Timber Creek Elementary December 2013 Tiger Tailstigerhelper
The newsletter provides information about upcoming events at Timber Creek Elementary School in December. It discusses the success of the recent book fair and thanks volunteers. Key dates mentioned include the Holiday Shop from December 9-13, a fifth grade performance on December 12, a spirit night at Rosa's Cafe on December 19, the Reindeer Run and early release on December 20, and winter break for students from December 23 to January 6. The principal's message encourages volunteering and thanks those who helped with the book fair.
This document discusses the TPACK framework for effective technology integration in teaching. TPACK stands for technological pedagogical content knowledge and recognizes that teachers need knowledge in technology, pedagogy, and their subject content, as well as the intersections between these domains. The document defines each component of TPACK - technological knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge, and technological content knowledge. It also reflects on the author's own TPACK, recognizing their strengths in content knowledge but needing growth in effectively integrating technology. The goal of TPACK is to encourage purposeful use of technology that enhances teaching and student learning.
Convocatoria de selección para la participación de estudiantes uniguajira en elDahir Redondo Granadillo
La Universidad de la Guajira convoca a sus estudiantes a participar en el XXXII Modelo de Asamblea General de la Organización de Estados Americanos en Paraguay en 2014. Los estudiantes seleccionados representarán a diferentes paÃses de la OEA en comisiones y deberán defender posiciones y resoluciones. Los beneficios incluyen el aprendizaje sobre polÃtica internacional y procesos multilaterales, asà como el intercambio con estudiantes de otros paÃses. Los estudiantes interesados deben aplicar antes del 27 de enero de 2014.
Brittney M Agliano is seeking a position in human resources with experience in childcare, education, and fitness. She has a bachelor's degree in applied psychology and organizational behavior from Albright College. Her resume lists work history including as an infant/toddler teacher, a paraprofessional working with special needs children, a front desk assistant and assistant manager at an LA Fitness, and as an executive promoter for a health and wellness company. She provides five professional references.
The poem "The Lamb" is about a lamb questioning who created it and being told that it was God, who called himself a lamb. The lamb and the human speaker are both called by God's name. The poem "The Tyger" questions who could have created such a fearsome creature as the tyger, with its burning eyes and powerful muscles, and wonders if the same God who created the gentle lamb could also have made the tyger. Both poems question the nature and origins of creation.
Ord. Prof. Dr. Ata Nutku's biography published by the magazine Science and Technics in 1997, a publication of Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey.
This document discusses the use of magnesium alloys in aerospace applications, past concerns, and current solutions. It provides historical examples of magnesium alloy use in aircraft from 1943-1957. Past concerns included corrosion, but new corrosion resistant alloys have been developed like Elektron 21 and WE43. These alloys are now used in a variety of aircraft components and applications. Testing has shown these alloys have improved corrosion resistance and elevated temperature properties over older alloys. They also have better flame resistance and are less likely to ignite than other alloys like AZ91. Overall, new magnesium alloys are enabling greater use of the material in both aerospace and automotive applications.
This document is the introductory address given by Gardiner G. Hubbard, the president of the National Geographic Society, at the founding of the National Geographic Magazine in 1888. It provides a brief history of the evolution of geography as a science from ancient Greece to the modern era. Key points include that geography originally meant a description of land areas known to ancient Greeks, but now refers to describing the entire globe. The address also summarizes contributions of early geographers like Herodotus, Alexander the Great, Eratosthenes, Ptolemy, and the pause during Roman times when geography was not advanced significantly.
Bilim ve Teknik (a popular magazine published by Turkey Scientific and Technological Research Council) has a subject about crystallography which is a discipline at the age of 100 this year, in May 2014 issue.
An article published in Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi ( a popular publication of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) about innovation. Picture shows the header and abstract of this article. Issue 557, April 2014.
Title: A play of loneliness, Autism.
An article about causes, symptoms, treatment of autism told in a general way for popular readers of science.
Reference: Bilim ve Teknik (a popular magazine published buy Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council) Issue 315, Feb 1994.
SCIENCE and WOMEN. An article not only telling about famous female scientists in the world history, but also how gender discrimination affects women. The subject is examined from the growth of female and concerning the women studies. Reference: Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi (a popular magazine published by Turkey Scientific and Technological Research Council) Issue: 354, May 1997.
