Istrazivanje stavova privrede III talas jun 2013NALED Serbia
. Na prezentaciji II kvartalnog izve邸taja o statusu regulatorne reforme, Predrag Kurubi, direktor istra転ivanja agencije Ipsos strategic marketing, predstavio je III talas istra転ivanja stavova privrede. Rezultati ukazuju da antikrizni paket Vlade nije dobio prelaznu ocenu jer 30 odsto privrednika smatra da je lo邸, a 12 odsto da je dobar dok 35 odsto firmi nije ni upoznato sa njim, pokazuje tree kvartalno istra転ivanje stavova privrede koje za NALED sprovodi Ipsos strated転ik marketing na reprezentativnom uzorku od 250 preduzea. ak 40 odsto privrednika rad Vlade ocenilo je trojkom, 29 odsto smatra da Vlada radi lo邸e, a 28 odsto bi dalo ocene etiri i pet.
Najvi邸e pozitivnih ocena dobila su ministarstva finansija, energetike i spoljne i unutra邸nje trgovine, a najvi邸e negativnih ministarstva pravde, spoljne i unutra邸nje trgovine, kao i ministarstvo rada. Problem predstavlja injenica da nijedno ministarstvo nema vi邸e pozitivnih od negativnih ocena. Najbolje ocenjena institucija je Agencija za privredne registre.
Privreda je u drugom kvartalu pesimistinija u odnosu na prvo tromeseje. Procenat privrednika koji oekuju smanjenje dobiti u narednom periodu povean je ak 10 odsto (sa 34 na 44 odsto). Za pet odsto porastao je udeo anketiranih koji oekuju smanjenje investicija (33 odsto), a dva odsto procenat firmi koji smatra da e broj zaposlenih padati (25 odsto).
Anketirani privrednici najvi邸e se nadaju smanjenju poreza i doprinosa za zaposlene (16 odsto) i smanjenju nameta dr転ave (10 odsto) dok se najvi邸e pla邸e rasta nameta (13 odsto) i novog poveanja PDV-a (osam odsto). Trendovi pokazuju da privreda gubi sve vi邸e vremena na administrativne poslove, ali se smanjuje procenat onih koji smatraju da je potrebno izdvajati vi邸e novca zbog birokratije.
The document criticizes globalization for prioritizing money over reducing economic inequality and allowing everyone to have a living wage. It argues that seeing the Earth as a business instead of a planet shared by all is unfortunate. The document calls for saying no to globalization and ensuring the Earth is an equal place for all.
Prezentacija Studije parafiskalnih nameta "Mostovi i uprije""NALED Serbia
Konkretni rezulati Studije o parafiskalnim nametima na privredu pokazuju da postoji preko 370 razliitih taksi i nameta koje preduzea u Srbiji moraju da plate, a da pritom zauzvrat dobijaju malo ili ni邸ta. Ovi nameti u prethodnoj godini napunili su dr転avni bud転et sa 730 miliona evra, 邸to predstavlja dva odsto bruto domaeg proizvoda (BDP). Drugim reima, to je oko 40 odsto direktnih stranih investicija u Srbiji u 2011. godini. Rezultati pokazuju i to da od ukupno 370 neporeskih taksi, u 2011. postoje podaci trezora za 77, a optereenje po osnovu ovog broja taksi iznosi 570 evra godi邸nje po jednom zaposlenom u privredi. Studiju je uradio tim domaih i stranih strunjaka koje je okupila Nacionalna alijansa za lokalni ekonomski razvoj (NALED), uz podr邸ku USAID Projekta za bolje uslove poslovanja (USAID BEP). Prezentaciju pripremio Milan Simi, programski koordinator NALED-a.
Jodhpur National University - Faculty of Lawjnujodhpur
This document provides information about the vision, mission, advantages, and facilities of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University). The vision is to build an exceptional institution that provides a lively learning environment, fosters leaders who understand technology and society, and shares diverse expertise globally. The mission is to create, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge for societal betterment. JNU is committed to research excellence and being the top choice for exceptional students. It encourages students to forge their own path. The document then outlines the university's facilities, courses offered, and highlights of the law program including internships, mentorship programs, and career placement support.
