Groupon has the largest subscriber base that is mostly exclusive to its platform. It sees 17% subscriber growth per month and finds that 95% of second product sales are to new customers, whereas LivingSocial sees only 25% of second sales to new customers. Products featured on Groupon sell twice as many units and bring in six times as many new customers as those featured on LivingSocial. The document encourages contacting a Groupon representative to create a marketing plan and get featured on Groupon to grow your business.
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Your Customers Await
1. Your Customers Await.
Grow your business with the largest and most active subscriber base around.
80% Exclusive to Groupon
80% of Groupon subscribers are unique
Subscribe to both Groupon 20%
and Living Social
Only 20% of Groupon subscribers also
subscribe to LivingSocial, whereas 75%
of LivingSocial subscribers also subscribe
to Groupon.
+ 17% 95% 2x 6x
subscriber growth of second feature sales more units sold with more new customers
per month are to new customers Groupon than than LivingSocial
(only 25% with LivingSocial) LivingSocial (with second feature on Groupon)
Contact your Groupon Representative (877) 788-7858 ext. 2
to create your Groupon marketing plan.