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Address: 6 Zain, Hadayek El Ahram, Giza, Egypt.
Mobile1 : (+2) 01110063511
Mobile2 : (+2) 01002407917
Tel : (+2) 02 33903725
E_mail : ygamal@al-nahar.tv
I am seeking a challenging position with a reputable company that will enable me to
further develop and enhance my experience, allowing me the opportunity and freedom
to implement my abilities to their fullest potential.
 (1998-2003) BSc in Communication and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of En-
gineering, Cairo University.
Grade: very good.
 Graduation project, Linux Based Firewall using Linux Operating System,
K.devloper program, QT.Designer program.
Grade: Excellent.
 (October 2012 till now) working in "Al-Nahar TV Channel" as a Head of Broad-
cast Department and responsible for two studios and the main Master Control
Room for five channels ( General, General+2, Drama, Drama+2 and Sport ).
 (October 2011 till October 2012) working in "Sawatel News Agency" which is a
news agency and has 3 studios and SNG for channels services as a Senior
Broadcast Engineer.
 (September 2004  September 2011) working in "Systems Design Company"
for Broadcast and professional Systems Integrator and installation of channels
(The Agent of Miranda, LAWO, Harris, Avid and DARIM).
Responsible for the whole project:
1. Studio 5 for Nile News in the Egyptian Radio and Television Union.
2. Studio 11 for Egyptian News in the Egyptian Radio and Television Union.
3. El Fajr TV.
4. Al Ather.
5. El Shababya.
6. Al Raya.
7. WOW TV.
Participated in the following projects:
1. Al-Ahly TV.
2. O-TV.
3. ON-TV.
4. Rotana.
5. Modern TV.
6. Ana TV.
7. Al Dana.
8. Beeaty.
9. Angham.
10. Al Masa.
 (November 2003- September 2004) Working as a field engineer in "Mobi-
serve Company" (ORASCOM Group ) for maintenance of Mobinil Network
(Microwave, BTS and Rectifier).
(Since 2003) A member in the Syndicate of engineers
 Gender: Male.
 Marital Status: Married.
 Nationality: Egyptian.
 Date of birth: 26th
November, 1981.
 Place of birth: Cairo, Egypt.
 Military Status: Exempted.
 Language Skills:
1. Arabic (Native).
2. English (Fluent).
 Interests and Hobbies: Playing Football and Tennis. riding horses, running and
 Driving License: Available.
 Works efficiently under pressure and meet demanding deadlines.
 Well focused.
 Ability to learn new tasks quickly.
 Capable of working in groups on my own initiative when necessary.
 Presentation skills.
 Good organizational and communication skills.
 Being innovative with creative flair and possessing good computer knowledge.
 Eng. Ahmed Gamal, Technical Manager and Owner of Systems Design Company.
Email: ahmedg@systemsdesign.com
 Eng. Mohamed Boghdady, Chief Engineer at Sawatel News Agency.
Email: Boghdady@sawatel.com
 Eng. Wael Kahla, CTO at Al-Nahar TV Channel.
Email: wkahla@al-nahar.tv

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  • 1. YASSER GAMAL EL-DIEN Address: 6 Zain, Hadayek El Ahram, Giza, Egypt. Mobile1 : (+2) 01110063511 Mobile2 : (+2) 01002407917 Tel : (+2) 02 33903725 E_mail : ygamal@al-nahar.tv yasser.gamal@gmail.com CAREER OBJECTIVE I am seeking a challenging position with a reputable company that will enable me to further develop and enhance my experience, allowing me the opportunity and freedom to implement my abilities to their fullest potential. EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION (1998-2003) BSc in Communication and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of En- gineering, Cairo University. Grade: very good. Graduation project, Linux Based Firewall using Linux Operating System, K.devloper program, QT.Designer program. Grade: Excellent. WORK EXPERIENCE (October 2012 till now) working in "Al-Nahar TV Channel" as a Head of Broad- cast Department and responsible for two studios and the main Master Control Room for five channels ( General, General+2, Drama, Drama+2 and Sport ). (October 2011 till October 2012) working in "Sawatel News Agency" which is a news agency and has 3 studios and SNG for channels services as a Senior Broadcast Engineer. (September 2004 September 2011) working in "Systems Design Company" for Broadcast and professional Systems Integrator and installation of channels (The Agent of Miranda, LAWO, Harris, Avid and DARIM). Responsible for the whole project: 1. Studio 5 for Nile News in the Egyptian Radio and Television Union. 2. Studio 11 for Egyptian News in the Egyptian Radio and Television Union. 3. El Fajr TV. 4. Al Ather. 5. El Shababya. 6. Al Raya. 7. WOW TV.
  • 2. Participated in the following projects: 1. Al-Ahly TV. 2. O-TV. 3. ON-TV. 4. Rotana. 5. Modern TV. 6. Ana TV. 7. Al Dana. 8. Beeaty. 9. Angham. 10. Al Masa. (November 2003- September 2004) Working as a field engineer in "Mobi- serve Company" (ORASCOM Group ) for maintenance of Mobinil Network (Microwave, BTS and Rectifier). PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS (Since 2003) A member in the Syndicate of engineers PERSONAL DATA Gender: Male. Marital Status: Married. Nationality: Egyptian. Date of birth: 26th November, 1981. Place of birth: Cairo, Egypt. Military Status: Exempted. Language Skills: 1. Arabic (Native). 2. English (Fluent). Interests and Hobbies: Playing Football and Tennis. riding horses, running and swimming Driving License: Available. PERSONAL Skills Works efficiently under pressure and meet demanding deadlines. Well focused. Ability to learn new tasks quickly. Capable of working in groups on my own initiative when necessary. Presentation skills. Good organizational and communication skills. Being innovative with creative flair and possessing good computer knowledge.
  • 3. REFERENCES Eng. Ahmed Gamal, Technical Manager and Owner of Systems Design Company. Email: ahmedg@systemsdesign.com Eng. Mohamed Boghdady, Chief Engineer at Sawatel News Agency. Email: Boghdady@sawatel.com Eng. Wael Kahla, CTO at Al-Nahar TV Channel. Email: wkahla@al-nahar.tv