Bronze students are asked to explain Roman numerals to 100 and provide examples. Silver students should write numbers to 1000 in Roman numerals and dates including 2016 and their birth year. Gold students find words that are Roman numbers, list the 7 Roman numeral letters, and find the smallest and largest numbers using each letter once between 1 and 2000.
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Year 5 homework week 3 maths
1. Year 5 Maths Homework
Given out 21st September - due 26th September
Explain to an adult how to write numbers to 100 in Roman Numerals and record some examples
in your homework books. Make sure you can write the numbers to 100. There will be a quiz on this next
week (and numbers to 1000).
Can you write any number to 1000 in Roman Numerals?
Can you write some dates, including 2016 and the year in which you were born using Roman Numerals?
• There will be a quiz next week on numbers to 100, then 1000.
1. Find two words that are also correctly formed Roman numbers. (Hint: one is very short!)
2. There are seven letters used as Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.
a. What is the smallest correctly formed Roman number using each numeral once?
b. What is the biggest?
Brain Ache
What is the longest number between 1 and 2000 when depicted in Roman numerals?