The document criticizes globalization for prioritizing money over reducing economic inequality and allowing everyone to have a living wage. It argues that seeing the Earth as a business instead of a planet shared by all is unfortunate. The document calls for saying no to globalization and ensuring the Earth is an equal place for all.
Sinergija je NALED-ov magazin koji izlazi jednom u tri meseca i sadr転i informacije o aktivnostima NALED-a, njenih lanova i partnera, kao i strune analize i reporta転e, intervjue, servisne informacije (konkursi za finansiranje novih projekata, plaeni ili subvencionisani treninzi i seminari za profesionalno usavr邸avanje u zemlji i inostranstvu) i konkretna re邸enja o pitanjima iz domena regulatorne reforme, promocije investicija i lokalne administracije. Svi sadr転aji dosledni su vrednostima NALED-a strunost, inovativnost, nezavisnost, objektivnost i kritinost.
Kao besplatan primerak magazin se distribuira direktnom po邸tom na vi邸e od 1.500 adresa donosioca odluka meu kojima su predstavnici dr転avnih i lokalnih institucija, meunarodne i donatorske zajednice, diplomatskog kora, privrede, poslovnih asocijacija i komora, strukovnih udru転enja i medija.
Dosledna imenu, Sinergija povezuje i ukr邸ta stavove predstavnika sva tri sektora dru邸tva, domaih i stranih renomiranih ekonomskih analitiara. Osim za informativne i edukativne sadr転aje, stranice magazina Sinergija otvorene su i za ogla邸avanje i promociju ideja, proizvoda i usluga kako lanova, partnera i saradnika NALED-a, tako i drugih predstavnika privatnog, javnog, civilnog sektora i medija koji svojim radom i delovanjem podstiu i podr転avaju ekonomski razvoj Srbije.
Introduction to islamic banking by rehan nisarRehan Nisar
The document provides an introduction to Islamic banking, explaining why it exists, what it is, and how it differs from conventional banking. It states that Islamic banking operates according to Sharia principles of equal distribution of wealth and social justice. It then defines Islamic banking as banking compliant with Sharia law and defines some of its key features, including profit and loss sharing and asset-based financing. The document proceeds to contrast Islamic and conventional banking and outlines some common Islamic banking services like partnership, trade, and rental-based financing structures.
This tutorial covers heat transfer via convection and radiation. It discusses:
- Natural and forced convection, and how to calculate heat transfer rates using surface heat transfer coefficients.
- Combining conduction and convection to solve problems involving multi-layer surfaces.
- The basic theory of radiated heat transfer, and how emissivity and surface shape affect heat transfer rates.
- Calculating effective surface heat transfer coefficients to model radiation using similar equations as convection.
- Worked examples are provided to demonstrate calculating heat transfer rates via combined conduction, convection and radiation in practical scenarios.
Jodhpur National University - CNBC Emerging india awards Presentationjnujodhpur
Jodhpur National University was established in 1998 in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. It has a 33-acre campus offering undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate programs across eight faculties including engineering, management, medicine, law, and pharmacy. The university has over 140 students in its public health program and has placed over 5,000 students in corporate jobs through its training and placement cell. It focuses on industry-based learning and has over 300 such centers across India.
This document summarizes a marketing and public relations lab at Panteion University on social media and entrepreneurship. It discusses how airlines like American Airlines and Hellenic Imperial Airways have effectively used Twitter to directly communicate with and address customers' concerns. Using cases studies of crisis communication on hijacked flights, it shows how Twitter allowed the airlines to inform passengers and media to avoid panic and resolve issues. The document advocates that airlines should continue actively engaging customers on social media to provide updates, solicit feedback, and strengthen their brand through free advertising and a more personal relationship with clients.
