Reconfigurable Platform for the Emulation of RISC and CISC Architectures
Published on the 2012 4th CWCAS (Colombian Workshop on Circuits and Sytems)
IEEE Catalog Number CFP12CWC-CDR
ISBN: 978-1-4673-4613-9
The document discusses the study of place, route and back annotation in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). It describes place and route as the process of placing logic elements and interconnecting them on the FPGA grid. Back annotation is defined as translating timing information from the physical design to the logical design to enable timing simulation. Key aspects covered include manual placement and routing, directed routing, and the use of netgen to back annotate timing delays from the placed design file to the logical file.
A PIC compatible RISC CPU core Implementation for FPGA based Configurable SOC...IDES Editor
Modern embedded systems are built around the soft
core processors implemented on FPGA. The FPGAs being
capable of implementing custom hardware blocks giving the
advantage of ASICs, and allowing the implementation of
processor platform are resulting in powerful Configurablesystem
on chip(C-SoC)platforms. The Microchips PIC
microcontroller is very widely used microcontroller
architecture across various embedded systems. The
implementation of such core on FPGA is very much useful in
CSOC based embedded systems. This type of designs can be
widely used in those controlling fields demanding low power
consumption and high ratio of performance to price. In this
project a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) CPU IP
core whose instructions are compatible with the Microchip
PIC16C6Xseries of microcontrollers is implemented in VHDL.
The core is based on 8-bit RISC architecture and top-Down
design methodology is used in developing the core. The RISC
CPU core is based on Harvard architecture with 14-bit
instruction length and 8-bit data length and two-stage
instruction pipeline. The architecture will be designed aiming
at single cycle execution of the instructions, except those
related to program branches. Since this type of CPU based on
RISC architecture, there are only 35 reduced instructions in
its instruction set, which are easy to be learned and used. The
performance of the 8-bit RISC CPU is better than those of
CPUs which are based on CISC architecture. Modelsim Xilinx
Edition (MXE) will be used simulation and functional
verification. The Xilinx Spartan-3E FPGAs will be used
synthesis and timing analysis. The results will be verified on
chip with chipscope tool.
Development of Signal Processing Algorithms using OpenCL for FPGA based Archi...Pradeep Singh
This document provides an overview of using OpenCL to develop signal processing algorithms for an FPGA. It first introduces OpenCL and discusses its memory model and programming model, including host and kernel programming. It then discusses using OpenCL specifically for FPGAs and describes implementing some example algorithms like vector addition, N-point DFT and 8-point FFT using Vivado HLS. The document also discusses problems encountered and future work, and provides results and conclusions from implementing the algorithms on the FPGA using OpenCL.
This document discusses networked embedded systems and system-on-chip architectures. It covers applications such as automotive, multimedia, and biotech. It also discusses models and methods for design space exploration, verification, and resource-aware computing. The document outlines hardware architectures, software architectures, and system-level modeling, analysis and optimization. It provides examples of using ARTS (Abstraction, Refinement and Type-checking based System design) for modeling, simulation, and applications in multiprocessor systems-on-chip, wireless sensor networks, and automotive systems.
Fpga based 128 bit customised vliw processor for executing dual scalarvector ...eSAT Publishing House
IJRET : International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology is an international peer reviewed, online journal published by eSAT Publishing House for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Engineering and Technology. We bring together Scientists, Academician, Field Engineers, Scholars and Students of related fields of Engineering and Technology
The document discusses RISC (reduced instruction set computers) architectures compared to CISC (complex instruction set computers) architectures. Some key points:
- RISCs aim to simplify the instruction set to allow for faster execution, while CISCs include more complex instructions closer to high-level languages.
- Studies show programs spend most time on simple operations like moves and branches, using simple addressing modes and local variables, informing the RISC approach.
- RISCs use load/store architectures, fixed-length instructions, delayed loading, and many registers to improve performance over CISCs.
