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Yi Yu Biography
A “Little Fish” Who Came From Yangzi RiverA “Little Fish” Who Came From Yangzi River
My nickname “Xiao Yu” = “Little Fish”My nickname “Xiao Yu” = “Little Fish”
I was born in Nanjing, a city southeastI was born in Nanjing, a city southeast
of China. It is a famous ancient cityof China. It is a famous ancient city
beside the Yangzi River, the thirdbeside the Yangzi River, the third
largest river in the world. I spentlargest river in the world. I spent
the entirety of mythe entirety of my
childhood andchildhood and
teenage years there.teenage years there.
Swimming To The East SeaSwimming To The East Sea
After I finished my secondaryAfter I finished my secondary
school, I went to Xiamen, aschool, I went to Xiamen, a
coastal city by the East Sea, forcoastal city by the East Sea, for
my undergraduate degree. Imy undergraduate degree. I
majored in kinetics of shipmajored in kinetics of ship
Above - theAbove - the
main gate.main gate.
Above – the lakeAbove – the lake
on the campuson the campus
Right – theRight – the
beach bybeach by
The “Little Fish” Was Sea SickThe “Little Fish” Was Sea Sick
After I graduated fromAfter I graduated from
university, I worked at auniversity, I worked at a
ship plant as an assistantship plant as an assistant
engineer in another coastalengineer in another coastal
city in the same provincecity in the same province
as my hometown.as my hometown.
However, I could notHowever, I could not
continue this career path ascontinue this career path as
a ship engineer because Ia ship engineer because I
was susceptible to seawas susceptible to sea
Becoming An “Amphibian ”Becoming An “Amphibian ”
I left the coastal city toI left the coastal city to
go to Beijing, an inlandgo to Beijing, an inland
city, to pursue my newcity, to pursue my new
career. The“little fish”career. The“little fish”
had to leave the water!had to leave the water!
I studied journalism inI studied journalism in TheThe
Graduate School ofGraduate School of
Chinese Academy of?SocialChinese Academy of?Social
Sciences and obtained mySciences and obtained my
Masters Degree inMasters Degree in
The Life InlandThe Life Inland
Upon graduation, I worked as a reporter and editor inUpon graduation, I worked as a reporter and editor in
PeoplePeople’’s Dailys Daily, the largest newspaper in China., the largest newspaper in China.
While working in Beijing, I found my significant other -While working in Beijing, I found my significant other -
my husband Yuhong Kuang. We had a wonderfulmy husband Yuhong Kuang. We had a wonderful
daughter, Kristina YuFei Kuang, a year after wedaughter, Kristina YuFei Kuang, a year after we
After working in Beijing for three years, I was accredited to theAfter working in Beijing for three years, I was accredited to the
Hong Kong office ofHong Kong office of People’s DailyPeople’s Daily. There, I wrote a series of. There, I wrote a series of
editorial articles about the negotiations and controversieseditorial articles about the negotiations and controversies
between China and Britain concerning the return of Hongbetween China and Britain concerning the return of Hong
Kong to China.Kong to China.
Moving To An IslandMoving To An Island
Swimming Further SouthSwimming Further South
In 1996, I went toIn 1996, I went to
Singapore with mySingapore with my
husband who washusband who was
invited by a musicinvited by a music
school to teachschool to teach
I later worked as an editorI later worked as an editor
for Singapore Pressfor Singapore Press
Holding Limited.Holding Limited.
A typicalA typical
area inarea in
My husband and I cycling along the beach.My husband and I cycling along the beach.
My daughter in the playground in frontMy daughter in the playground in front
of our townhouse.of our townhouse.
Becoming A “Dried Fish ”Becoming A “Dried Fish ”
In 1998, I went toIn 1998, I went to
Arizona StateArizona State
University to studyUniversity to study
computer science.computer science.
Due to my lack ofDue to my lack of
familiarity regardingfamiliarity regarding
computer technology, Icomputer technology, I
struggled through thestruggled through the
first year with tearsfirst year with tears
and sweat.and sweat.
On campusOn campus
at Arizonaat Arizona
Survival Of The “Dried FishSurvival Of The “Dried Fish””
After two years, IAfter two years, I
successfully graduatedsuccessfully graduated
with my Masters Degreewith my Masters Degree
in Computer Science andin Computer Science and
found a job in afound a job in a
consulting company inconsulting company in
South California.South California.
