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Yogurt mania
Business concept

Frozen Yogurt  a refreshing dessert that combines the flavors and texture of ice cream and
sorbet. Customers may mix and combine flavors in their cups by pulling on spigots that control the yogurt
containers. Additionally, different toppings, including chocolate, fruit, and nuts, are available.

Its a new kind of restaurant/cafe. This type of business are popular in developed countries such as USA,
GB, Japan etc. In this countries it is developing rapidly. Sales are increasing every day, over the world.

Type of business: caf辿/restaurant.

Location: Shopping Mall (Mega Center or Essentay Mall).

Additional products: -shakes, -cocktails (hot and cold ), - freshes (fruit)

Target market: citizens from 4-5 and older with incomes of all levels in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Market Overview

The sphere of catering is developing with high speed. But this type of business is
widespread in 1994-1955.

1999  Formed maintenance requirements, security, there was a demand for skilled
chefs and polite waiters.

Nowadays there are many specialized restaurants and cafes in Almaty, especially in
business or entertaining centers . The most of the revenue they receive from lunch.

The main position in specialized restaurant business belongs to fast food. But with the
developing of trend healthy eating, people are seeking for health and nutritional

No direct competitors

Trend of healthy eating

Many suppliers of recourses (cheap recourses)

Demandable product

Innovative product


Small amount of employers

Seasonable product

Many indirect competitors

Expensive equipment and technology

Many substitutes to this product

Direct Competitors: Line Berry   shop that located in Almaty,
Promenade Center , which sales different shakes, milk cocktails, icecream and yogurts. But it is not widely developed and famous here.

Indirect Competitors: Buskin Robbins  named the top ice-cream and
frozen dessert. It creates and markets innovative, premium ice-cream,
specialty frozen deserts and beverages, providing quality and value to
consumers at nearly 7000 retail shops in 50 countries.

Yogurt Mania caf辿s competitive advantage:

Work as a caf辿 isolated from noisy part of entertainment center

Healthy food than other types of product

The level of price is optimal and affordable for different levels of income
Our aims and objectives

Our general goal over the next 5 years is to increase sales, primarily
in the Almaty market and in other provinces of Kazakhstan.
The ultimate goal is to achieve 50% of gross sales from sales while
developing our business. 丕从舒亢亳亠 从仂仆从亠仆亠 亳亰仄亠亳仄亠 亰舒亟舒亳
亟仍 亟仂亳亢亠仆亳 于舒亳 仗亳仍亠仆亳 亠仍亠亶.

亠亠亳仍亳亠 亰舒亟舒亳 于 仂仆仂亠仆亳亳 亟仂仍亳 仆从舒

亠亠亳仍亳亠 亰舒亟舒亳 于 仂仆仂亠仆亳亳 亟仂仂亟仂于 亳 仗亳弍仍仆仂亳.
Human recourse department:
Name of title
(# of positions)

Key responsibilities


1. Cashiers(2)

Calculate and collect
money from customers.

Degree in economics. quick
mathematical skills ,positive
attitude and responsible
attitude. Office /
organizational skills

2. Consultant(2)

working and helping to
customers and cutting

Good interpersonal skills.
People & process

3. Technicians(2)

Keeping the equipments in a Technical knowledge,
proper condition
people & process

4. Cleaner(1)

Cleaning tables, floor and
entire cafe

Responsible skills

5. Security man(1)

Watch over the process,
protecting from criminals

good health condition,
good judgment and
decision making.
Human recourse department:
Policies and procedures
Hours of operations

10AM-10PM, 7 days/week

Number of employees

5 full time and 2 principals

Performance assessment

Performance assessment is done
yearly in mid-February. Productivity
and quality are our two main criteria

Benefits and salaries

Growing business with growing salary.
Perspective for long run working time
Resource requirements

Own building place


(working personal)


Equipment and technologies



flyers and commercials;
Global problems

Short-run perspective

Financial issues problem


Get business partners


ask some financial assistance from investors.


get the loan in the bank

Launching a new business problem




Find right customers


To be able to stay in own wishes to open your

Competition problem



Long run perspective

 Slow growth or advancement
- Stay focused and do not calm
Will to continue the business
- Not lose interest in own business
Financial statement
Profit and Loss Account
Cash Flow Statement


Cost of sales


Gross profit


Staff Salaries


Net Profit


Depreciation (car)


Depreciation (equip.)


Increase in stock
Admin-n Charges

Bank Charges
Depreciation (car)



increase in Debtors


Depreciation (equip.)

Decrease in Bank loan





Net Profit

increase in creditors

Total Cash In/On


Increase in cash


Analysis of costs

(March 2013-2014 years)
and car



Diff-t types of


Materials and

亠亠亳仍亳亠 亟仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆亠 仄舒亠亳舒仍 亳 亠.

