This presentation was given at the Linux Open Administration Days in Antwerpen, Belgium. It covers how, a set of common puppet modules can be implemented in any current existing puppet setup.
Harnessing The Power Of Social Media WorkshopLee Retimana
This document discusses how companies can harness social media. It begins with defining social media and explaining why companies should care about it given how many people use social media. It then addresses common fears companies have about social media. The document proceeds to outline specific ways companies can use social media, such as for breaking news, customer service, influencing customers, and more. It concludes by suggesting companies start small with social media and have fun with it.
This presentation was given at the Linux Open Administration Days in Antwerpen, Belgium. It covers how, a set of common puppet modules can be implemented in any current existing puppet setup.
Harnessing The Power Of Social Media WorkshopLee Retimana
This document discusses how companies can harness social media. It begins with defining social media and explaining why companies should care about it given how many people use social media. It then addresses common fears companies have about social media. The document proceeds to outline specific ways companies can use social media, such as for breaking news, customer service, influencing customers, and more. It concludes by suggesting companies start small with social media and have fun with it.
Sr. Maria Troncatti was born in Italy in 1883 and felt called to become a missionary. She made a promise that if saved from a flood, she would serve as a missionary among lepers. She traveled to Ecuador where she established missions, schools, and a hospital while caring for the physical and spiritual needs of the Shuar people. Sr. Maria worked tirelessly for over 50 years before tragically dying in a plane crash in 1969 while on a spiritual retreat. She is remembered for her selfless service, compassion, and bringing the Shuar people closer to God.
This document introduces T.R. Parker, the Outreach Librarian at Union University, and discusses their role and priorities. It provides an overview of Parker's background and qualifications for the position. It then explores framing outreach according to three categories: library as place, library services, and library on the web. Key points are made about creating comfortable library spaces, meeting users where they are, and embedding library resources online. The presentation concludes by thanking the audience.
The document outlines a 3-step strategic plan to integrate and develop the Art, Media and Technology faculty at a school. Step 1 involves auditing department strengths and student feedback. Step 2 looks for ways for departments to support each other through shared skills and resources. Step 3 focuses on collaborating across faculties and developing whole school strategies. The plan aims to enhance teaching and learning through openness, collaboration and creativity among staff.
The document contains code snippets demonstrating various ways to interact with databases and files in Visual Basic Script (VBS). This includes examples of connecting to databases, inserting and retrieving data, importing/exporting data from Excel files, reading/writing to text files, and running SQL commands. The last example shows how to parameterize login tests by reading username and password data from an Excel file.
Vasse field day methane sept 2010 jonesVasseSep2010
The document summarizes a study on the relationship between the net feed intake (NFI) trait and methane emissions in cattle. It found that while the high and low NFI cattle groups differed in expected feed intake, there were no significant differences observed in their methane emissions. Both on lower-quality pastures when pregnant and on higher-quality pastures with calves, the high and low NFI cattle had similar methane emission rates. The document concludes that individual animal emissions may vary more than group averages, and good management practices can help reduce emissions alongside production efficiency.
The document provides 9 habits for being happy alone, including getting to know yourself by spending time alone in solitude, practicing self-love, exercising and building a healthy lifestyle, finding and cultivating your passions, stepping out of your comfort zone, using alone time wisely to focus on self-improvement, learning to appreciate the present moment, and accepting being alone in a positive way. The overarching message is that practicing these habits can help one live life to the fullest whether alone or not.
The document summarizes how the media product uses, develops, and challenges conventions of real horror movies. It uses common horror tropes like teen stock characters, a male antagonist, and a young female protagonist. It develops the convention of a twisted father/daughter relationship for the antagonist. While it uses many standard horror elements, it does not strongly challenge conventions of the slasher genre.
Personaliti mempengaruhi pelbagai aspek kehidupan manusia seperti pencapaian akademik, emosi, tingkah laku, dan kesihatan mental. Kajian menunjukkan hubungan antara ciri-ciri personaliti seperti ekstrovert dan konscientious dengan prestasi akademik, emosi positif, dan penyesuaian sosial. Personaliti juga berkaitan dengan pemilihan kerjaya, tekanan, dan kesejahteraan diri di mana individu berlokus kawalan dalaman
2. Who?
● 東 聡志
● Satoshi Azuma
● @ytnobody
● Born in Hakodate,
Hokkaido, Japan
● Perl: about 10 years
● Linux: about 11 years
● Love motorbike!
● Love perl!