这是我在中国定期在开的“整合营销的课程”。2009 年五月份起,新加“ 对 Y 世代的整合营销”。
This is my " Integrated marketing" class in China. I will offer " Integrated marketing for Y generation in China" starts May, 2009.
This document provides instructions for creating certificates using mail merge in Microsoft Word:
1. Create a recipient list in Excel with the relevant information like names and save it to your computer.
2. In Word, open the mail merge wizard and select "Letters" as the document type. Select the existing Excel recipient list as the data source.
3. Insert mailing fields like name into the certificate template and preview the resulting merged certificates.
4. Make any necessary formatting adjustments and then either edit individual certificates into new documents or directly print the results.
Google Custom Search allows teachers to create customized search engines for students to access specific approved websites. Teachers can select which websites will be included in the custom search and give the search engine a descriptive name. The custom search engine can then be accessed directly through its URL or embedded on the teacher's website. Teachers set up the custom search by signing into their Google account, adding the URLs of approved sites, customizing the look and feel, and obtaining the URL or embed code to share with students.
The document lists various websites and webpages including official sites for Ganesha Publishing House and Blogger Keadilan Sejahtera. It also lists personal blogs for Ardian Perdana Putra and Dwi Arianto Nugroho. Finally, it mentions some graphic design projects like layouts for Islamic bulletins and books as well as a poster and catalogue page for Ganesha Indomedia.
Ardian Perdana Putra provides web design and development services. His portfolio spans 10 years and includes websites for weddings and organizations. Recent projects include sites for a aluminum company and biofuel company built with WordPress. He has experience with PHP, MySQL, HTML/CSS and tools like Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Ardian has a biology degree and seeks to improve organizations through web design and development.
My name is Ardian Perdana Putra, or you can call me Ardee. I was born in Kampung Melayu, January 28, 1983. I finished my undergraduate studies in Biology ITB in October 2010 and a master's degree in Disaster Management UNHAN in May 2012.
I have various hobby and interests, especially related with arts and creativity. One of the most are photography and graphic design. I have been involved in the graphic design industry since 2003. Some of my works have been used by various companies, organizations and individuals.
I’m an INFP person, which is highly self-motivated as an [I]ntraverted, has a visionary futuristic view as an i[N]tuitive, empathic spirit as a [F]eeling, and I’m also a [P]erciever which make me an out-of-the-box thinker.
For correspondency, please call/text/Whatsapp me on +6282125788781, FB: ardianperdana or twitter: delcardino.
Ardian memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai lulusan Biologi ITB yang kini menyelesaikan studi S2 di UNHAN. Ia memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang jurnalistik, penerbitan, desain grafis, dan pengembangan web serta minat dalam musik, fotografi dan blogging. Ardian menawarkan jasanya secara freelance dan memberikan kontak untuk ditghubungi.
Ardian Perdana Putra merupakan lulusan Program Studi Biologi ITB dan kini menempuh pendidikan pascasarjana di Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia. Ia pernah menjabat beberapa posisi kepemimpinan di berbagai organisasi mahasiswa dan terlibat dalam berbagai kegiatan non-akademik.
Sandiga Uno menjelaskan proses berpikirnya untuk maju sebagai calon gubernur DKI Jakarta dalam wawancara eksklusif dengan Metro TV. Ia mengaku awalnya tidak berpikir untuk maju di Pilkada DKI 2017, namun setelah mendengar masukan dari pimpinan partai dan hasil kajian yang menunjukkan harapan warga akan pemimpin baru, ia memutuskan untuk mempertimbangkannya. Sandiaga juga menj
On November 6, 2008 at the University of Utah Union Patio, a vendor was selling t-shirts before a football game that were approved by the university and conference. However, some of the shirts were deemed offensive and disrespectful by some, as they depicted a Native American caricature performing a culturally insensitive act. A university graduate student protested the shirts and asked others to stop purchasing them, as she felt they misrepresented her culture and people. Photos were then taken of the booth selling the shirts, statues on campus, and vendors wearing the disputed shirts.
This document discusses the academic and extracurricular experiences of four university students since coming to university. It notes that one student has excelled in public speaking, another has been studying hard, and they have all improved their domestic skills. The document also mentions exploring different cultures and learning how to use a graphics program, and provides a brief explanation of different file formats.