Sushruta advocated for practicing surgical procedures on models similar to the human body before operating on patients. He described various models that could be used to practice different surgical techniques like excision, incision, probing, and suturing. These practices on models help students gain experience and avoid confusion when performing procedures on real patients. Sushruta's method of using simulated training prior to clinical practice remains an acceptable method today through the use of physical models and computer-based simulations.
4. Introduction
Acharya sushruta explained about yogyasutreeya in sutrastana,
prior to that initial chapters of sutrastana he talks on ayurveda
utpatti, shalyatantra pradhanyata, guru, shishya, adhyayana
kaala. In later chapter about sushruta samhita in nut shell.
Then in Aa谷奪mUh奪r aboutmu誰, m谷klM端q誰 and m其iM端q誰,
qualities of surgeon. In the 6th chapter he elaborately explains
about Gicr誰, in 7th chapter rl則 , zx則 their qualities and uses.
I think the Idea of Sushruta behind this type of frame work of
chapter is, first made student aware about what he is going to
learn in future like in Aa谷奪mUhr Akrr ,where in context of
m谷klM端q誰 he says one should avoid incisions over qq誰xjl,
but about qq誰 he talks in detail in shareera sthana .
5. r奪ar:
M端i誰urM端q誰hxqrar奪ar iixS竪zM端q誰prx奪
r奪a i奪l r奪arm谷puii||
c蔵端 x x9/3
Before operating on patient directly one should practice
surgical procedure on models which are similar to the
human body structure.
Akaixu誰zx則j誰qmzwr r奪arM端Ur奪i巽|
xl奪W短SwN奪短krSwc M端q誰mjqmSz奪i巽|
xoW短卒i奪mrM端ir奪ar M端q誰xur奪ar奪
The student though has understood the science fully should
be made a fit for advising treatment, he should be instructed
the practical methods of xl奪W短S mlcM端q誰 N奪短SlS
A孫ukzx則M端q誰. Though a person having well theoretical
knowledge if he does not do r奪arprx he is unfit for
medical practice.
8. p奪Slr奪ar (Incision)
wp奪賊r奪ar;Aim: To know about the thickness of the wall which is to
be penetrated.
Consistency of the fluid inside.
Model: water filled leather bag and bladder of the animals
filled with mud or materials of various consistencies.
9. s奪Zlr奪ar (Scraping)
xU奪qh cq誰hrii奪 s奪Zrxr;
Aim: To scrape the area with delicate balance of knife
avoiding injury to underlying structures.
Model: Dead animal skin with hair or animal skin
with warty transformations as seen over joints.
12. AW短Uhr奪ar (Extraction)
Aim: Go to the base or behind the object and pull out.
To appreciate the optimum grip and force and to remove
the foreign body causing least damage to the
surrounding structures.
Model: bimbi, bilva, Jack fruit, teeth of the dead
It is process of designing a model of a real system and
conducting experiments with this model for the purpose
either of understanding the behavior of system or of
evaluating various strategies for the operation of system.
Model-based simulation
Computer-based simulation
Hybrid simulation
A three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a
proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
This is mainly based on physical models. Procedures
commonly include wound closure urinary catheterization,
Vene puncture and I.V. infusion.
Computer simulations are more realistic simulations in
which computers create illusions of reality (VR).
VR combines a convincing representation of an organ
system or body region with the means to work with
that image as if it really existed.
Hybrid simulators combine physical models with
computers, using a realistic interface. This avoids some of
the technical difficulties associated with reproducing the
feel of instruments and human tissue.
24. BENEFITS OF r奪ar:
S狸ur奪wr奪arM端u誰h奪 l m谷q遜i M端q誰x||
rxr r則奪W短xkqr誰i則 r奪arxqcU奪i巽||x.x.9/5-6
The student who has been made fit by the use of the
things which are suitable for practical training, does not
get confuse in the profession.
Hence, students who desire to expert in zx則造UalM端q誰
should do practical work on similar models.
Sushrutas method of training and practice of
surgery acceptable till date.
Sushruta designed experimental surgery to arouse
active interest in the subject and to give a permanent
mental impression of the basic surgical procedures.
Sushrutas concept still remains valid ,application
may differ.