Group 1 was instructed to visualize the process of studying for an exam, Group 2 visualized the outcome of the exam, and Group 3 received no instructions. Group 1 started studying earlier and scored higher on the exam than both Group 2 and the control Group 3.
The document then discusses envisioning goals by accessing three distinct mental states - the Dreamer, who imagines unlimited possibilities; the Realist, who develops a practical plan; and the Critic, who identifies flaws. It provides steps to anchor each state and transition between them to iteratively develop and refine a business vision.
2. ToVisualizeorNottoVisualize?
Research: Taylor, Pham, Rivkin &
Armor, 1998
Divided students into 3 groups. Group 1
visualized the process towards the exam,
group 2 visualized the outcome, and group 3
didnt receive any instructions.
Group 1 started studying earlier, exam grade 8 points
higher than group 3 and 6 points higher than
group 2.
3. EnvisioningYourWayto
the Dream
This involves three distinct states:
Dreamer - the person for whom all things are possible
Realist - the person who sorts things out
Critic - the person who picks up on the bits that dont 鍖t
The Disney Strategy
4. 1. Create three distinct states and anchor them: Observer, Dreamer, Realist,
a. Think of a time you were able to creatively dream up or fantasize new ideas without any
inhibitions; fully relive that experience. What do you see/hear/feel? What symbol or color can you
use to anchor this feeling?
Then, access an observer state where you are aware of your surroundings.
b. Identify a time you were able to think very realistically and devise a speci鍖c plan to put an idea
e鍖ectively into action; Relive that experience. What symbol or color can you use to anchor this
Then, access an observer state where you are aware of your surroundings.
c. Think of a time you were able to constructively criticize an plan - that is, to o鍖er positive and
constructive criticism as well as to 鍖nd problems.Make sure the location is far enough away from
the others that it doesnt interfere. Relive that experience. Anchor this feeling with a symbol or
2. Step into the Dreamer State -- Fully access the dreamer state (use the color or symbol
and physiology) and allow yourself to have a childlike innocence of what could be. A year from now,
what would you like your business to look like? What do you see, hear, feel?
3. Step into the Realist -- What steps and stages do you need to get you to where you want to
4. Step into the Critic -- Whats missing in the dream or in the steps and stages? What needs
to be added and re鍖ned?
5. Repeat steps 2,3 and 4 until all roles are aligned. The next step is to write
down your journey to your vision in present tense.