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Year Six CampYear Six Camp
Parent Information EveningParent Information Evening
Monday, August 14, 2017.Monday, August 14, 2017.
Departures and ReturnsDepartures and Returns
 Train departs from East Perth Terminal atTrain departs from East Perth Terminal at
7.00am sharp, Monday October 307.00am sharp, Monday October 30thth
 StudentsStudents MUSTMUST be there by 6.30ambe there by 6.30am
 Arrival in Kalgoorlie is at approximatelyArrival in Kalgoorlie is at approximately
 Return to East Perth Terminal byReturn to East Perth Terminal by
9.45pm Friday November 3rd .9.45pm Friday November 3rd .
Supervising StaffSupervising Staff
 Stuart Meachem  Deputy PrincipalStuart Meachem  Deputy Principal
 Doretta Lavery  Camp CoordinatorDoretta Lavery  Camp Coordinator
 Paul Sherlock - Camp CoordinatorPaul Sherlock - Camp Coordinator
 Joy Lowther  Year 6 Teacher.Joy Lowther  Year 6 Teacher.
68 Year 6 students attending this camp68 Year 6 students attending this camp
Contacting StudentsContacting Students
Parents can contact theParents can contact the
Goldfields Camp School directlyGoldfields Camp School directly
School mobile numbers will be providedSchool mobile numbers will be provided
for evening or emergency contact.for evening or emergency contact.
Parents can ring between 6 and 9pmParents can ring between 6 and 9pm
to speak to their child.to speak to their child.
Collecting Students on FridayCollecting Students on Friday
 Students must be signed out before beingStudents must be signed out before being
released to their parents.released to their parents.
 Students being collected by anyone otherStudents being collected by anyone other
than parent/guardian must have writtenthan parent/guardian must have written
authorisation prior to commencement ofauthorisation prior to commencement of
camp (parents to complete form)camp (parents to complete form)
 Principal & staff must be notified by phonePrincipal & staff must be notified by phone
of any change to circumstances.of any change to circumstances.
 Please be on-time to collect your children.Please be on-time to collect your children.
Luggage AllowanceLuggage Allowance
Passengers can bring:Passengers can bring:
1 x large suitcase/bag weighing a1 x large suitcase/bag weighing a
max of 20kg ($10 a kilo charge overmax of 20kg ($10 a kilo charge over
1 x small backpack for carrying onto1 x small backpack for carrying onto
the train.the train.
Meals on TrainMeals on Train
To KalgoorlieTo Kalgoorlie::
 Students to bring a packedStudents to bring a packed
lunch/drink/snacks for the trip.lunch/drink/snacks for the trip.
From KalgoorlieFrom Kalgoorlie::
 Students will be provided with a pre-Students will be provided with a pre-
prepared meal and snacks for the journeyprepared meal and snacks for the journey
back to Perth.back to Perth.
School UniformSchool Uniform
For safety purposes, all students MUSTFor safety purposes, all students MUST
wear their school Leavers shirt on thewear their school Leavers shirt on the
train to Kalgoorlie.train to Kalgoorlie.
Students do NOT have to wear schoolStudents do NOT have to wear school
Students do NOT have to wear a school hatStudents do NOT have to wear a school hat
on camp. They still need a hat.on camp. They still need a hat.
Camp Food: Dietary NeedsCamp Food: Dietary Needs
Students requiring special meals have beenStudents requiring special meals have been
identified and the camp caterers informedidentified and the camp caterers informed
of these students.of these students.
Meals are being prepared with considerationMeals are being prepared with consideration
given togiven to::
 Religious observancesReligious observances
 Food intolerances (i.e. Gluten, Lactose)Food intolerances (i.e. Gluten, Lactose)
Medications: AdministrationMedications: Administration
We are not permitted to administer any medicationWe are not permitted to administer any medication
without express parental consent andwithout express parental consent and
detailed administration instructions.detailed administration instructions.
