Gamification Nedir, Neden Oyunlaştırma, Oyunlaştırma Uygulamaları
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Kaynaklar: M2 Research - 15 Eylül 2011, Venture Beat - 14 Nisan 2011
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#6: Önemli markalar irili ufaklı kampanyalarla bu akımın başarısını test etmeye, gamification projelerinin müşterileri ile ilişkilerinde biraz daha uzun soluklu ve eğlenceli bir ilişki sağlayıp sağlayamayacağını anlamaya çalışıyorlar. Bugün markalar dijital platformlarda bulunmak, “beğenilmek” ve tekrar tekrar ziyaret edilmek için büyük bir hırsla savaş verirken, markaların dijital varlıklarının “pazarlaması”nı da yine dijital oyun unsurlarından alarak yapması doğru ve anlamlı… Gabe Zichermann (b. 1974) is an entrepreneur, author, highly rated public speaker and gamification thought leader. He is the chair of the Gamification Summit and Workshops, and is co-author of the book “Game-Based Marketing” (Wiley, 2010) where he makes a compelling case for the use of games and game mechanics in everyday life, the web and business.
#8: IND Group: Macaristan çıkışlı. Since its inception in 1997, IND Group is operating now from several countries: Austria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and UK. Through our local business partner network we are represented in Ukraine, Russia, Switzerland and Middle East.Online banking, mobile banking, personal finance management, brokerage and branch solutions.Badgeville: Founded in 2010. With executives and team leaders directly from Zynga, Omniture, Playdom, IBM, American Express, Electronic Arts, Lithium, WebEx, Amazon, and The company is based in Menlo Park, Calif. and with offices in New York and Europe.Janrain: Founded in 2004. It was a rainy January in Portland when Larry decided to turn his vision into what we call Janrain today.2005: Founding member of the OpenID Foundation. Social login:First company to unify social profile data, online behaviors, third-party application data and offline information in a single platform for online marketing.First company to offer social login for mobile devices.Deployed on more than 365,000 websites, including media, retail, entertainment, technology and many other industries.Supporting more than 25 identity providers, including leading brands in Europe and Asia.Janrain User Management Platform (JUMP)
#10: Y Kuşağı: 1980-1999 arası doğanlar.Mike Walsh is a futurist and keynote speaker on future trends, innovation and the digital revolution. He is the author of Futuretainment and CEO of Tomorrow.Leading authority on the digital future.Oyun oynamayan kimse var mı?3 generations of game thinking. Dijital platformlardaki sosyal oyunların ilk örnekleri için 1970′li yıllaradaki MUD‘lara (multi-user dungeons / çok oyunculu zindanlar) uzanmak gerekir. Modern oyun tarihinin vazgeçilmez unsurlarından olan MMORPG‘lerin de (massively multi-player online role-playing games) süreçteki sarsılmaz etkisini atlamamak lazım. 1985’lerde Lucasfilm tarafından geliştirilen online “role-playing” oyunu Habitat. 2000’lerde Second Life. Ve sosyal oyunlar...
#11: 1980s Richard Bartle’s Player Types: Achiever, Socializer, Explorer, Killer. Socializers are 80% of the population. Light-weight, non-confrontational, easy to reciprocate. Poke!
#13: PlayFirst’s Dinner Dash: as a waitress who has to juggle a million tasks at once. The game ranks No. 7 in the top-selling games of all time, based on data collected by market researcher Interpret. At that level, the game is chasing titles such as Grand Theft Auto and Tetris.Flight Control game: Electronic Arts said today it has purchased Australian game developer Firemint, maker of the popular Flight Control games. The game becomes furiously difficult as more and more aircraft crowd the screen. You become an overworked air traffic controller, but Firemint figured out how to make that fun.Baby & Me: 6waves Lolapps mini-games themed around diaper changing, bathing and feeding
#14: The Speed Camera Lottery by Kevin Richardson, USA: Can we get more people to obey the speed limit by making it fun to do? this camera also takes photo of drivers who obey the speed limit and keeps a record of these good drivers. The interesting twist to this speed camera is that the total collected fines from the speeders contribute to a pot, which can be won in the form of a lottery by the good drivers at the end of the month.Volkswagen, together with The Swedish National Society for Road Safety, actually made this innovative idea a reality in Stockholm, Sweden. Fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Games are incredibly good at manipaluting behavior. Hız sınırının altında araç kullananların çekilişe katılarak para ödülleri kazanmasını hedefliyor. Üstelik de bu ödüller, süratli araba kullananlardan toplanan cezalarla ödeniyor! The Fun Theory platformu, insanları eğlence unsuru ile doğru davranışa yönlendirme prensibi üzerine kurulmuş bir mini site.
#16: Dopamin: Zevkle ilişkili en önemli beyin kimyasalı.Dopamine (a neurotransmitter) is the chemical that allows brain cells to communicate with each other.Dopamine is associated with the motivation/reward system in the brain. Başarı haberimizi duyduğumuzdadopamin salgısı artar. After making a prediction, choice, or action, and receiving feedback that it was correct, the reward from the release of dopamine prompts the brain seek future opportunities to repeat the action. The dopamine release comes each time the game provides feedback that the player's actions or responses are correct. The brain needs a higher level of challenge, because staying at a level once mastery is achieved doesn't release the dopamine.
#18: Gamification vendors report that 47% of client implementations revolve around user engagement, with brand loyalty accounting for 22% and brand awareness 15% of implementations.
#24: Samsung Nation, a social loyalty program for their customer community. Samsung Nation members can earn points, unlock badges, and be featured on a leaderboard as they engage in various activities across the site, such as watching videos, commenting on articles, leaving reviews, sharing products, and participating in user-generated Q&As on Samsung's US website.