- While RISCs have advantages in speed and simplicity, comparisons are complex and modern processors combine RIS
IJERD ( International Journal of Engineering Research and Devel...IJERD Editor
This document describes the design of a 32-bit RISC CPU for convolution operations. The CPU uses a uniform 32-bit instruction format and operates in a single cycle without pipelining. It has a load/store architecture with 8 general purpose 32-bit registers and performs arithmetic and logical operations on the registers but not memory. The CPU includes a program counter, ALU, register file, instruction decoder, and clock control unit. It is designed for low power and high speed processing of convolution which is widely used in signal and image processing applications.
Presentation on Industrial training in VLSI NIT Raipur
The document discusses VLSI design and provides details about:
1. An introduction to VLSI including the definition and benefits of VLSI integration.
2. The VLSI design hierarchy including algorithm design, design entry, and fundamental simulation.
3. Software used in VLSI design such as Dsch3, Microwind, Xilinx, and Altera Quartus.
4. Hardware used including FPGAs like Spartan-3E and Cyclone-II, and field programmable analog arrays.
5. Applications of VLSI and job opportunities in the field.
Implementation of Soft-core processor on FPGA (Final Presentation)Deepak Kumar
Implementation of Soft-core processor(PicoBlaze) on FPGA using Xilinx.
Establishing communication between two PicoBlaze processors.
Creating an application using the multi-core processor.
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) ijceronline
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) is dedicated to protecting personal information and will make every reasonable effort to handle collected information appropriately. All information collected, as well as related requests, will be handled as carefully and efficiently as possible in accordance with IJCER standards for integrity and objectivity.
This document discusses the design of a 32-bit MIPS RISC processor using VHDL. It begins by introducing the MIPS instruction set and architecture. It then reviews related work on designing MIPS processors using VHDL. The proposed work will implement a 32-bit MIPS processor with three instruction formats (R, I, and J types) and a 5-stage pipeline (fetch, decode, execute, memory, writeback). It concludes that modeling the processor in VHDL allows formal verification and that a 32-bit MIPS RISC processor could achieve high speed if implemented on an FPGA.
A 64-Bit RISC Processor Design and Implementation Using VHDL Andrew Yoila
1. Introduction
In today technology digital hardware plays a very important role in field of electronic and computer engineering products today. Due
to fast growing and competition in the technological world and rapid rise of transistor demand and speediness of joined circuits and
steeps declines of the price cause by the improvement in micro-electronics application Machineries. The introduction of computer to
the society has affected so many things in the society in which almost all problems can be solve using computers. Many industries
today are requesting for system developers that have the skills and technical knowhow of designing the program logics. VHDL is one
of the most popular design applications used by designer to implement such task. Reduce instruction set computing (RISC) processor
play a vital role with RISC AND BIST features which most dominants patterns can provide, in systems testing of the circuits below
the tests which is important to the quality component of testing [1]. Although the Reduced instruction set have few instructions sets, as
its bits processings sizes increase then the tests patterns become denser and the structures faults is kept great. In view to enable the
Operation of the most instructions as registers to registers operation, Arithmetic logic unit is studied and a detail test patterns is being
develop. This report is prepaid keeping in mind where specific application is automated and controlled. This report has 33 instruction
set with MICA architecture. This report will focus mainly on the meaning of
i. RISC processor,
ii. the design,
iii. the architecture,
iv. the data part and the instruction set of the design.
v. VHDL.
The document summarizes a paper presented at the 2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference on implementing a codec driver for network embedded devices. It discusses:
1) The need for developing device drivers for audio CODECs on embedded systems with network functions.
2) The methodology used to write the driver, including initialization, setup, opening/closing the device, and data transmission/reception.
3) Hardware details of the Intel PXA255 processor and CS4297A audio CODEC used as the target embedded system.
This document describes the design and implementation of a 16-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processor using Verilog hardware description language. The processor uses a Harvard architecture with separate instruction and data memories. It has a simple instruction set and utilizes basic components like an arithmetic logic unit, control unit, registers, and memory. The processor was modeled, simulated, and synthesized on an FPGA for verification of its functionality and performance of operations like addition, multiplication, and memory access.
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER)ijceronline
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) is an intentional online Journal in English monthly publishing journal. This Journal publish original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in engineering and Technology.