 This includes aspirin, paracetamol, -This includes aspirin, paracetamol, -
anti-histamines, travel sickness medication etc.anti-histamines, travel sickness medication etc.
 An authorisation/administration form to beAn authorisation/administration form to be
completed and handed in prior to campcompleted and handed in prior to camp
 Students CAN self-administer asthma puffers.Students CAN self-administer asthma puffers.
Medications: StorageMedications: Storage
Apart from asthma puffers, students are notApart from asthma puffers, students are not
permitted to store medications.permitted to store medications.
 Medications to be given to a staff member Medications to be given to a staff member 
along with the authorisation/administrationalong with the authorisation/administration
form, prior to the camp.form, prior to the camp.
 Medications stored in First Aid backpacks,Medications stored in First Aid backpacks,
which accompany students at all times.which accompany students at all times.
 Medications to be placed (by parents) in aMedications to be placed (by parents) in a
clearly labelled zip lock bag.clearly labelled zip lock bag.
What to Bring: LinenWhat to Bring: Linen
The Camp provides each student with aThe Camp provides each student with a
mattress, pillow and blankets.mattress, pillow and blankets.
Each student MUST bringEach student MUST bring::
 A single bottom sheet  even if they areA single bottom sheet  even if they are
bringing a sleeping bag.bringing a sleeping bag.
 A pillowcase and towel.A pillowcase and towel.
 Either a sleeping bag OR a second sheet.Either a sleeping bag OR a second sheet.
What to Bring: ClothingWhat to Bring: Clothing
Some of our excursions have strict OHSSome of our excursions have strict OHS
clothing requirements.clothing requirements.
Students MUST bring:Students MUST bring:
 Long pantsLong pants
 A long sleeved shirtA long sleeved shirt
 Enclosed shoesEnclosed shoes
What to Bring: MoneyWhat to Bring: Money
There will be opportunities for students to buyThere will be opportunities for students to buy
souvenirs, etc.souvenirs, etc.
 Students can bring up toStudents can bring up to $50 each$50 each..
 Parents to place money into a clearly labelledParents to place money into a clearly labelled
zip lock bag and give this to class teacher.zip lock bag and give this to class teacher.
 Money to carried by staff and given to studentsMoney to carried by staff and given to students
as opportunities arise. (remaining funds placedas opportunities arise. (remaining funds placed
back in bag and held by teacher, until the nextback in bag and held by teacher, until the next
shopping opportunity)shopping opportunity)
 Students are allowed to bring ONE bag ofStudents are allowed to bring ONE bag of
lollies to camp, but it is NOT compulsory.lollies to camp, but it is NOT compulsory.
 We have bought of lollies for prizes andWe have bought of lollies for prizes and
treats, so please make sure your childtreats, so please make sure your child
doesnt bring more than the one bag.doesnt bring more than the one bag.
 No chewing gum or bubblegum.No chewing gum or bubblegum.
We discourage students from bringing anyWe discourage students from bringing any
jewellery or personal effects that havejewellery or personal effects that have
high monetary or personal value.high monetary or personal value.
 Girls can wear their normal schoolGirls can wear their normal school
approved earrings.approved earrings.
 We accept no responsibility for lost orWe accept no responsibility for lost or
damaged jewellery or personal effects.damaged jewellery or personal effects.
 Rule of thumb: If you couldntRule of thumb: If you couldnt
bear to lose it  dont bring it !!bear to lose it  dont bring it !!
All electronic communicationAll electronic communication
and entertainment devicesand entertainment devices
are banned from camp.are banned from camp.
 This includes mp3 players, laptops,This includes mp3 players, laptops,
tablets, mobile phones, game devicestablets, mobile phones, game devices
 StudentsStudents CANCAN bring a camera,bring a camera,
butbut NOTNOT a camera phone.a camera phone.
 Disposable cameras are a good idea.Disposable cameras are a good idea.
Bed Times/Wake UpBed Times/Wake Up
 Students official wake up is atStudents official wake up is at
6.30am each morning.6.30am each morning.
