To lead on case management of young carers aged 6-18 living with complex needs, ensure effective multi-agency collaboration and referral processes, and coordinate support for young carers transitioning to further education and employment between ages 16-25. Key responsibilities include identifying young carers, managing caseloads, adhering to safeguarding policies, and evaluating outcomes. The role also requires coordinating mentoring on educational transitions, building partnerships to support career development, and creating initiatives to develop independent living skills.
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Young carers job info
1. Job title: Young Carers Case worker & Lead on 16-25 services
Grade/salary band: Starting £19000 per annum
Hours: 35 hours per week
Accountable to: Operations Manager
Initially this role is for a 12 month Fixed Term
Purpose of role
To ensure that all young carers engagement is monitored and action taken accordingly.
To lead on multi agency collaborative working. (TAF/CAF)
To ensure seamless referral process through to transition and closure. To lead on the 16-25
Main duties and responsibilities
1. Take responsibility for the identification and support of young carers aged 6-18 living
with complex needs, in particular, case manage those who live with entrenched
parental substance misuse, harmful caring roles or diagnosed mental health
2. Ensure processes ensure seamless , referral and exiting of young carers and all
outcomes are recorded
3. Ensure CAF/TAF is fully integrated within the organisation. To attend and report on
any Child Protection or Child in Need conferences/plans.
4. To be CYCs lead on CAF/TAF and support a volunteer team to complete effective
assessment and case review.
5. To take responsibility for ensuring all assigned work is undertaken effectively and in
accordance with CYCs overall policies; ensuring that recording and filing systems are
maintained with systematic case planning and review
2. 6. Be responsible for evidencing that young carers assigned to you receive holistic
assessments, detailed support plans and offered appropriate levels of support to
achieve positive outcomes
7. Ensure that all assigned work adheres to CYCs Safeguarding Policy and ensure LSCB
procedures are followed in the event of any child protection issues or concerns
8. To support the Operations Manager in preparation of data and service reports for
funders, users and stakeholders.
9. Take responsibility for accessing supervision and responding to any case decisions
effectively, recording all decisions and plans in accordance with CYCs policies.
10. Raise the profile of CYC work through networking and distribution of information,
service updates, reports and presentations with senior Statutory Social Care Team
Leaders and other social care organizational managers.
11. Have an in-depth knowledge of all other services in West Cheshire and knowledge of
the pathways of referral
Leading on 16-25 services
12. Co-ordinate mentoring/supporting young carers through educational transitions
including exams, further education choices including college, university,
apprenticeships, vocational studies and career choices
13. Co-ordinate volunteer mentors to provide support around CVs, job applications and
14. Build partnerships with further education providers, employment providers,
apprenticeships, internships etc
15. Create new initiatives that support young carers with independent living skills if they
choose to leave home. Including creating relationships with housing associations, Job
centre, and Citizens Advice Bureau
16. Evaluate the services provided and demonstrate outcomes