The document provides an introduction to systems approaches and system architecture. It discusses how system architecture has evolved over time to deal with increasing complexity as transistor density has grown exponentially. A system-on-chip architecture combines various processors, memories, and interconnects tailored for a specific application domain. The document then discusses the key components of systems, including different types of processors, memories, and interconnects. It also covers the tradeoffs between hardware and software implementations and different processor architectures used in systems-on-chip.
What is Microcontroller, Microcontroller vs Microprocessor, Development/Classication of microcontrollers, Harvard vs. Princeton Architecture, RISC AND CISC CONTROLLERS
Features of RISC, Microcontroller for Embedded Systems
10 x86 PC Embedded Applications, Choosing a Microcontroller
Criteria for Choosing a Microcontroller, Mechatronics, and Microcontrollers, A brief history of the PIC microcontroller, PIC Microcontrollers, Feature: PIC16F877, Simplied Features.
In this paper, proposed a novel implementation of a Soft-Core system using
micro-blaze processor with virtex-5 FPGA. Till now Hard-Core processors are used in
FPGA processor cores. Hard cores are a fixed gate-level IP functions within the FPGA
fabrics. Now the proposed processor is Soft-Core Processor, this is a microprocessor fully
described in software, usually in an HDL. This can be implemented by using EDK tool. In
this paper, developed a system which is having a micro-blaze processor is the combination
of both hardware & Software. By using this system, user can control and communicate all
the peripherals which are in the supported board by using Xilinx platform to develop an
embedded system. Implementing of Soft-Core process system with different peripherals like
UART interface, SPA flash interface, SRAM interface has to be designed using Xilinx
Embedded Development Kit (EDK) tools.
Exploring NISC Architectures for Matrix ApplicationIDES Editor
This document summarizes the results of exploring different NISC (No Instruction Set Computer) architectures for matrix applications. The authors implemented several matrix applications using a NISC toolset and analyzed the compilation and simulation results on different NISC architectures. They analyzed register counts and execution cycle counts and identified the best architectures. For register counts, architectures with pipelined datapaths and data forwarding performed best. For cycle counts, a custom architecture designed by the authors outperformed generic NISC architectures for matrix applications. The authors conducted a comparative analysis to determine the optimal architecture depending on the application requirements.
(1) An FPGA is a field-programmable gate array that contains configurable digital components that can be interconnected by the user. (2) The Advanced Digital Technologies student group uses FPGAs for projects such as a datalogger and the X-ISCKER embedded processor design. (3) X-ISCKER is an open source FPGA-based embedded processor project that aims to teach computer architectures through implementing RISC and CISC processors on an FPGA.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc.
The document discusses DACHSview++, a graphical programming environment that combines function block programming and C/C++ programming. It allows developing real-time and GUI applications for industrial automation. DACHSview++ supports multicore CPUs, distributed systems, advanced graphics, and integrates C/C++ code through a JIT compiler. It addresses limitations of traditional PLC programming and supports future requirements for industrial automation through its event-based modeling, advanced OS features, and ability to integrate different programming languages.
Iirdem design and implementation of finger writing in air by using open cv (c...Iaetsd Iaetsd
The document describes a project to design a system for finger writing in air using an Open CV library on an ARM platform. The proposed system uses a webcam, ARM microcontroller and display unit to capture finger movements or handwriting in front of the camera and display it on the screen in real-time. It analyzes the finger trajectories using Open CV and recognizes the patterns for display. The system is aimed at providing a more accessible way of digital writing compared to conventional methods.
This document discusses instruction-level parallelism (ILP) limitations. It covers ILP background using a MIPS example, hardware models that were studied including register renaming and branch/jump prediction assumptions. A study of ILP limitations found diminishing returns with larger window sizes and realizable processors are limited by complexity and power constraints. Simultaneous multithreading was explored as a technique to improve ILP but has its own design challenges. Today, x86 and ARM processors employ various ILP optimizations within pipeline constraints.
Presentation on Industrial training in VLSI NIT Raipur
The document discusses VLSI design and provides details about:
1. An introduction to VLSI including the definition and benefits of VLSI integration.
2. The VLSI design hierarchy including algorithm design, design entry, and fundamental simulation.
3. Software used in VLSI design such as Dsch3, Microwind, Xilinx, and Altera Quartus.
4. Hardware used including FPGAs like Spartan-3E and Cyclone-II, and field programmable analog arrays.
5. Applications of VLSI and job opportunities in the field.
Implementation of Soft-core processor on FPGA (Final Presentation)Deepak Kumar
Implementation of Soft-core processor(PicoBlaze) on FPGA using Xilinx.
