X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can pass through many materials opaque to visible light. They have wavelengths ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometers. X-rays are commonly used in medical imaging to diagnose conditions like fractures, cancers, and lung and abdominal issues. The procedure involves placing the body part being examined in the path of an X-ray beam; images provide information about internal structures. While very useful, X-rays do expose patients to radiation, so risks must be considered.
2. ? An electromagnetic wave of high energy and
very short wavelength, which is able to pass
through many materials opaque to light.
"an X-ray source¡°
? Most X-rays have a wavelength ranging
from 0.01 to 10 nanometers,
3. ? X-ray, or radiography, is the
oldest and most common
form of medical imaging.
? X-rays, gamma rays and
beta particles are all used in
medicine to treat internal
? X-rays and gamma rays are
used in medicine. They are
electromagnetic waves and
part of the electromagnetic
5. Uses
? X-Ray technique is one of the
most initial and informative
investigation in diagnosing
various abnormal or diseased
conditions such as:
? Trauma.
? Road Traffic Accidents.
? Joint Pains and Injuries.
? Fever and long standing cough
? Fractures.
? Can be used to estimate bone
? Various forms of Cancer
6. How is it done
? The time taken for an x-ray is approximately
from few minutes.
? During the exam you will either be asked to
stand near the machine or either lie down on the
? The room may be cool in order to prevent the
machines from overheating.
? Xray exams are done quickly.
? The equipment needed is barely expensive and
found widely everywhere.
8. Risks:
? X-ray exams exposure patients to radiation. The
amount of radiation exposure is variable depending
upon the X-ray type (for example, of the brain, lungs,
or abdomen) and the X-ray machine type because the
radiation exposure is variable, the risks are also
variable. Everyone should know about the degree of
hazard from a given X-Ray before proceeding to the
procedure itself.
? Women should inform their doctor if they are or may
be pregnant or nursing prior to any radiological
imaging. Your doctor may recommend another type
of test to reduce the possible risk of exposing your
baby to radiation.
? There is a rare risk of a major allergic reaction to the
contrast agent.