Breakfast duty starts at 7:15 a.m.Breakfast duty starts at 7:15 a.m.
 Lights out at 9.45pm.Lights out at 9.45pm.
 If your child has difficulty sleeping in unfamiliarIf your child has difficulty sleeping in unfamiliar
settings and noises, etc  we suggest they bringsettings and noises, etc  we suggest they bring
some earplugssome earplugs
 There are sporting facilities and equipmentThere are sporting facilities and equipment
students can use before and after other activities,students can use before and after other activities,
to assist them to sleep better.to assist them to sleep better.
Night Time SupervisionNight Time Supervision
Staff patrol dorms until students are asleepStaff patrol dorms until students are asleep
 Female staff members patrol girls dormsFemale staff members patrol girls dorms
 Male staff members patrol boys dormsMale staff members patrol boys dorms
 Staff dorms are between the boys and girlsStaff dorms are between the boys and girls
 Students are not allowed to go into other dormsStudents are not allowed to go into other dorms
after lights out.after lights out.
 Boys not allowed into girls dorms (and viceBoys not allowed into girls dorms (and vice
versa) at any time.versa) at any time.
Amusements for TrainAmusements for Train
Students can bring (in their small backpack):Students can bring (in their small backpack):
 A bookA book
 Notepad and pencil/penNotepad and pencil/pen
 Their Camp BookletTheir Camp Booklet
 A pack of cardsA pack of cards
 A small travel board gameA small travel board game
Question TimeQuestion Time
 Swimming - Level Three Certificate isSwimming - Level Three Certificate is
required for students to be able to gorequired for students to be able to go
swimming, whilst on camp.swimming, whilst on camp.
 Medication  Panadol and Travel Calm.Medication  Panadol and Travel Calm.
Parents are requested to give permissionParents are requested to give permission
for their children to take these, in the eventfor their children to take these, in the event
students require them.students require them.

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Year Six Camp 2017 Kalgoorlie Camp

  • 1. Year Six CampYear Six Camp 2017.2017. Parent Information EveningParent Information Evening Monday, August 14, 2017.Monday, August 14, 2017.
  • 2. Departures and ReturnsDepartures and Returns Train departs from East Perth Terminal atTrain departs from East Perth Terminal at 7.00am sharp, Monday October 307.00am sharp, Monday October 30thth .. StudentsStudents MUSTMUST be there by 6.30ambe there by 6.30am Arrival in Kalgoorlie is at approximatelyArrival in Kalgoorlie is at approximately 2.00pm2.00pm Return to East Perth Terminal byReturn to East Perth Terminal by 9.45pm Friday November 3rd .9.45pm Friday November 3rd .
  • 3. Supervising StaffSupervising Staff Stuart Meachem Deputy PrincipalStuart Meachem Deputy Principal Doretta Lavery Camp CoordinatorDoretta Lavery Camp Coordinator Paul Sherlock - Camp CoordinatorPaul Sherlock - Camp Coordinator Joy Lowther Year 6 Teacher.Joy Lowther Year 6 Teacher. 68 Year 6 students attending this camp68 Year 6 students attending this camp
  • 4. Contacting StudentsContacting Students Parents can contact theParents can contact the Goldfields Camp School directlyGoldfields Camp School directly School mobile numbers will be providedSchool mobile numbers will be provided for evening or emergency contact.for evening or emergency contact. Parents can ring between 6 and 9pmParents can ring between 6 and 9pm to speak to their child.to speak to their child.
  • 5. Collecting Students on FridayCollecting Students on Friday Students must be signed out before beingStudents must be signed out before being released to their parents.released to their parents. Students being collected by anyone otherStudents being collected by anyone other than parent/guardian must have writtenthan parent/guardian must have written authorisation prior to commencement ofauthorisation prior to commencement of camp (parents to complete form)camp (parents to complete form) Principal & staff must be notified by phonePrincipal & staff must be notified by phone of any change to circumstances.of any change to circumstances. Please be on-time to collect your children.Please be on-time to collect your children.