Establishing communication between two PicoBlaze processors.
Creating an application using the multi-core processor.
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) ijceronline
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER) is dedicated to protecting personal information and will make every reasonable effort to handle collected information appropriately. All information collected, as well as related requests, will be handled as carefully and efficiently as possible in accordance with IJCER standards for integrity and objectivity.
This document discusses the design of a 32-bit MIPS RISC processor using VHDL. It begins by introducing the MIPS instruction set and architecture. It then reviews related work on designing MIPS processors using VHDL. The proposed work will implement a 32-bit MIPS processor with three instruction formats (R, I, and J types) and a 5-stage pipeline (fetch, decode, execute, memory, writeback). It concludes that modeling the processor in VHDL allows formal verification and that a 32-bit MIPS RISC processor could achieve high speed if implemented on an FPGA.
A 64-Bit RISC Processor Design and Implementation Using VHDL Andrew Yoila
1. Introduction
In today technology digital hardware plays a very important role in field of electronic and computer engineering products today. Due
to fast growing and competition in the technological world and rapid rise of transistor demand and speediness of joined circuits and
steeps declines of the price cause by the improvement in micro-electronics application Machineries. The introduction of computer to
the society has affected so many things in the society in which almost all problems can be solve using computers. Many industries
today are requesting for system developers that have the skills and technical knowhow of designing the program logics. VHDL is one
of the most popular design applications used by designer to implement such task. Reduce instruction set computing (RISC) processor
play a vital role with RISC AND BIST features which most dominants patterns can provide, in systems testing of the circuits below
the tests which is important to the quality component of testing [1]. Although the Reduced instruction set have few instructions sets, as
its bits processings sizes increase then the tests patterns become denser and the structures faults is kept great. In view to enable the
Operation of the most instructions as registers to registers operation, Arithmetic logic unit is studied and a detail test patterns is being
develop. This report is prepaid keeping in mind where specific application is automated and controlled. This report has 33 instruction
set with MICA architecture. This report will focus mainly on the meaning of
i. RISC processor,
ii. the design,
iii. the architecture,
iv. the data part and the instruction set of the design.
v. VHDL.
The document summarizes a paper presented at the 2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference on implementing a codec driver for network embedded devices. It discusses:
1) The need for developing device drivers for audio CODECs on embedded systems with network functions.
2) The methodology used to write the driver, including initialization, setup, opening/closing the device, and data transmission/reception.
3) Hardware details of the Intel PXA255 processor and CS4297A audio CODEC used as the target embedded system.
This document describes the design and implementation of a 16-bit reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processor using Verilog hardware description language. The processor uses a Harvard architecture with separate instruction and data memories. It has a simple instruction set and utilizes basic components like an arithmetic logic unit, control unit, registers, and memory. The processor was modeled, simulated, and synthesized on an FPGA for verification of its functionality and performance of operations like addition, multiplication, and memory access.
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER)ijceronline
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) is an intentional online Journal in English monthly publishing journal. This Journal publish original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in engineering and Technology.
The document provides an introduction to systems approaches and system architecture. It discusses how system architecture has evolved over time to deal with increasing complexity as transistor density has grown exponentially. A system-on-chip architecture combines various processors, memories, and interconnects tailored for a specific application domain. The document then discusses the key components of systems, including different types of processors, memories, and interconnects. It also covers the tradeoffs between hardware and software implementations and different processor architectures used in systems-on-chip.
What is Microcontroller, Microcontroller vs Microprocessor, Development/Classication of microcontrollers, Harvard vs. Princeton Architecture, RISC AND CISC CONTROLLERS
Features of RISC, Microcontroller for Embedded Systems
10 x86 PC Embedded Applications, Choosing a Microcontroller
Criteria for Choosing a Microcontroller, Mechatronics, and Microcontrollers, A brief history of the PIC microcontroller, PIC Microcontrollers, Feature: PIC16F877, Simplied Features.
