Rating is the percentage of the target audience exposed to a TV program at a given time. Reach is the percentage of the target audience exposed to an advertising schedule at least once. Frequency is the average number of times each person is exposed to an advertising campaign. GRP (Gross Rating Points) quantifies the size of the audience exposed to media materials more than once. CPRP (Cost Per Rating Point) is the cost to reach 1% of the target audience using a specific media channel. To evaluate a campaign, we assess if it met marketing, communication, and media objectives, and consider budget efficiency, reach and frequency, synergy across channels, and competitive positioning. Effectiveness also depends on if the target audience understood
2. Rating, Reach, Frequency, GRP and CPRP
Is the percentage (%) of the target audience exposed to a TV feature at a
given moment
How to calculate?
The target audience of So young think you can dance? show is Young people
who live in HCM, age 16 25. First episode is featured on HTV, 21:00 pm, 12 October 2013.
There are 1 million people exposed to that program, which included 500.000 target
audience. Due to population statistics, there are 5 million young people, age 16 25,
living in HCM. Thus, the rating of that episode is 500.000 / 5.000.000 = 10%.
Is the percentage of target audience that was exposed at least once to an
advertising schedule.
How to calculate?
There is about 5 million young people age 16 25 living in Ho Chi
Minh city (the target audience of Yomost). An advertising campaign of
Yomost on HTV has gained 50% reach within one month. That means 2.5
million of target audience has seen that ads at least once on that month.
3. Rating, Reach, Frequency, GRP and CPRP
(or Average frequency or OTS - Opportunity To See) Is the average number of times
that each person is exposed to a brands advertising campaign or schedule.
How to calculate?
A, B and C are 3 target audience of brand X. On February, A saw the commercial of X 5 times, B
saw it 3 times and C saw if 4 times. The Frequency of X on that month is (5 + 3 + 4) / 3 = 3+. That means
on average, a person will see that commercial 3 times, maybe more, maybe less.
(Gross Rating Points) Quantifies the size of audience impressed by more than one
media material or program. For example: 2GRP means that 2% of target audience is
exposed to the media 1 time or 1% of them are exposed to the media 2 times.
How to calculate?
Nokia Lumia has 5 spots of TVC on The Voice (Rating 30%) and 3 spots of TVC on Dancing with the
star (Rating 15%). That means the total GRP of Nokia Lumia is: (30 x 5) + (15 x 3) = 195
Stands for Cost Per Rating Point. It is the cost of reaching 1% rating of a spot or 1
GRP of a schedule using a specific medium and primarily used to compare the
performance of channels or programs on TV.
How to calculate?
Nokia Lumia must pay 6000 USD for a schedule of 3 spots on The Voice (with the rating of 30%).
Thus, the CPRP is 200 USD / 1%.
4. Evaluation of a campaign?
Did we meet the Marketing / Sales Objectives?
Did we meet the Communication Objectives?
Did we meet the Media Objectives?
Budget efficiency
Reach and Frequency
Synergy in channel mix (Above and Below the line)
Position against competitive bench mark
5. Notice:
The effectiveness of a campaign is not only
that! Its also about:
The target audience
understand the message?
The target audience get
convinced to try the product?
The target audience buy
the product?