Students should log into their account provided by their teacher to complete 3 assigned tests within 25 minutes. They then need to organize their work folders by creating an ICT folder containing Year 7 and Year 8 subfolders, with additional subfolders like 7.1 - E-safety inside Year 7 to save work appropriately. The final task is to move the e-safety work into the 7.1 folder.
2. Go To and login using the account provided by your teacher. Once you have logged in to your account do the assigned tests. You have 25 minutes to complete the 3 tests that have been set for you
3. Now you have access to your own login and home area, you need to create a folder structure to save your work in. Your folders should be as follows. Create an ICT folder in your home area. Inside the ICT folder create a Year 7 and Year 8 folder. Within the Year 7 folder create the relevant folders shown to the right . Finally once you have created your folders you need to move your e-safety into your 7.1 folder. ICT Year 7 7.1 – E-safety 7.2 – Presenting Information 7.3 - Databases 7.4 – Catalogue 7.5 - Poster 7.6 – Spread sheets 7.7 – Game Making Year 8