Breastfeeding is a fundamental right for both baby and mother, offering complete nutrition and vital immunological support. It's hygienic, economical, and shields infants from diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding fosters a strong mother-child bond, promoting overall well-being. Breastfeeding is the natural process of feeding an infant with breast milk, providing essential nutrients and immunity, promoting growth, strengthening mother-child bonding, and reducing disease risks.
Exclusive breastfeeding means feeding an infant only breast milk, without any additional food or drink for the first six months.
Mayo, DG March 8-Emory AI Systems and society conference slides.pdfjemille6
Are Controversies in Statistics Relevant for Responsible AI/ML?
A central debate in statistics concerns probabilitys role: is it to control error rates (frequentist) or express belief (Bayesian)? Frequentists prioritize error control, ensuring rare false rejections and strong power to detect falsity. For Bayesians, by contrast, evidence from the data resides in the likelihood ratios, ignoring error probabilities. The replication crisis fueled criticism of statistical significance tests, which are blamed for irreproducibility. Yet, selection biasesp-hacking, optional stoppingare the real issue. Ironically, Bayesian alternatives (e.g., Bayes factors) fail to guard against these biases, leading to misguided reforms that discard crucial error control. The same data-dredged hypothesis can occur in Bayes factors, and Bayesian updatingbut without direct grounds to criticize flouting of error statistical control.
AI/ML shifts the focus away from understanding data generation to optimizing prediction. But when it comes to problems of checking if AI/ML outputs are responsible and trustworthy, I argue, error statistical considerations become relevant. Fairness hacking, and explanation (justification) hacking in XAI, like p-hacking and BF hacking, can make it easy to obtain misleading interpretations of data. Reforms from error statistics: preregistration and adjustment of error rates, are relevant for critically appraising them. I put forward a general requirement that is operable in both fields: A claim lacks warrant if little if anything has been done to detect its flawsit fails a severe test.
A scattered radiation survey in a radiology department is an essential process for ensuring radiation safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Scattered radiation, which is secondary radiation deflected from its original path after interacting with a patient or other objects, poses a potential hazard to healthcare professionals, patients and general public.
Protection for Healthcare Workers and General Public: Scattered radiation surveys pinpoint areas where scattered radiation levels are highest. This helps in identifying workspaces or equipment where additional shielding or protective measures may be needed.
Since prolonged exposure to scattered radiation increases the risk of conditions like cancer and cataracts, surveys help to ensure that exposure stays within safe limits, adhering to regulatory standards and minimizing long-term health risks. Survey helps to protect Workers and General Public.
Radiation Survey data for safety improvements: The data collected in these surveys allows the X-ray department to make informed decisions about room layout, equipment placement, and workflow adjustments to further reduce exposure.
Surveys help identify where lead aprons, thyroid shields, and lead glasses are most effective, and when extra protective barriers or shields might be necessary for staff safety.
Radiation Survey for image quality: Clear, high-contrast images are essential for accurate diagnoses. When scattered radiation is minimized, the images are of higher diagnostic quality, helping radiologists detect abnormalities and make precise evaluations.
Chapter 4. Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability.
Sinergija je NALED-ov magazin koji izlazi jednom u tri meseca i sadr転i informacije o aktivnostima NALED-a, njenih lanova i partnera, kao i strune analize i reporta転e, intervjue, servisne informacije (konkursi za finansiranje novih projekata, plaeni ili subvencionisani treninzi i seminari za profesionalno usavr邸avanje u zemlji i inostranstvu) i konkretna re邸enja o pitanjima iz domena regulatorne reforme, promocije investicija i lokalne administracije. Svi sadr転aji dosledni su vrednostima NALED-a strunost, inovativnost, nezavisnost, objektivnost i kritinost.
Kao besplatan primerak magazin se distribuira direktnom po邸tom na vi邸e od 1.500 adresa donosioca odluka meu kojima su predstavnici dr転avnih i lokalnih institucija, meunarodne i donatorske zajednice, diplomatskog kora, privrede, poslovnih asocijacija i komora, strukovnih udru転enja i medija.