In this paper, proposed a novel implementation of a Soft-Core system using
micro-blaze processor with virtex-5 FPGA. Till now Hard-Core processors are used in
FPGA processor cores. Hard cores are a fixed gate-level IP functions within the FPGA
fabrics. Now the proposed processor is Soft-Core Processor, this is a microprocessor fully
described in software, usually in an HDL. This can be implemented by using EDK tool. In
this paper, developed a system which is having a micro-blaze processor is the combination
of both hardware & Software. By using this system, user can control and communicate all
the peripherals which are in the supported board by using Xilinx platform to develop an
embedded system. Implementing of Soft-Core process system with different peripherals like
UART interface, SPA flash interface, SRAM interface has to be designed using Xilinx
Embedded Development Kit (EDK) tools.
Exploring NISC Architectures for Matrix ApplicationIDES Editor
This document summarizes the results of exploring different NISC (No Instruction Set Computer) architectures for matrix applications. The authors implemented several matrix applications using a NISC toolset and analyzed the compilation and simulation results on different NISC architectures. They analyzed register counts and execution cycle counts and identified the best architectures. For register counts, architectures with pipelined datapaths and data forwarding performed best. For cycle counts, a custom architecture designed by the authors outperformed generic NISC architectures for matrix applications. The authors conducted a comparative analysis to determine the optimal architecture depending on the application requirements.
(1) An FPGA is a field-programmable gate array that contains configurable digital components that can be interconnected by the user. (2) The Advanced Digital Technologies student group uses FPGAs for projects such as a datalogger and the X-ISCKER embedded processor design. (3) X-ISCKER is an open source FPGA-based embedded processor project that aims to teach computer architectures through implementing RISC and CISC processors on an FPGA.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc.
The document discusses DACHSview++, a graphical programming environment that combines function block programming and C/C++ programming. It allows developing real-time and GUI applications for industrial automation. DACHSview++ supports multicore CPUs, distributed systems, advanced graphics, and integrates C/C++ code through a JIT compiler. It addresses limitations of traditional PLC programming and supports future requirements for industrial automation through its event-based modeling, advanced OS features, and ability to integrate different programming languages.
Iirdem design and implementation of finger writing in air by using open cv (c...Iaetsd Iaetsd
The document describes a project to design a system for finger writing in air using an Open CV library on an ARM platform. The proposed system uses a webcam, ARM microcontroller and display unit to capture finger movements or handwriting in front of the camera and display it on the screen in real-time. It analyzes the finger trajectories using Open CV and recognizes the patterns for display. The system is aimed at providing a more accessible way of digital writing compared to conventional methods.
This document discusses instruction-level parallelism (ILP) limitations. It covers ILP background using a MIPS example, hardware models that were studied including register renaming and branch/jump prediction assumptions. A study of ILP limitations found diminishing returns with larger window sizes and realizable processors are limited by complexity and power constraints. Simultaneous multithreading was explored as a technique to improve ILP but has its own design challenges. Today, x86 and ARM processors employ various ILP optimizations within pipeline constraints.
This document describes a project to implement a configurable system with two processors, a RISC and CISC processor, in an FPGA. The RISC processor has 30 instructions and the CISC has 244. It will come with a programming and monitoring interface. The goal is to illustrate the structure and operation of CPUs and allow students to learn computer architecture fundamentals. The project files will be made available online for others to use and expand.
Presentaci坦n Proyecto de Grado: X-ISCKERJose Pinilla
Esta es la presentaci坦n del proyecto de grado "Plataforma para la emulaci坦n y reconfiguraci坦n de arquitecturas RISC y CISC", denominada XISCKER (Reduced/Complex Instruction Set Computing Key Educational Resource). Desarrollado por Jose Pinilla y Alfredo Gualdr坦n, bajo la direcci坦n del MSc. Alonso Retamoso
Medical images compression: JPEG variations for DICOM standardJose Pinilla
This is a report that introduces the technical features of the different image compression schemes found in the DICOM standar for medical imaging archiving and communication.
