The document discusses the benefits of eLearning and classroom blogging. It states that eLearning can assist connections between learners and facilitate shared learning. Blogging provides an authentic audience, motivates engagement, and helps develop skills like collaboration and digital citizenship. Effective blogging involves using tools to teach skills like research, critical thinking, and presentation. Blogging can be used for displaying work, learning in real-time through collaboration, and as a catalyst for learning.
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Your Class Blog
1. Our vision is for young people who are:
Creative, energetic and enterprising
Actively involved
Lifelong learners
2. eLearning may
Assist the making of connections
Facilitate shared learning
Assist in the creation and use of supportive
learning environments
Enhance opportunities to learn
Open up different ways of learning
3. Personalised learning (the system is built around the
learner, rather than the learner being required to fit with the system)
Diversity needs to be recognised as a strength and 21st century
citizens need to be educated for diversity
Knowledge involves creating and using new knowledge to solve
problems and find solutions to challenges as they arise on a just-in-
time basis.
Rethinking learners and teachers roles
A culture of continuous learning for teachers
and educational leaders
6. Me and my class blog
How do you feel about it?
Plus Minus Interesting/ideas
8. Worldwide audience
Authentic audience
Provides a purpose a reason to
Engagement & motivation
9. Learn ICT skills
Develops multi-literacies
Collaboration & sharing
Give & receive comments, ideas
and feedback
Develops digital citizenship
Provides a tool to facilitate learning
13. Skills and Strategies to be taught
Learning to Learn Thinking Tools Research Tools & Presenting
Goal setting
Organisation and
time management
Tracking and
asking for
Collaboration and
group work
Self and peer
Reflective practice
De Bono Hats
Thinkers Keys
Thinking Maps
Habits of the
Questioning skills
Key words
(Identifying and
Internet searching
Using contents &
Using websites
Skimming, scanning
& reading for detail
Taking notes &
making notes
Sorting, interpreting
& organising
Use of ICTs
Use of software
Layout and
Public speaking
15. 1. A gallery, quality work and/or web 2.0
shrine compiled by the teacher (not always
willingly!) in their own time
2. A display space to share learning and class
events with families members and anyone
else who is interested
3. A display space and an engaging forum
actively used in the processes of learning
Blogging stages
16. Display
Learning experiences are recorded and
displayed on the blog
Photos and reporting about class and school
Web 2.0 applications are used to display
Photos of the wall displays and worksheets
Posts about the adventures of the class mascot
17. Learn
A world-wide audience is a very powerful
The blog is used as a catalyst and a learning
Learning happens on the blog in real time
Students collaborate in groups and
co-construct posts
Global collaborative projects
21. Blogging may have solved one of the most
pressing problems that has perplexed the
education world for years: how to get boys to
write properly.
22. An essential element in developing a thinking
culture will be the explicit teaching of thinking skills
to all students
Michael Pohl
23. Generating ideas
- Generating possibilities
- Creating metaphors
Clarifying ideas
- Analysing ideas
- Analysing arguments
Assessing the reasonableness of ideas
- Assessing basic information
- Inference
Dr Robert Swartz
25. Knowledge
The ability to grasp the meaning
of material
The ability to use learned
material in new ways
An understanding of both the content
and the structural form of material
The ability to put parts together to
form something new
The ability to judge the value of
material for a given purpose
29. Analyse and draw
What do you need to
consider when buying a
What does a dog need
that a cat doesnt?
What are some practical
uses for owning a cat? A
Which is the best pet for
someone who lives in a
high-rise apartment?
37. Your mission is to:
Use Kidpix to draw something important in
the story youre reading.
Use a digital camera to explain a maths
Blog time missions
Students working collaboratively
39. Your mission is to:
Take a photo and retell a story
Take a photo of some group work, upload
to Fotobabble and explain what you were
Take photos to illustrate a word (patterns,
people, lines, shoes etc)
Investigate and share which class has the
tidiest cloak bay?
Take photos which show learning in our
room today
More blog time missions
40. Take photos showing how to skip,
how to shoot a goal, how to do a
forward roll etc.
Draw 3 things important to the main
character in the book youre reading
Use a flow chart to show a sequence
(reading or maths)
Create a book trailer using PuppetPals
and iMovie apps
Create some QR codes with clues for a
location for others to solve
43. Personalised learning (the system is built around the
learner, rather than the learner being required to fit with the system)
Diversity needs to be recognised as a strength and 21st century
citizens need to be educated for diversity
Knowledge involves creating and using new knowledge to solve
problems and find solutions to challenges as they arise on a just-in-
time basis.
Rethinking learners and teachers roles
A culture of continuous learning for teachers
and educational leaders
44. Part of your classroom community 24/7
Used daily to motivate and enhance learning
(year 3 & 4)
Year 7 & 8
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