Yellow fever is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes found in parts of Africa and South America. It can be fatal in around 8% of cases. There is an effective vaccination available that provides lifelong protection with one dose. The vaccination is recommended for travel to areas where yellow fever occurs and may be required for entry to some countries. Side effects are mild for most people but there is a very small risk of a serious neurological condition.
2. Yellow Fever is a serious viral infection thats usually spread by a type of
daytime biting mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti. It can be prevented
with a vaccination.
Yellow fever mainly occurs in sub-Saharan Africa (countries to the south
of the Sahara desert), South America (especially the Amazon) and in parts
of the Caribbean.
Yellow fever can be fatal. About 8% of people who get yellow fever die
from it.
3. Yellow Fever Vaccination
Luckily, there is a very effective vaccination for yellow fever. Some countries
require proof of vaccination (a certificate) against yellow fever before they let
you enter the country.
Vaccination is the single most effective way of preventing yellow fever.
In the UK, Stamaril (produced by Sanofi Pasteur MSD) is the only licensed
yellow fever vaccine. A single dose of the yellow fever vaccine will protect
against yellow fever for life. It is no longer recommended to have a booster dose
every 10 years (WHO, World Health Organisation, July 2016).
Ideally, you should have the yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days before
your travel. This will allow enough time for your body to develop protective
antibodies against the yellow fever infection.
4. The Yellow Fever Vaccination is Recommended for:
Anyone traveling to, or living in, areas or countries where yellow fever is
Anyone traveling to a country where an International Certificate of
Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) against yellow fever is required for entry.
You must have a yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days before you travel.
This will allow enough time for your body to develop protective antibodies
against the yellow fever infection.
5. Who should not be Vaccinated?
People who should not have the yellow fever vaccination include:
Babies under nine months of age babies who are six to nine months old
should only be vaccinated if the risk of getting yellow fever during travel is
Pregnant women unless the risk of yellow fever is unavoidable.
Breastfeeding women unless the risk of yellow fever is unavoidable.
6. People whose immune systems are lowered (immunosuppressed) such as
people with HIV and those receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
People who are allergic to eggs the vaccine contains small amounts of egg
white protein, albumin.
People who have had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to a previous
dose of the yellow fever vaccine.
People who are allergic to any of the ingredients in the vaccine (including
7. People who have a condition that affects the thymus gland (part of your
immune system that is located in your upper chest).
People who are currently very unwell (such as with a high fever) this is to
avoid confusing the diagnosis of your current illness with any side effects
from the vaccine.
Yellow fever na誰ve travellers those who have not been previously exposed
to the vaccine who are 60 years of age or over should be individually
assessed by the travel doctor or nurse.
8. Side Effects of the Vaccine
After having the yellow fever vaccine, 10-30% of people will have mild side
effects such as: headache, muscle pain, soreness at the injection site and mild
Reactions at the injection site usually occur one to five days after being
vaccinated, although other side effects may last for up to two weeks.
An allergic reaction to the vaccine occurs in one case out of every 130,000
doses of the vaccine that are given. Yellow fever vaccine-associated
neurological disease (YEL-AND)
9. Rarely, the yellow fever vaccine is associated with a neurological condition
known as yellow fever vaccine-associated neurological disease (YEL-AND).
Neurological means that it affects the nerves and the nervous system, including
the brain and spinal cord.
YEL-AND occurs in around four cases out of every 1 million doses given.
However, for people who are 60 years of age or over and yellow fever vaccine
na誰ve, the incidence of YEL-AND increases to around one in every 50,000. This
needs to be balanced against the risk of acquiring the disease.
10. Preventing Mosquito Bites
As well as getting the yellow fever vaccination before traveling, you should
also take steps to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes
The mosquitoes that carry yellow fever bite during daylight hours. Although it
may not always be possible, you should try to:
Avoid places where mosquitoes live, such as swamps, forests and
Choose air-conditioned accommodation. Mosquitoes do not like air-
conditioned spaces.
11. Choose accommodation with mesh screening over the windows and doors.
Wear loose fitting, long-sleeved tops and trousers, even in the heat of day.
Use insect repellent containing DEET on exposed skin, such as Jungle
Formula. 50% DEET is sufficient.
Burn a mosquito coil or use a plug-in device that releases insecticide in your
Use a mosquito net where possible, especially in bedrooms that are not air-
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