  • 6. Luggage AllowanceLuggage Allowance Passengers can bring:Passengers can bring: 1 x large suitcase/bag weighing a1 x large suitcase/bag weighing a max of 20kg ($10 a kilo charge overmax of 20kg ($10 a kilo charge over 20kg)20kg) 1 x small backpack for carrying onto1 x small backpack for carrying onto the train.the train.
  • 7. Meals on TrainMeals on Train To KalgoorlieTo Kalgoorlie:: Students to bring a packedStudents to bring a packed lunch/drink/snacks for the trip.lunch/drink/snacks for the trip. From KalgoorlieFrom Kalgoorlie:: Students will be provided with a pre-Students will be provided with a pre- prepared meal and snacks for the journeyprepared meal and snacks for the journey back to Perth.back to Perth.
  • 8. School UniformSchool Uniform For safety purposes, all students MUSTFor safety purposes, all students MUST wear their school Leavers shirt on thewear their school Leavers shirt on the train to Kalgoorlie.train to Kalgoorlie. Students do NOT have to wear schoolStudents do NOT have to wear school shorts/skirts.shorts/skirts. Students do NOT have to wear a school hatStudents do NOT have to wear a school hat on camp. They still need a hat.on camp. They still need a hat.
  • 9. Camp Food: Dietary NeedsCamp Food: Dietary Needs Students requiring special meals have beenStudents requiring special meals have been identified and the camp caterers informedidentified and the camp caterers informed of these students.of these students. Meals are being prepared with considerationMeals are being prepared with consideration given togiven to:: AllergiesAllergies Religious observancesReligious observances Food intolerances (i.e. Gluten, Lactose)Food intolerances (i.e. Gluten, Lactose)
  • 10. Medications: AdministrationMedications: Administration We are not permitted to administer any medicationWe are not permitted to administer any medication without express parental consent andwithout express parental consent and detailed administration instructions.detailed administration instructions. This includes aspirin, paracetamol, -This includes aspirin, paracetamol, - anti-histamines, travel sickness medication etc.anti-histamines, travel sickness medication etc. An authorisation/administration form to beAn authorisation/administration form to be completed and handed in prior to campcompleted and handed in prior to camp Students CAN self-administer asthma puffers.Students CAN self-administer asthma puffers.
  • 11. Medications: StorageMedications: Storage Apart from asthma puffers, students are notApart from asthma puffers, students are not permitted to store medications.permitted to store medications. Medications to be given to a staff member Medications to be given to a staff member along with the authorisation/administrationalong with the authorisation/administration form, prior to the camp.form, prior to the camp. Medications stored in First Aid backpacks,Medications stored in First Aid backpacks, which accompany students at all times.which accompany students at all times. Medications to be placed (by parents) in aMedications to be placed (by parents) in a clearly labelled zip lock bag.clearly labelled zip lock bag.
  • 12. What to Bring: LinenWhat to Bring: Linen The Camp provides each student with aThe Camp provides each student with a mattress, pillow and blankets.mattress, pillow and blankets. Each student MUST bringEach student MUST bring:: A single bottom sheet even if they areA single bottom sheet even if they are bringing a sleeping bag.bringing a sleeping bag. A pillowcase and towel.A pillowcase and towel. Either a sleeping bag OR a second sheet.Either a sleeping bag OR a second sheet.
