The document provides guidance for catechists on preparing children for changes to the Mass resulting from the new Roman Missal translation. It advises catechists to study the changes themselves, choose a positive attitude, and help children understand the changes by explaining what the Missal and translation are, describing the universal Church, and using repetition and songs to help children learn the new responses "by heart". Changes include the Greeting, Penitential Rite, Gloria, and Eucharistic prayers.
6. Post-First Communion
Upset if they regularly go to Mass
and know their responses
Clueless probably seldom go to
Mass its no big deal to them
Dont Care never go to Mass -
this is irrelevant.
7. Knowing the Mass
Is a matter of Catholic Identity
Missal is opportunity to deepen their
+ of the Mass
+ of the Eucharist
+ of the Universal Church and their role
in it as members
8. Where to start
Explain what the Missal is
Talk about what the translation is
Describe the Church the
universal Roman Catholic Church
around the world
14. The Changes
Penitential Rite
Preface dialog May the Lord accept
Lord, I am not worthy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Memorial Acclamations
15. You are not in this alone.
Your parish catechetical leader (DRE)
Your parish liturgy/music minsters
Your pastor
The whole English-speaking Church