica, the capital of the region, is located 303 kilometers to the south of Lima. It is a city surrounded by fertile lands where
grapes are cultivated and used for making Pisco, our traditional beverage, as well as wines of excellent quality. Other cities
near Ica are Chincha, Pisco, Nazca and Palpa.
Ica is also known as the City of the Eternal Sunshine. It is an oasis in the middle of a desert.
Ica has a historic past. Early settlers are reported to have been in this area 10,000 years ago. Early cultures, such as the
Paracas, showed good knowledge of surgical medicine and textiles, leaving preserved bodies or mummies with fine blankets.
The Nazca, another culture that mastered astronomy, left the famous Nazca Lines, which are drawings representing a dog,
humming bird, condor, etc. 15 to 300 m in size. Also, they knew how to make aqueducts to irrigate the land.
Ica is a region situated between oasis and valleys, sand and sea. It is the only region that does not have mountains in its
territory. The Paracas National Reserve, located in this region, has colonies of many animals, such as sea lions and all kinds
of birds.
Ica has good environmental conditions for agricultural activities. Thus, agriculture is the main activity and many types
of beans (chick peas, lima beans and other types of beans) are grown. Grapes are cultivated and sent fresh to markets or
use for producing wine and Pisco. Vegetables and fruit for exportation are also produced, including asparagus, peppers,
artichoke, sweet onions, avocado, tangelo and other products.
Local traditions are still found in Ica, such as Caballos de Paso (pacer horses), cock fighting, and Afro-Peruvian music and
dances, such as the Festejo and Alcatraz.
Ica also has special cuisine. Carapulcra (dried potato, peanuts and pork), which originated in Chincha, and dry soup (sopa
seca) are just two of the dishes that Ica has to offer.
The legacy of the city of Ica is represented by the beans and lima bean soup (chupe) prepared with milk, fish, Chinese prawn
and, of course, lima beans. Desserts such as frijol colado, tejas and alcayote candy are just some of the sweets you can
In the afternoon, after the closing ceremony, we will depart by bus to Ica.
Upon their arrival in Ica, participants will be served a welcome dinner at which traditional dishes will be prepared and all
can enjoy our Pisco.
** Hotel accommodations and meals are included in the fee.
Monday, November 2th
Early in the day, participants will visit asparagus farms in
the Ica Valley according to the following schedule:
Visit to green asparagus plantations
Lunch in a rural restaurant
Visit to a winery and Pisco producer,
In the evening we will return to Lima.
9. The Flavour of
Be part of a guided seminar through
two millennia of Peruvian culture.
Afro Dance
Machu Picchu
The registration fee for the Symposium includes the
welcome reception, entry to all sessions, all lunches
and a copy of the proceedings.
Fees : Before May,2009
IPEH / ISHS Member US$ 400
Non ISHS/IPEH member US$ 450
Accompanying person US$ 800
Fees: After May, 2009
IPEH / ISHS Member US$ 450
Nazca Lines
Non IPEH / ISHS Member US$ 500
The fees for the Pre Tour Symposium and the Post
Tour Symposium include all the excursions, all
guided tours and all lunches/dinners and hotel
Pre Tour (**) US$ 270
Post Tour US$ 230
Pre & Post Symposium Tour US$ 500
(**) Not included air ticket to Trujillo.
A complete registration form is enclosed. Please
return it to the organization.
10. Chan Chan
Welcome to Peru!!
Peru is a country with 10,000 years of history. The Inca Empire evolved here, but long
before the Incas, other civilizations were situated in many valleys and regions of the
country, such as Caral, Sipan, Nazca and Kuelap.
Peru has a great diversity of climates. You can find 84 life zones out of a total of 117 in the world. You can experience a desert
environment, a high altitude city in the Andes and a warm, rainy forest within hours.
Diverse food, music, languages, dances, and flavors can be experienced in the different regions of the country, especially
during traditional festivities.
Peru, the home of millions of people, is awaiting you with open arms. Visit: http://www.peru.info/peru.asp
IAS 2009 will take place at Universidad Nacional Agraria La Gastronomy Meeting. Also, the colonial part of the city has
Molina, in La Molina District, on the east side of Lima. been considered Heritage of Mankind by UNESCO since
1988, including part of downtown Lima and the Rimac
Lima is the capital of Peru and the countrys biggest, most District because of Limas importance during colonial times,
populated city. It is in the central part of the country on the as well as the architecture of the Church of Santo Domingo,
Pacific Ocean, with rivers, such as the Chillon, Rimac and the main plaza, the Cathedral, Torre Tagle Palace, and many
Lurin, flowing toward it from the Andes Mountains. other places.
Founded by Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro on January Next to the Pacific Ocean, Lima has beautiful beaches such
18th, 1535, Lima was known as La Ciudad de los Reyes or as San Bartolo and Punta Hermosa, as well as valleys such as
The city of Kings. Under Spanish rule, it was considered Lurin, which is considered an ecological district.
the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru. After Peru gained its
independence, the city became the capital of the country.
Lima is an interesting place where you can find a historic Transportation
center, archeological sites, museums, art galleries and
traditional festivities. The travel agency will offer you transportation from the
Lima will show you a great diversity of restaurants with airport and to and from the conferences in La Molina.
traditional and international dishes. Peruvian cuisine is well
recognized worldwide. Lima International Airport website:
Lima was recognized as the Gastronomic Capital of http://www.lap.com.pe/
Latin America Madrid in 2006 during the International
11. Marinera
Colca Canyon
Electrical Current
Passport & Visa
Perus electrical current is 220 volts.
Some foreigners may need visas to enter the country. Please
inquire at the Peruvian Consulate in your country.
Visit the website: Insurance
Safety and security are the responsibility of each
participant. The organizers do not assume responsibility
Currency Exchange for occurrences such as illness, death, accidents or loss of
property, regardless of the cause.
The nuevo sol is the Peruvian currency. However, US dollars
are accepted at some stores and malls.
Euros can be changed at Banks or Money Exchange offices.
Conferences will take place at the main auditorium at
the Univ. Nac. Agraria La Molina (www.lamolina.edu.pe),
Deadlines located at La Molina District, east part of Lima.
August 15th Deadline for the submission of We have prepared hotel options in Miraflores, San
abstracts. Isidro and La Molina, to access those options please fill
August 30th Notification of authors on the registration form of the travel agency for the event.
acceptance of papers as Visit the website: http://www.ias2009peru.com
oral or poster presentations, Visits to Lima touristics places will be organized.
and final choice of workshops
to be organized.
September 15th Deadline for registration (hotel
booking, pre symposium and
post symposium tour
The symposium official language is ENGLISH, but
booking, as well as registration
translation english to Spanish and Spanish to english will
for the IAS 2009).
be available.
October 10th Deadline for reception of
manuscripts for Acta
October 27th - 28th Pre-Symposium Tour
(Chavimochic Valley).
October 29th - November 1st Symposium.
November 1st - 2nd Post Symposium Tour
(Ica Valley).
12. www.ias2009peru.com
Kuelap, Chachapoyas
Av Aramburu 166 Office 4A Miraflores, Lima - Peru
Phone: 511 422 2323 l Fax: 511 440 3378
Contact: Leylha Rebaza / Samir Valverde
XIIth International Asparagus Symposium
E-mail: info@ias2009peru.com