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     姓名                周应平                         性別                                 編號
                                                                        男 M                              2
     Name          Yingping Zhou                   Sex                              Orphan ID
  出生日期                1999 年 月     日            民族                       汉                               健康
 Date of Birth        Y       M    D        Ethnic Race                 Han                              Qualified


 學校名稱          云南省昆明市五华区博华学校
                                                                                  入學情況           於       年, 就讀 五     年級
    Name       Bohua School of Wuhua District, Kunming,
                                                                                    Grade        Grade 5
               Yunnan Province
 學校地址                                                                                                                         郵編
  Address      云南         省   昆明       市五华区普吉街道办事处连家社区王家桥博华学校
                                                                                                                          Postal Code

 監護人姓名            與孤兒關係 父亲                                              家庭年人均收入/總人口數(包括孤兒)
        Zhengming                                                                                                    ¥     / 人
   Name           Relationship Father                                   Annual Income/Total Family Members
 監護人地址                                                                                                                        郵編
                 贵州 省修文县扎佐镇葛马村二组(老家)
  Address                                                                                                                 Postal Code

      从小就出生在昆明,妈妈在 2006 年就跟人跑了,离开时姐姐 7 岁,他 5 岁。今年和他爸爸办了离婚手续。
      爸爸的手指头断了,缝了 10 多针。现在在家休息。
      He, Yingping Zhou, was born in Kunming. His mother fell in love with another man then
eloped with him in 2006. Yingping was five and his sister was seven at that time. His mother did
not legally divorce with his father until 2011. Yingping's sister is in Grade 7 and now studies
in a secondary school in Guizhou.
      He said his mother often punished him and his sister at home so they dislike their mother.
His father is a very busy fixer of a car workshop, and is not able to take good care about his
      Yingping is an average student in his class. He is teachable, and never late for class,
said by his teacher.
      Recently his father's hand was severely hurt in a work accident and now he is not able to
work anymore.

  助養期          起                            止                                     助養者編號
   Period      From                    To                                          Donor ID
  填表人                             日期        2011    年    9 月       21
 Prepared by                      Date      Y        M         D
                                                                                Name of Donor
Yingping zhou

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Yingping zhou

  • 1. 昆明农民工孤儿情况登记表 孤兒資料 ORPHAN INFORMATION 姓名 周应平 性別 編號 男 M 2 Name Yingping Zhou Sex Orphan ID 健康狀 出生日期 1999 年 月 日 民族 汉 健康 況 Date of Birth Y M D Ethnic Race Han Qualified Health 學校資料 SCHOOL INFORMATION 學校名稱 云南省昆明市五华区博华学校 入學情況 於 年, 就讀 五 年級 Name Bohua School of Wuhua District, Kunming, Grade Grade 5 Yunnan Province 學校地址 郵編 Address 云南 省 昆明 市五华区普吉街道办事处连家社区王家桥博华学校 Postal Code 監護人資料 GUARDIAN INFORMATION 周正明 監護人姓名 與孤兒關係 父亲 家庭年人均收入/總人口數(包括孤兒) Zhengming ¥ / 人 Name Relationship Father Annual Income/Total Family Members Zhou 監護人地址 郵編 贵州 省修文县扎佐镇葛马村二组(老家) Address Postal Code 孤兒 / 監護人家庭狀況 FAMILY BACKGROUND 从小就出生在昆明,妈妈在 2006 年就跟人跑了,离开时姐姐 7 岁,他 5 岁。今年和他爸爸办了离婚手续。 姐姐在老家上初一了。 以前在家和妈妈的关系也不太好,因为妈妈经常打骂孩子,所以也不会提起妈妈。 爸爸的工作很忙,是在一个修理厂修车,平时也没有时间管他,吃饭是在修理厂的食堂里打,也没有文 化,不能给孩子辅导功课。 周应平有时会逃学,作业基本可以按时完成。老师说:他在班上的学习一般,纪律还可以,听话的。他 们家住的离学校有远,每天还不会迟到,真的不容易。 爸爸的手指头断了,缝了 10 多针。现在在家休息。 He, Yingping Zhou, was born in Kunming. His mother fell in love with another man then eloped with him in 2006. Yingping was five and his sister was seven at that time. His mother did not legally divorce with his father until 2011. Yingping's sister is in Grade 7 and now studies in a secondary school in Guizhou. He said his mother often punished him and his sister at home so they dislike their mother. His father is a very busy fixer of a car workshop, and is not able to take good care about his children. Yingping is an average student in his class. He is teachable, and never late for class, said by his teacher. Recently his father's hand was severely hurt in a work accident and now he is not able to work anymore. 助養期 起 止 助養者編號 Period From To Donor ID ------------ 填表人 日期 2011 年 9 月 21 助養者姓名 Prepared by Date Y M D Name of Donor