Joule Energy Drink is a natural energy drink made from almonds and chocolate that is being developed to provide energy to citizens of Yachay without the unhealthy chemicals found in other drinks. The founders need an initial $20,000 investment to purchase equipment and raw materials to produce the drink. Joule Energy Drink will first be sold in stores in Yachay and then expanded to other businesses in Ecuador before being distributed worldwide.
2. In our Company we care about the Yachay`s Citiziens for that we decide to
improve a natural energy drink, made of almonds and chocolate, a powerful
combination that will give them the energy necessary to do any job at any
3. How are we going to start?
At first we gonna need an small investment of $20000 in order to buy the
equipment and raw material.
5. Where can we buy Joule?
Initially, Yachays stores.
Then, on each Ecuadorian premises business.
Finally, the world (evil laugh!*honk!)
6. How does it work?
About the price $2,50
($4 on Don Silvios store)
7. Why a new energy drink?
The community of Yachay citizens usually have to work a lot and they recur to
unhealthy energy drinks full of chemicals that deteriorate their welfare.
8. Why i have to preffer this energy drink?
The market of energy drinks is full of beberages that contains chemicals like
taurin,caffein,etc. This compounds are unhealthy and slowly deteriorate your
We propose a new kind of energy drink a totally natural beberage that helps
you to improve your energy and take care of your health.