Dosledna imenu, Sinergija povezuje i ukr邸ta stavove predstavnika sva tri sektora dru邸tva, domaih i stranih renomiranih ekonomskih analitiara. Osim za informativne i edukativne sadr転aje, stranice magazina Sinergija otvorene su i za ogla邸avanje i promociju ideja, proizvoda i usluga kako lanova, partnera i saradnika NALED-a, tako i drugih predstavnika privatnog, javnog, civilnog sektora i medija koji svojim radom i delovanjem podstiu i podr転avaju ekonomski razvoj Srbije.
Introduction to islamic banking by rehan nisarRehan Nisar
The document provides an introduction to Islamic banking, explaining why it exists, what it is, and how it differs from conventional banking. It states that Islamic banking operates according to Sharia principles of equal distribution of wealth and social justice. It then defines Islamic banking as banking compliant with Sharia law and defines some of its key features, including profit and loss sharing and asset-based financing. The document proceeds to contrast Islamic and conventional banking and outlines some common Islamic banking services like partnership, trade, and rental-based financing structures.
This tutorial covers heat transfer via convection and radiation. It discusses:
- Natural and forced convection, and how to calculate heat transfer rates using surface heat transfer coefficients.
- Combining conduction and convection to solve problems involving multi-layer surfaces.
- The basic theory of radiated heat transfer, and how emissivity and surface shape affect heat transfer rates.
- Calculating effective surface heat transfer coefficients to model radiation using similar equations as convection.
- Worked examples are provided to demonstrate calculating heat transfer rates via combined conduction, convection and radiation in practical scenarios.
Jodhpur National University - CNBC Emerging india awards Presentationjnujodhpur
Jodhpur National University was established in 1998 in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. It has a 33-acre campus offering undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate programs across eight faculties including engineering, management, medicine, law, and pharmacy. The university has over 140 students in its public health program and has placed over 5,000 students in corporate jobs through its training and placement cell. It focuses on industry-based learning and has over 300 such centers across India.
This document summarizes a marketing and public relations lab at Panteion University on social media and entrepreneurship. It discusses how airlines like American Airlines and Hellenic Imperial Airways have effectively used Twitter to directly communicate with and address customers' concerns. Using cases studies of crisis communication on hijacked flights, it shows how Twitter allowed the airlines to inform passengers and media to avoid panic and resolve issues. The document advocates that airlines should continue actively engaging customers on social media to provide updates, solicit feedback, and strengthen their brand through free advertising and a more personal relationship with clients.
Breastfeeding is a fundamental right for both baby and mother, offering complete nutrition and vital immunological support. It's hygienic, economical, and shields infants from diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding fosters a strong mother-child bond, promoting overall well-being. Breastfeeding is the natural process of feeding an infant with breast milk, providing essential nutrients and immunity, promoting growth, strengthening mother-child bonding, and reducing disease risks.
Exclusive breastfeeding means feeding an infant only breast milk, without any additional food or drink for the first six months.
Mayo, DG March 8-Emory AI Systems and society conference slides.pdfjemille6
Are Controversies in Statistics Relevant for Responsible AI/ML?
A central debate in statistics concerns probabilitys role: is it to control error rates (frequentist) or express belief (Bayesian)? Frequentists prioritize error control, ensuring rare false rejections and strong power to detect falsity. For Bayesians, by contrast, evidence from the data resides in the likelihood ratios, ignoring error probabilities. The replication crisis fueled criticism of statistical significance tests, which are blamed for irreproducibility. Yet, selection biasesp-hacking, optional stoppingare the real issue. Ironically, Bayesian alternatives (e.g., Bayes factors) fail to guard against these biases, leading to misguided reforms that discard crucial error control. The same data-dredged hypothesis can occur in Bayes factors, and Bayesian updatingbut without direct grounds to criticize flouting of error statistical control.
AI/ML shifts the focus away from understanding data generation to optimizing prediction. But when it comes to problems of checking if AI/ML outputs are responsible and trustworthy, I argue, error statistical considerations become relevant. Fairness hacking, and explanation (justification) hacking in XAI, like p-hacking and BF hacking, can make it easy to obtain misleading interpretations of data. Reforms from error statistics: preregistration and adjustment of error rates, are relevant for critically appraising them. I put forward a general requirement that is operable in both fields: A claim lacks warrant if little if anything has been done to detect its flawsit fails a severe test.