The document summarizes the opposition to the proposed SOPA and PIPA legislation in the US Congress in January 2012. Major websites went "black" on January 18th to protest the bills, which aimed to curb online piracy but were criticized for being too broad. The bills would have allowed sites to be blocked and payment services suspended over undefined terms like "facilitating infringement." This lack of clarity and due process is what led to widespread protests against the bills on "Black Wednesday," with users and sites calling for more precise anti-piracy laws.
Telemedicine and telecardiology reportJose Pinilla
This document discusses the use of telemedicine and telecardiology to improve access to cardiovascular care for rural populations. It describes how technologies have evolved from early telephone consultations to modern interactive systems using devices, videoconferencing, and digital imaging to allow remote patient monitoring and virtual consultations. The document also examines specific telehealth programs in Canada, including Telehomecare and Telestroke networks, that aim to reduce hospital visits and improve outcomes for patients with heart conditions through remote care delivery models.
The document discusses factors that contribute to the success of the Internet. It argues that for a technology to succeed, it must be useful for both experienced and new users. The Internet appeals to common users not just because of its size, speed, reliability and security, but because these factors are intuitive and transparent. The utilization of the Internet has become more intuitive over time. Key to this success is that users do not need to understand the underlying protocols, systems, and algorithms for the Internet to function and provide various services to users through applications.
"Basta de historias" de Andr辿s OppenheimerJose Pinilla
El documento discute las deficiencias de la educaci坦n en Am辿rica Latina y las razones por las cuales la regi坦n se ha quedado atr叩s en la econom鱈a global del conocimiento. En Am辿rica Latina hay demasiados estudiantes en carreras human鱈sticas en lugar de ciencias e ingenier鱈a. Adem叩s, la calidad de la educaci坦n primaria y secundaria es baja, con pocos a単os de escolaridad formal en promedio. En contraste, los pa鱈ses asi叩ticos como China tienen un enfoque m叩s pragm叩tico y centrado en el futuro, con much
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Reconfigurable Platform for the Emulation of RISC and CISC Architectures
Jose Pablo Pinilla Alfredo Gualdr坦n
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Bucaramanga, Colombia Bucaramanga, Colombia
AbstractThis is a project planned to illustrate the structure debugging functionalities for the two processors, called
and operational foundations of Central Processing Units, through RISCKER and CISCKER. A stand-alone application of the
the implementation of a configurable system with two processors, processors is also available, without the IDE-FPGA
one RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) and one CISC communication. The final stage of development for the
(Complex Instruction Set Computing), on an FPGA (Field platform is Reconfiguration. The availability of all source
Programmable Gate Array), along with a programming and code is an invitation to modify the provided architectures.
monitoring user interface software.
Figure 1 is a diagram of the X-ISCKER platform including
Index TermsComputer Architecture, RISC, CISC, FPGA, the communication module.
Embedded Processors.
I. INTRODUCTION A RISC processor instruction set and organization is
designed so that it represents this architectures characteristics,
Computer organization and computer architecture design such as: A large amount of registers, few Instructions of the
courses rely mostly on commercial microcontrollers that can be same width and logical-arithmetic operations only between
used in application projects. But being commercial implies that registers.
those are closed designs, meaning their documentation leaves This processors structure is similar to the Multi-cycle
organization details unmentioned. Another educational option MIPS described by Patterson and Hennessy [1] in order to
is the use of simulation programs, which can be very detailed facilitate the change between this system and a commercial
but lack the applicability of an Integrated Circuit (IC). MIPS-based processor in terms of code compatibility and
X-ISCKER or Reduced/Complex Instruction Set structural behavior. An approximation of the design is shown
Computing Key Educational Resource is a software-hardware in figure 2, highlighting the main units and signals, while an
platform that combines the applicability of a microcontroller IC overview of the main characteristics for its operation can be
with the detailed functionality and monitoring capabilities of a seen on table 1.
processor simulator. It is based on the development of two
basic architectures, one RISC and one CISC, in Verilog HDL
for any FPGA, an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
software and a thorough documentation of their functionality.
Fig. 1. X-ISCKER Platform.
The user is able to emulate any of the two architectures in
an FPGA while monitoring its state during the execution of any
program written in its corresponding assembly language. The Fig. 2. RISCKER Observer.