Above – Attending a conference atAbove – Attending a conference at
Berkley, University of California.Berkley, University of California.
Right – Defending my graduate thesis.Right – Defending my graduate thesis.
The Last Station (I Hope) -- CanadaThe Last Station (I Hope) -- Canada
In 2000, my husbandIn 2000, my husband
and daughter moved toand daughter moved to
Canada from Singapore.Canada from Singapore.
Two years later, I joinedTwo years later, I joined
them from US. Finally,them from US. Finally,
five years of separationfive years of separation
Above – My daughter and IAbove – My daughter and I
feeding ducks in Centralfeeding ducks in Central
Park near my home.Park near my home.
Left – Performing violin trioLeft – Performing violin trio
at a relative’s gatheringat a relative’s gathering
with my husband andwith my husband and
Back school againBack school again
right: joinedright: joined
research team forresearch team for
the project "Internetthe project "Internet
use in public library"use in public library"
After a couple of years
hunting for a job, I
decided back to school
again to pursue my
third postgrad degree -
Library & Information
Science in the
University of British
Columbia, Vancouver,
After graduation from UBC, I
got an offer from University of
Alaska and became digital
project librarian/assistant
professor in Alaska University
Swimming to the top of the worldSwimming to the top of the world
In front of Rasmuson Library of UAF
We play violin with neighbor for the bees.
My home in Alaska is pure wood made in a
forest surrounded by pine and birch trees.Snow covers the ground 6 months a year.
We have evergreen inside my house.
My Home in AlaskaMy Home in Alaska
From Atlantic to Red SeaFrom Atlantic to Red Sea
In 2008, my husband read a news about KAUSTIn 2008, my husband read a news about KAUST
from a Singapore newspaper-my previous employer.from a Singapore newspaper-my previous employer.
This bit of luck started our new journey. In August ofThis bit of luck started our new journey. In August of
2009, we moved to a formerly ancient fishing village,2009, we moved to a formerly ancient fishing village,
now a modern university campus by the Red Seanow a modern university campus by the Red Sea
shore in Saudi Arabia. I was hired by KAUST Libraryshore in Saudi Arabia. I was hired by KAUST Library
as systems librarian since then.as systems librarian since then.
Outside view of KAUST Library.
night view of KAUST library.
Inside of
the library
Yi Yu Biography
The Hobbies Of “Little Fish”The Hobbies Of “Little Fish”
Drinking teaDrinking tea
Playing violinPlaying violin
““Little Fish” Q & ALittle Fish” Q & A
? Q: What is your favorite occupation?
A: Student.
? Q: What would you ultimately like to do?
A: Do nothing!
? Q: What is your favorite novel?
A: One Hundred Years Of Solitude.
? Q: What is your favorite music?
A: J. S. Bach’s Double Violin Concerto.
? Q: What question do you ask most?
A: Who am I?
The EndThe End
What will be the “little fish’s”What will be the “little fish’s”
next journey? She will be annext journey? She will be an
“old fish”for sure! However, the“old fish”for sure! However, the
learning and discovery will belearning and discovery will be
continuing …continuing …

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Yi Yu Biography

  • 2. A “Little Fish” Who Came From Yangzi RiverA “Little Fish” Who Came From Yangzi River My nickname “Xiao Yu” = “Little Fish”My nickname “Xiao Yu” = “Little Fish” I was born in Nanjing, a city southeastI was born in Nanjing, a city southeast of China. It is a famous ancient cityof China. It is a famous ancient city beside the Yangzi River, the thirdbeside the Yangzi River, the third largest river in the world. I spentlargest river in the world. I spent the entirety of mythe entirety of my childhood andchildhood and teenage years there.teenage years there.
  • 3. Swimming To The East SeaSwimming To The East Sea After I finished my secondaryAfter I finished my secondary school, I went to Xiamen, aschool, I went to Xiamen, a coastal city by the East Sea, forcoastal city by the East Sea, for my undergraduate degree. Imy undergraduate degree. I majored in kinetics of shipmajored in kinetics of ship building.building. Above - theAbove - the university’suniversity’s main gate.main gate. Above – the lakeAbove – the lake on the campuson the campus Right – theRight – the beach bybeach by thethe campus.campus.