A scattered radiation survey in a radiology department is an essential process for ensuring radiation safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Scattered radiation, which is secondary radiation deflected from its original path after interacting with a patient or other objects, poses a potential hazard to healthcare professionals, patients and general public.
Protection for Healthcare Workers and General Public: Scattered radiation surveys pinpoint areas where scattered radiation levels are highest. This helps in identifying workspaces or equipment where additional shielding or protective measures may be needed.
Since prolonged exposure to scattered radiation increases the risk of conditions like cancer and cataracts, surveys help to ensure that exposure stays within safe limits, adhering to regulatory standards and minimizing long-term health risks. Survey helps to protect Workers and General Public.
Radiation Survey data for safety improvements: The data collected in these surveys allows the X-ray department to make informed decisions about room layout, equipment placement, and workflow adjustments to further reduce exposure.
Surveys help identify where lead aprons, thyroid shields, and lead glasses are most effective, and when extra protective barriers or shields might be necessary for staff safety.
Radiation Survey for image quality: Clear, high-contrast images are essential for accurate diagnoses. When scattered radiation is minimized, the images are of higher diagnostic quality, helping radiologists detect abnormalities and make precise evaluations.
Chapter 4. Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability.
Abigail Sageev presents at the OECD webinar 'Improving skills outcomes throug...EduSkills OECD
Abigail Sageev, Policy Analyst at the OECD Centre for Skills, presents at the OECD webinar 'Improving skills outcomes through stronger coordination and stakeholder engagement' on 18 March 2025. The recording can be found on the webpage - where we were joined by speakers Ina Progonati, Sustainability &Social Impact Partnerships and Programs Worldwide Lead, HP, Liene Voronenko, Expert of Education, Employers Confederation of Latvia, Johan Enfeldt, Research Officer, Department for Social Policy Issues, Swedish Trade Union Confederation, Marius Busemeyer, Professor of Political Science, University of Konstanz, Andrew Bell, Deputy Head of the OECD Centre for Skills and Head of OECD Skills Strategy and Laura Reznikova, Policy Analyst, OECD Centre for Skills. You can check out the work of the Centre for Skills here - OECD Centre for Skills
Sub Task Management with odoo Project ModuleCeline George
Sub Task Management in the Odoo Project Module allows users to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces called sub-tasks. This feature helps in organizing and tracking complex projects by dividing work into smaller steps, each with its own deadlines, assignees, and progress tracking.
How to hide the buttons on the POS screen in Odoo 17Celine George
The Point of Sale Product Screen in Odoo is a central interface that provides various functionalities through buttons such as Discount, Info, Refund, Reward, and others. Customising the visibility of these buttons based on user roles or permissions can enhance usability and security.
Introduction of Secondary metabolities (Volatile oil, Resin).pptxMs. Pooja Bhandare
Volatile OIl: Occurrence & Distribution Properties of Volatile oil
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Classification Of volatile oil
Based on the functional group present Identification test
Resin: Distribution
Uses Properties of resin
Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Classification of resins
On the basis of their formation:
Physiological Resin:
Pathological resin
Chemical classification of resins according to their functional groups given below:
Resin acids Glucoresins
Resin esters Resenes
Resin alcohols
Resin phenols
Resenes Identification test of resin
Biosynthetic Classification:
Pharmacological Classification
Taxonomic Classification
Chemical Classification
Identification test of alkaloids
Mayers reagents
Wagners reagents
Dragendorffs reagent
Hagers reagent
GLYCOSIDES:Physical properties Chemical properties
On the basis of the type of the sugar or the glycone part
Glycosides are classified on the basis of the pharmacological action
Glycosides are also classified on the basis of linkage between glycone and aglycone part
Identification test of glycosides
TANNINS:Physical Properties
Chemical Properties
Classification of Tannin
Identification test of Tannin