People give money to add meaning to their life. Donors want to support causes that have impact. Churches should develop communication that demonstrates impact - not simply financial needs.
2. Every Time a Bell Rings and Angel
Gets it Wings
Every time a coin hits the money
box a soul flys out of purgatory
Johann Tetzel Paraphrased
One of the conditions in 1517 that
provoked Lutherwas a
fundraising campaign
3. Why Donors Give
They are asked to give
Organizations most likely to receive attention are
somehow connected to the donors personal
A willingness to commit is nurtured and expanded by
direct involvement with an organization.
Personal contact with an organizations representative is
essential for continued interest and involvement.
Donors need and want continual and positive feedback
about their involvement and the use of their gift.
Donors are concerned about organizational efficiency.
Giving something back is a powerful motivating factor.
4. Social Outreach Preferred by Congregations
Migrant/Immigrant 8%
Employment Related 24%
Voter Registration/Education 30%
Social Issue Organizing 32%
Health Education 34%
Tutoring 36%
Substance Abuse 36%
Day, Pre, Before School 38%
Prison Ministry 41%
Elderly Housing 42%
Counseling/Hotline 48%
Hospital/Nursing Facilities 49%
Thrift Store/Donations 62%
Food Assistance 85%
Cash Assistance 89%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
5. Wall Street Journal Poll
December 2006
Income Total Household Income
less than $35K $35 - $49.9K $50 - 74.9K $75K+
% % % % %
Contributed to a Charity in the Past 12 months 83 71 80 90 88
Religious 35 26 32 41 41
Hunger/Food 34 26 28 36 39
Health-based/Disease related 31 22 25 35 39
Disaster relief 27 18 22 28 36
Shelter/Homeless 26 18 25 32 28
Animal 23 18 22 23 27
Educational 20 13 15 23 30
The Arts 10 5 4 11 18
Other 15 15 14 14 15
I have not contributed to charity in the past months 18 29 20 10 12
6. Wall Street Journal Poll
December 2006
Age Total Age
18-34 35-44 45-54 55+
% % % % %
Contributed to a Charity in the Past 12 months 82 70 80 88 91
Religious 35 25 31 35 47
Hunger/Food 34 27 29 41 39
Health-based/Disease related 31 26 29 30 37
Disaster relief 27 18 21 32 35
Shelter/Homeless 26 19 22 35 29
Animal 23 18 23 26 25
Educational 20 18 23 26 25
The Arts 10 10 8 11 13
Other 15 12 13 18 17
I have not contributed to charity in the past months 18 30 20 12 9
7. Bank of America Study of High Net-Worth Philanthropy
March 2009
o 680 respondents
o $200,000 annual income
o and/or $1,000,000 net-worth
Giving back is more important than leaving a
o 81.2% Giving back to community
o 70.7% Support same causes annually
o 66.9% Moved at how gift can make a difference
o 45.6% Set example for young people
8. Bank of America Study of High Net-Worth Philanthropy
March 2009
There is a surprising correlation between donating time
and dollars
o It is not true that wealthy donors simply write a
o The more time they volunteer the bigger the check
Volunteer 1 50 hours a year gave an average
Volunteer 51 100 hours a year gave an average
of $47,846
Volunteer over 100 hours a year gave an average
of $124,267
9. Church Budget Worksheet
Church Budget Worksheet
Average Gift of Adult in Worship* $45
Attendance Weekly Income/Average Annual Income/Average
Adults attending Worship* 300 $13,500.00 $702,000.00
Children 60
Youth 30
Total 390 $34.62 $1,800.00
Salaries & Benefits 50% $6,750.00 $351,000.00
Facilities 15% $2,025.00 $105,300.00
Children & Youth 10% $1,350.00 $70,200.00
Missions 10% $1,350.00 $70,200.00
Worship 5% $675.00 $35,100.00
Community Life 5% $675.00 $35,100.00
Administration 5% $675.00 $35,100.00
Total 100% $13,500.00 $702,000.00
Parking spaces needed for cars 156
Capital Campaign Projection** $2,106,000.00
Full-time Staff*** 3.90
*Income based on average gift of adults in w orship
To adjust spread sheet - adjust the tw o variables of average gift or attendance the other percentages are "standards" and dont vary
** Capital Campaign Projection is calculated as the amount that can be raised in addition to annual income, if the project is a building project and a mu
10. Church Budget Worksheet
Church Budget Worksheet
Average Gift of Adult in Worship* $35
Attendance Weekly Income/Average Annual Income/Average
Adults attending Worship* 600 $21,000.00 $1,092,000.00
Children 120
Youth 60
Total 780 $26.92 $1,400.00
Salaries & Benefits 50% $10,500.00 $546,000.00
Facilities 15% $3,150.00 $163,800.00
Children & Youth 10% $2,100.00 $109,200.00
Missions 10% $2,100.00 $109,200.00
Worship 5% $1,050.00 $54,600.00
Community Life 5% $1,050.00 $54,600.00
Administration 5% $1,050.00 $54,600.00
Total 100% $21,000.00 $1,092,000.00
Parking spaces needed for cars 312
Capital Campaign Projection** $3,276,000.00
Full-time Staff*** 7.80
*Income based on average gift of adults in w orship
To adjust spread sheet - adjust the tw o variables of average gift or attendance the other percentages are "standards" and dont vary
** Capital Campaign Projection is calculated as the amount that can be raised in addition to annual income, if the project is a building project and a mul
*** Full-time Staff is calculated at 1 for every 100 people in attendance
11. Tips
Be generous give yourself
Ask dont be afraid to talk about money
o If you are too self-conscious find someone who is trusted
who will talk about it be honest with your congregation
o SBC has the highest average because they talk about
money often
o Ask people who are connected but not members
Talk about any percentage besides 10%
o 7%, 9%, even 11% will increase giving
Be Thankful, Be Thankful, Be Thankful
o Do not assume
o Do not rationalized under religious pretext
o Dont believe people when they tell you they dont need to
be thanked!
12. Tips
Communicate dont assume communication anymore
o Pulpit
o Newsletter
o Email
o Social media
o Use Print - it has staying power
Provide vehicles for donations
o Website
o Electronic bill pay**
o Links in Email
Talk about Planned Giving
Encourage creative giving
o A gift of stock
o An in-kind gift
13. People are not motivated by needs. We need $XXXX to
meet our budget
Donors care about unique Missional opportunities that make
a difference -This is not semantics:
o We need to raise $279,000 this year to meet our budget
o A gift of $100 will provide a night of shelter and care for a
homeless teenager
What does $100 actually do in your congregational setting?
Donors give to change lives- so learn to tell stories of changed
lives and inspire potential donors!!!
Think about your supporters
o Who are they?
o Ask What are you called to do with your life
Avoid acronyms ELCA, PCUSA, CFRE, etc
Avoid the quantitative case for support
Tell Stories
o Narratives of life change people give to change lives
o Powerful Images of clients that convey meaning