PROF. DR. HALET ÇAMBEL, who is a professor of archeology, known not only in Turkey, but also in Europe and America for her studies. She had efforts during the foundation of prehistory chair and laboratory, Karatepe open-air archeology museum. She had a great role in METU Keban and Lower Fırat projects for recovering historical values. She also known for the prehistoric research for South-western Anatolia. She is the first Turkish sportswoman to be in Olympic Games in the branch of swordplay in Berlin, 1936.
A Turkish woman, who is a professor of astronomy, worked at NASA Goddard Space Institute, Goethe Link Observatory and Canada Atom Energy Laboratory. She studied on many fields some of which are the history of the Sun, the Solar System and Astrophysics.
MARCH 21, WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY. The text tells us what this syndrome is and how can people having this syndrome live in the population. Reference: Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, Issue 337, Dec 1995.
A Turkish woman, who is a professor of archeology, had efforts during foundation of Istanbul University Archeology Chair. She worked in Side (a touristic town with its historical places in Antalya, Turkey) and Perga (Antalya, Turkey) over forty years. She also contributed about joining sculpture pieces from separate countries.
Ord. Prof. Dr. Ata Nutku's biography published by the magazine Science and Technics in 1997, a publication of Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey.
This document discusses the use of magnesium alloys in aerospace applications, past concerns, and current solutions. It provides historical examples of magnesium alloy use in aircraft from 1943-1957. Past concerns included corrosion, but new corrosion resistant alloys have been developed like Elektron 21 and WE43. These alloys are now used in a variety of aircraft components and applications. Testing has shown these alloys have improved corrosion resistance and elevated temperature properties over older alloys. They also have better flame resistance and are less likely to ignite than other alloys like AZ91. Overall, new magnesium alloys are enabling greater use of the material in both aerospace and automotive applications.
This document is the introductory address given by Gardiner G. Hubbard, the president of the National Geographic Society, at the founding of the National Geographic Magazine in 1888. It provides a brief history of the evolution of geography as a science from ancient Greece to the modern era. Key points include that geography originally meant a description of land areas known to ancient Greeks, but now refers to describing the entire globe. The address also summarizes contributions of early geographers like Herodotus, Alexander the Great, Eratosthenes, Ptolemy, and the pause during Roman times when geography was not advanced significantly.
Bilim ve Teknik (a popular magazine published by Turkey Scientific and Technological Research Council) has a subject about crystallography which is a discipline at the age of 100 this year, in May 2014 issue.
An article published in Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi ( a popular publication of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) about innovation. Picture shows the header and abstract of this article. Issue 557, April 2014.
Title: A play of loneliness, Autism.
An article about causes, symptoms, treatment of autism told in a general way for popular readers of science.
Reference: Bilim ve Teknik (a popular magazine published buy Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council) Issue 315, Feb 1994.
SCIENCE and WOMEN. An article not only telling about famous female scientists in the world history, but also how gender discrimination affects women. The subject is examined from the growth of female and concerning the women studies. Reference: Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi (a popular magazine published by Turkey Scientific and Technological Research Council) Issue: 354, May 1997.
PROF. DR. HALET ÇAMBEL, who is a professor of archeology, known not only in Turkey, but also in Europe and America for her studies. She had efforts during the foundation of prehistory chair and laboratory, Karatepe open-air archeology museum. She had a great role in METU Keban and Lower Fırat projects for recovering historical values. She also known for the prehistoric research for South-western Anatolia. She is the first Turkish sportswoman to be in Olympic Games in the branch of swordplay in Berlin, 1936.
A Turkish woman, who is a professor of astronomy, worked at NASA Goddard Space Institute, Goethe Link Observatory and Canada Atom Energy Laboratory. She studied on many fields some of which are the history of the Sun, the Solar System and Astrophysics.
MARCH 21, WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY. The text tells us what this syndrome is and how can people having this syndrome live in the population. Reference: Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, Issue 337, Dec 1995.
A Turkish woman, who is a professor of archeology, had efforts during foundation of Istanbul University Archeology Chair. She worked in Side (a touristic town with its historical places in Antalya, Turkey) and Perga (Antalya, Turkey) over forty years. She also contributed about joining sculpture pieces from separate countries.
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