The document summarizes learning about rounds in a music class. It introduces the concept of rounds, has students learn and perform the round "The Human Drum Kit", discusses entry points and different versions of the round "Autumn Leaves", and teaches a new round "Shalom" which students perform in multiple parts while accompanying it with a drone chord and ostinato patterns.
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Year a y56 roundabout summer
1. Year 5 and 6 Music YEAR A Summer 2011 ROUNDABOUT
6. Round Game Divide the class in half, second group starts after four sets of legs
7. The Human Drum Kit Are you ready? Click click Cause youre in for a treat, Are you ready? Click click With your fingers and feet, Are you ready? Click click Can you feel the beat? We are the human drum kit! 油 Stamp, stamp! goes the big bass drum, Now listen to the hi-hat, ch ch, ch ch Snares go clap clap, clap clap Followed by a crash on the cymbals SH! 油
8. The Human Drum Kit How are the verse and chorus different from each other? Now well perform it ourselves
9. hhhhhh hhhhhh hhhhhh shhhhh bal cym - on the crash by a followed clap clap clap clap go snares ch ch ch ch hat high to the listen now drum bass big goes the 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10. The Human Drum Kit Can we put all the words into our thinking voices? This is called internalising Say the words silently in your head
11. Evaluate, Improve Are the groups able to keep time? How could we improve or make it easier to stay in time? If time well record our performance
12. ROUNDS A round is a piece of music in which two or more performers or groups start one after the other As each performer reaches the end they begin again the music goes round and round. The ENTRY POINTS are the places where the next performer can begin. Rounds may have two or more entry points making them 2 part, 3 part and so on. However, any round MAY be performed by as few as two performers.
14. Year 5 and 6 Music YEAR A Summer 2011 ROUNDABOUT 2
15. Learning Intention To revise about rounds To revise the Human Drumkit round To learn about the effects of different notes played together
16. The Human Drum Kit Are you ready? Click click Cause youre in for a treat, Are you ready? Click click With your fingers and feet, Are you ready? Click click Can you feel the beat? We are the human drum kit! 油 Stamp, stamp! goes the big bass drum, Now listen to the hi-hat, ch ch, ch ch Snares go clap clap, clap clap Followed by a crash on the cymbals SH! 油
17. hhhhhh hhhhhh hhhhhh shhhhh bal cym - on the crash by a followed clap clap clap clap go snares ch ch ch ch hat high to the listen now drum bass big goes the 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
19. Vocabulary What is a round? Two or more performers Start one after the other Start again as they reach the end The music goes round and round What is unison? All singing the same tune at the same time. What is an entry point? Where the next part starts
20. Autumn Leaves Autumn leaves are Falling Orange, red and Brown See them twirling In the wind and Floating to the Ground
21. Autumn Leaves Listen to these two different versions Describe what you can hear What is the musical effect of the two different versions? Now use a glockenspiel or your own instrument to work out the notes of the song. worksheet Now well play it all together
22. Autumn Leaves Round Now well explore the effects of entering at different points 1 second part enters when the first part reaches the second line 2 entry point at the third line 3 entry point at the fourth line 4 entry point at the fifth line 5 sixth 6 seventh Which versions do we prefer? How can we describe the effects of the combinations of notes? Tense, tight, relaxed, comfortable
23. Autumn Leaves Is this a round? No, there is no entry point that sounds comfortable when we go round again. To be a round the song needs to be able to repeat without producing note clashes.
24. Musical Vocabulary One note just a note Two notes or more a chord When the notes sound comfortable together CONCORD When the notes clash against each other - DISCORD
25. Learning Outcomes Weve revised about rounds Weve described the effects of different notes played together tense, relaxed, comfortable Concord and Discord
26. Year 5 and 6 Music YEAR A Summer 2011 ROUNDABOUT 3
27. Previously.. We had been learning about rounds What are the characteristics of rounds? Weve described the effects of different notes played together tense, relaxed, comfortable Concord and Discord
28. Learning Intention Continuing to learn about rounds To learn a simple round and perform it in 2 or more parts To accompany it with a simple three note chord ( TRIAD )
29. Shalom Shalom is a traditional Israeli round Shalom means peace Listen to the song How many musical phrases are there? Listen to this version What happens at the start of each phrase? What do we call this?
30. Shalom Well sing the round in 4 parts Shalom my friend, shalom my friend Shalom, shalom, Until we meet again, my friend Shalom, shalom
31. Shalom Listen to this version What can we hear played on the chime bars? We call this a DRONE Were going to accompany the song with a chord drone What is a chord? Were going to use a three note chord D F A Does anyone know which chord this is?
33. Shalom Now well use the notes in the chord to make our own repeating patterns to accompany the song. A repeating pattern is called.. OSTINATO Who has a good pattern to show us? Well all sing and some will perform their ostinato
34. Learning Outcomes Weve revised about rounds Weve sung a round in parts and identified how the parts fit together Weve accompanied a round with a repeated chord (drone) and with ostinato patterns using the notes of that chord