  • 13. What to Bring: ClothingWhat to Bring: Clothing RequirementsRequirements Some of our excursions have strict OHSSome of our excursions have strict OHS clothing requirements.clothing requirements. Students MUST bring:Students MUST bring: Long pantsLong pants A long sleeved shirtA long sleeved shirt Enclosed shoesEnclosed shoes
  • 14. What to Bring: MoneyWhat to Bring: Money There will be opportunities for students to buyThere will be opportunities for students to buy souvenirs, etc.souvenirs, etc. Students can bring up toStudents can bring up to $50 each$50 each.. Parents to place money into a clearly labelledParents to place money into a clearly labelled zip lock bag and give this to class teacher.zip lock bag and give this to class teacher. Money to carried by staff and given to studentsMoney to carried by staff and given to students as opportunities arise. (remaining funds placedas opportunities arise. (remaining funds placed back in bag and held by teacher, until the nextback in bag and held by teacher, until the next shopping opportunity)shopping opportunity)
  • 15. Lollies/SnacksLollies/Snacks Students are allowed to bring ONE bag ofStudents are allowed to bring ONE bag of lollies to camp, but it is NOT compulsory.lollies to camp, but it is NOT compulsory. We have bought of lollies for prizes andWe have bought of lollies for prizes and treats, so please make sure your childtreats, so please make sure your child doesnt bring more than the one bag.doesnt bring more than the one bag. No chewing gum or bubblegum.No chewing gum or bubblegum.
  • 16. JewelleryJewellery We discourage students from bringing anyWe discourage students from bringing any jewellery or personal effects that havejewellery or personal effects that have high monetary or personal value.high monetary or personal value. Girls can wear their normal schoolGirls can wear their normal school approved earrings.approved earrings. We accept no responsibility for lost orWe accept no responsibility for lost or damaged jewellery or personal effects.damaged jewellery or personal effects. Rule of thumb: If you couldntRule of thumb: If you couldnt bear to lose it dont bring it !!bear to lose it dont bring it !!
  • 17. ElectronicsElectronics All electronic communicationAll electronic communication and entertainment devicesand entertainment devices are banned from camp.are banned from camp. This includes mp3 players, laptops,This includes mp3 players, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, game devicestablets, mobile phones, game devices StudentsStudents CANCAN bring a camera,bring a camera, butbut NOTNOT a camera phone.a camera phone. Disposable cameras are a good idea.Disposable cameras are a good idea.
  • 18. Bed Times/Wake UpBed Times/Wake Up Students official wake up is atStudents official wake up is at 6.30am each morning.6.30am each morning. Breakfast duty starts at 7:15 a.m.Breakfast duty starts at 7:15 a.m. Lights out at 9.45pm.Lights out at 9.45pm. If your child has difficulty sleeping in unfamiliarIf your child has difficulty sleeping in unfamiliar settings and noises, etc we suggest they bringsettings and noises, etc we suggest they bring some earplugssome earplugs There are sporting facilities and equipmentThere are sporting facilities and equipment students can use before and after other activities,students can use before and after other activities, to assist them to sleep better.to assist them to sleep better.
  • 19. Night Time SupervisionNight Time Supervision Staff patrol dorms until students are asleepStaff patrol dorms until students are asleep Female staff members patrol girls dormsFemale staff members patrol girls dorms Male staff members patrol boys dormsMale staff members patrol boys dorms Staff dorms are between the boys and girlsStaff dorms are between the boys and girls dormsdorms Students are not allowed to go into other dormsStudents are not allowed to go into other dorms after lights out.after lights out. Boys not allowed into girls dorms (and viceBoys not allowed into girls dorms (and vice versa) at any time.versa) at any time.
  • 20. Amusements for TrainAmusements for Train Students can bring (in their small backpack):Students can bring (in their small backpack): A bookA book Notepad and pencil/penNotepad and pencil/pen Their Camp BookletTheir Camp Booklet A pack of cardsA pack of cards A small travel board gameA small travel board game
  • 21. Question TimeQuestion Time Swimming - Level Three Certificate isSwimming - Level Three Certificate is required for students to be able to gorequired for students to be able to go swimming, whilst on camp.swimming, whilst on camp. Medication Panadol and Travel Calm.Medication Panadol and Travel Calm. Parents are requested to give permissionParents are requested to give permission for their children to take these, in the eventfor their children to take these, in the event students require them.students require them.