  • 4. The “Little Fish” Was Sea SickThe “Little Fish” Was Sea Sick After I graduated fromAfter I graduated from university, I worked at auniversity, I worked at a ship plant as an assistantship plant as an assistant engineer in another coastalengineer in another coastal city in the same provincecity in the same province as my hometown.as my hometown. However, I could notHowever, I could not continue this career path ascontinue this career path as a ship engineer because Ia ship engineer because I was susceptible to seawas susceptible to sea sickness.sickness.
  • 5. Becoming An “Amphibian ”Becoming An “Amphibian ” I left the coastal city toI left the coastal city to go to Beijing, an inlandgo to Beijing, an inland city, to pursue my newcity, to pursue my new career. The“little fish”career. The“little fish” had to leave the water!had to leave the water! I studied journalism inI studied journalism in TheThe Graduate School ofGraduate School of Chinese Academy of?SocialChinese Academy of?Social Sciences and obtained mySciences and obtained my Masters Degree inMasters Degree in Journalism.Journalism.
  • 6. The Life InlandThe Life Inland Upon graduation, I worked as a reporter and editor inUpon graduation, I worked as a reporter and editor in PeoplePeople’’s Dailys Daily, the largest newspaper in China., the largest newspaper in China. While working in Beijing, I found my significant other -While working in Beijing, I found my significant other - my husband Yuhong Kuang. We had a wonderfulmy husband Yuhong Kuang. We had a wonderful daughter, Kristina YuFei Kuang, a year after wedaughter, Kristina YuFei Kuang, a year after we married.married.
  • 7. After working in Beijing for three years, I was accredited to theAfter working in Beijing for three years, I was accredited to the Hong Kong office ofHong Kong office of People’s DailyPeople’s Daily. There, I wrote a series of. There, I wrote a series of editorial articles about the negotiations and controversieseditorial articles about the negotiations and controversies between China and Britain concerning the return of Hongbetween China and Britain concerning the return of Hong Kong to China.Kong to China. Moving To An IslandMoving To An Island
  • 8. Swimming Further SouthSwimming Further South In 1996, I went toIn 1996, I went to Singapore with mySingapore with my husband who washusband who was invited by a musicinvited by a music school to teachschool to teach violin.violin. I later worked as an editorI later worked as an editor for Singapore Pressfor Singapore Press Holding Limited.Holding Limited. A typicalA typical residentialresidential apartmentapartment area inarea in Singapore.Singapore. My husband and I cycling along the beach.My husband and I cycling along the beach. My daughter in the playground in frontMy daughter in the playground in front of our townhouse.of our townhouse.
  • 9. Becoming A “Dried Fish ”Becoming A “Dried Fish ” In 1998, I went toIn 1998, I went to Arizona StateArizona State University to studyUniversity to study computer science.computer science. Due to my lack ofDue to my lack of familiarity regardingfamiliarity regarding computer technology, Icomputer technology, I struggled through thestruggled through the first year with tearsfirst year with tears and sweat.and sweat. On campusOn campus at Arizonaat Arizona StateState University.University.
  • 10. Survival Of The “Dried FishSurvival Of The “Dried Fish”” After two years, IAfter two years, I successfully graduatedsuccessfully graduated with my Masters Degreewith my Masters Degree in Computer Science andin Computer Science and found a job in afound a job in a consulting company inconsulting company in South California.South California. Above – Attending a conference atAbove – Attending a conference at Berkley, University of California.Berkley, University of California. Right – Defending my graduate thesis.Right – Defending my graduate thesis.
  • 11. The Last Station (I Hope) -- CanadaThe Last Station (I Hope) -- Canada In 2000, my husbandIn 2000, my husband and daughter moved toand daughter moved to Canada from Singapore.Canada from Singapore. Two years later, I joinedTwo years later, I joined them from US. Finally,them from US. Finally, five years of separationfive years of separation ended!ended! Above – My daughter and IAbove – My daughter and I feeding ducks in Centralfeeding ducks in Central Park near my home.Park near my home. Left – Performing violin trioLeft – Performing violin trio at a relative’s gatheringat a relative’s gathering with my husband andwith my husband and daughter.daughter.