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Yogurt mania

  • 2. Business concept Frozen Yogurt a refreshing dessert that combines the flavors and texture of ice cream and sorbet. Customers may mix and combine flavors in their cups by pulling on spigots that control the yogurt containers. Additionally, different toppings, including chocolate, fruit, and nuts, are available. Its a new kind of restaurant/cafe. This type of business are popular in developed countries such as USA, GB, Japan etc. In this countries it is developing rapidly. Sales are increasing every day, over the world. Type of business: caf辿/restaurant. Location: Shopping Mall (Mega Center or Essentay Mall). Additional products: -shakes, -cocktails (hot and cold ), - freshes (fruit) Target market: citizens from 4-5 and older with incomes of all levels in Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • 3. Market Overview The sphere of catering is developing with high speed. But this type of business is widespread in 1994-1955. 1999 Formed maintenance requirements, security, there was a demand for skilled chefs and polite waiters. Nowadays there are many specialized restaurants and cafes in Almaty, especially in business or entertaining centers . The most of the revenue they receive from lunch. The main position in specialized restaurant business belongs to fast food. But with the developing of trend healthy eating, people are seeking for health and nutritional food.
  • 4. Opportunities No direct competitors Trend of healthy eating Many suppliers of recourses (cheap recourses) Demandable product Innovative product Tasty Small amount of employers
  • 5. Problems: Seasonable product Many indirect competitors Expensive equipment and technology Many substitutes to this product
  • 6. Competitiveness Direct Competitors: Line Berry shop that located in Almaty, Promenade Center , which sales different shakes, milk cocktails, icecream and yogurts. But it is not widely developed and famous here. Indirect Competitors: Buskin Robbins named the top ice-cream and frozen dessert. It creates and markets innovative, premium ice-cream, specialty frozen deserts and beverages, providing quality and value to consumers at nearly 7000 retail shops in 50 countries. Yogurt Mania caf辿s competitive advantage: Work as a caf辿 isolated from noisy part of entertainment center Healthy food than other types of product The level of price is optimal and affordable for different levels of income
  • 7. Our aims and objectives Our general goal over the next 5 years is to increase sales, primarily in the Almaty market and in other provinces of Kazakhstan. The ultimate goal is to achieve 50% of gross sales from sales while developing our business. 丕从舒亢亳亠 从仂仆从亠仆亠 亳亰仄亠亳仄亠 亰舒亟舒亳 亟仍 亟仂亳亢亠仆亳 于舒亳 仗亳仍亠仆亳 亠仍亠亶. 亠亠亳仍亳亠 亰舒亟舒亳 于 仂仆仂亠仆亳亳 亟仂仍亳 仆从舒 亠亠亳仍亳亠 亰舒亟舒亳 于 仂仆仂亠仆亳亳 亟仂仂亟仂于 亳 仗亳弍仍仆仂亳.
  • 8. Human recourse department: Name of title (# of positions) Key responsibilities qualifications 1. Cashiers(2) Calculate and collect money from customers. Degree in economics. quick mathematical skills ,positive attitude and responsible attitude. Office / organizational skills 2. Consultant(2) working and helping to customers and cutting ingredients Good interpersonal skills. People & process management 3. Technicians(2) Keeping the equipments in a Technical knowledge, proper condition people & process management 4. Cleaner(1) Cleaning tables, floor and entire cafe Responsible skills 5. Security man(1) Watch over the process, protecting from criminals good health condition, good judgment and decision making.
  • 9. Human recourse department: Policies and procedures Hours of operations 10AM-10PM, 7 days/week Number of employees 5 full time and 2 principals Performance assessment Performance assessment is done yearly in mid-February. Productivity and quality are our two main criteria Benefits and salaries Growing business with growing salary. Perspective for long run working time
  • 10. Resource requirements Own building place Employers (working personal) Money Equipment and technologies Products Advertisements, Service flyers and commercials;
  • 11. Global problems Short-run perspective Financial issues problem - Get business partners - ask some financial assistance from investors. - get the loan in the bank Launching a new business problem - Creativity - Find right customers - To be able to stay in own wishes to open your business Competition problem - self-motivation Long run perspective Slow growth or advancement problem - Stay focused and do not calm down Will to continue the business - Not lose interest in own business
  • 12. Financial statement Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement Sales 91300 Cost of sales 50000 Gross profit 41300 Staff Salaries 20000 Net Profit 41300 15500 Depreciation (car) 1500 Depreciation (equip.) 2000 Increase in stock Admin-n Charges Bank Charges Depreciation (car) 2000 3000 increase in Debtors 1500 Depreciation (equip.) Decrease in Bank loan 1000 3000 2000 1300 25800 Net Profit increase in creditors 25800 Total Cash In/On 15500 Increase in cash 3000 19000 8000 11000
  • 13. Analysis of costs (March 2013-2014 years) 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Equipment and car Salaries Rent Diff-t types of servise research Materials and expences