IDE is capable of assembling and linking, programming, and
2. TABLE I. RISCKER PROCESSOR the X-ISCKER IDE main window where secondary tools can
be accessed.
This CISC processor is based on the instruction set of the
Motorola (now Freescale) HC08 and HC11 series which
symbolizes the characteristics of CISC Architecture, with A. Emulation
features like: Small set of registers with specific purposes, Emulation allows the user to monitor the behavior of the
several addressing modes and therefore a large amount of implemented processor in the FPGA through a serial
instructions with different widths. Figure 3 contains a diagram communication of the processors state during the execution of
that represents the main units and signals of this processor, any programmed algorithm. Both tasks, programming and
whereas table 2 shows its main characteristics comparable to monitoring, are made through the X-ISCKER IDE, which
the ones of the RISCKER processor. provides an Assembler interface, the X-ISCKER Programmer
and the X-ISCKER Observer. Figures 2 and 3 are screenshots
of the X-ISCKER Observer tool for the RISC and CISC
architectures correspondingly.
B. Application
The platform is aimed to application projects in which the
programmer is already familiarized with the organization of the
processors. The X-ISCKER IDE performs the assembling
functions of the two assembly languages while the Programmer
tool is used with an HDL description of the chosen processor
without the emulation functions, letting the hardware run at
higher frequencies and use less FPGA resources.
C. Reconfiguration
The main target of the project is to provide a prototyping
tool for different processor topologies by adding, removing,
changing or mixing the features of any of the two given
architectures. This is done in order to promote design
propositions and give a better introduction to computer
architecture trends, such as DSP (Digital Signal Processing),
Fig. 3. CISCKER Observer dynamic instruction sets and multi-core computing as well as
different types of parallelism (Data-level, Thread-level and
Instruction-Level Parallelism).
The X-ISCKER platform has three main functions
identified as Emulation, Application, and Reconfiguration.
These functions make use of all the capabilities and resources
provided. Figure 4 shows the GUI (Graphic User Interface) of
3. development is posted on the Computer Architecture course
web page for Informatics Engineers[2], and all finished and
tested results are linked to the X-ISCKER site.
This experience shows that the X-ISCKER platform is not
only useful for digital circuit designers but also for software
designers, covering a wide range of research areas where
students can start developing their ideas.
Todays architectures have grown to be more complex due
to compatibility-guided development and the addition of
necessary advanced features, making them difficult to explain
and impossible to love [1]. This demands a very solid
introduction of computer architecture trends and evolution, by
empirically studying the principles from which modern
processors are ruled and allowing the designer to test its models
according to their knowledge and application requirements.
Fig. 4. X-ISCKER IDE. The X-ISCKER platform delivers the Verilog HDL
description of two processors, an IDE software and the
documentation that will allow new learners to familiarize with
V. STUDENTES EXPERIENCE computer architecture foundations, and computer designers to
come up with custom embedded processor solutions to their
Throughout the days following the presentation of the X- applications.
ISCKER platform to the academic evaluators and the
The source files for the X-ISCKER platform and related
engineering community at the UPB (Universidad Pontificia
further development will be kept available at the ADT
Bolivariana), there was positive feedback and more
(Advanced Digital Technologies) students research group of
importantly the students showed interest on the further
the UPB website [3]..
development of this platform. According to previous definition
of future projects related to the X-ISCKER platform, the REFERENCES
development of a multi-platform assembler is proposed as a
[1] D. Patterson and J. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design,
course project for the Informatics Engineering students taking Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005.
the Computer Architecture course at the UPB. This is a [2] H. A. Becerra (2012, Oct 1), Proyecto ENSAMBLADOR X-ISCKER,
development guided by the developers of the platform where Available:
information voids were filled with further documentation and ensamblador-x-iscker
where students were required to understand the operation of the [3] A. Gualdr坦n and J. P. Pinilla (2012, Jul 2), Semillero ADT -
RISCKER processor in order to develop a fully operational XISCKER, Available:
assembler using Java. A step by step description of this [4] S. G. Shiva, Computer Organization Design and Architecture, 4th
Edition, CRC Press, 2008.