  • 12. Back school againBack school again right: joinedright: joined research team forresearch team for the project "Internetthe project "Internet use in public library"use in public library" After a couple of years hunting for a job, I decided back to school again to pursue my third postgrad degree - Library & Information Science in the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
  • 13. After graduation from UBC, I got an offer from University of Alaska and became digital project librarian/assistant professor in Alaska University Fairbanks. Swimming to the top of the worldSwimming to the top of the world In front of Rasmuson Library of UAF
  • 14. We play violin with neighbor for the bees. My home in Alaska is pure wood made in a forest surrounded by pine and birch trees.Snow covers the ground 6 months a year. We have evergreen inside my house. My Home in AlaskaMy Home in Alaska
  • 15. From Atlantic to Red SeaFrom Atlantic to Red Sea In 2008, my husband read a news about KAUSTIn 2008, my husband read a news about KAUST from a Singapore newspaper-my previous employer.from a Singapore newspaper-my previous employer. This bit of luck started our new journey. In August ofThis bit of luck started our new journey. In August of 2009, we moved to a formerly ancient fishing village,2009, we moved to a formerly ancient fishing village, now a modern university campus by the Red Seanow a modern university campus by the Red Sea shore in Saudi Arabia. I was hired by KAUST Libraryshore in Saudi Arabia. I was hired by KAUST Library as systems librarian since then.as systems librarian since then. Outside view of KAUST Library. night view of KAUST library. Inside of the library
  • 17. The Hobbies Of “Little Fish”The Hobbies Of “Little Fish” ? RelaxationRelaxation ? MeditatingMeditating ? Drinking teaDrinking tea ? SportsSports ? HikingHiking ? SwimmingSwimming ? ArtsArts ? Playing violinPlaying violin ? BrowsingBrowsing galleriesgalleries
  • 18. ““Little Fish” Q & ALittle Fish” Q & A ? Q: What is your favorite occupation? A: Student. ? Q: What would you ultimately like to do? A: Do nothing! ? Q: What is your favorite novel? A: One Hundred Years Of Solitude. ? Q: What is your favorite music? A: J. S. Bach’s Double Violin Concerto. ? Q: What question do you ask most? A: Who am I?
  • 19. The EndThe End What will be the “little fish’s”What will be the “little fish’s” next journey? She will be annext journey? She will be an “old fish”for sure! However, the“old fish”for sure! However, the learning and discovery will belearning and discovery will be continuing …continuing …

Editor's Notes

  1. 1. I don’t think “seek” is the right word. Maybe instead of “seek journey” you have “search”? 2. I think the spacing is wrong as well, e.g. instead of “Little Fish’s “Seek, you should have “Little Fish’s” Seek
  2. This is nice! “nick name” should be “nickname”
  3. The word university has a line break in the wrong place: should be university’s Should be “After I finished my…”
  4. 1. Should be “After I graduated”
  5. I love the anime character! You have an extra space before “little fish” in the top paragraph
  6. There’s a weird space in “People’s”
  7. Nice! There’s still an extra space in “People’s”
  8. This is nice!
  9. Missing the end “ after “Dried Fish”
  10. There’s an extra space between Fish and “ You don’t need the comma after Science, e.g. in Computer Science and found a job…
  11. I think instead of “united” the word “joined” would be better. Also, the last sentence would be better: Finally, five years of separation ended! There’s an extra space after relative’ before the “s” I love the photos! Your daughter is beautiful!
  12. I think you mean “Back to School Again” Also, it should be “After a couple of years hunting for a job, I decided to go back to school…”
  13. This is nice! But it should say either “After graduation from UBC, I got…” OR “After I graduated from UBC, I got…”
  14. These photos are lovely! I think the first caption should read “Snow covers the ground 6 months a year.” The violin caption might read “We play violin…” Also, for the last picture, I can’t really read the caption due to the light
  15. I think instead of “occasional incident” you mean “bit of luck” or “good fortune” Also, take out the “the” before August, i.e. In August of 2009 Instead of “by the Red Sea shore” you should have “on the Red Sea shore” The last sentence should read “Since then, I’ve worked as a system librarian at KAUST Library”
  16. I love these photos!
  17. This is nice!
  18. I love this!
  19. There’s overlap between “The End” and the text. I think you mean for the text to read: “What will be “Little Fish’s next journey? She will be an “old fish” for sure! However, the search will continue….” Thank you for sharing this, Yi!