The document discusses best practices for Selenium testing. It suggests using descriptive names like "scripts" or "checks" instead of "tests", focusing on replacing humans with higher quality builds rather than automation, exporting scripts from Selenium IDE, using custom page object classes instead of inheriting directly from the test framework, storing locators externally rather than internally, using structural rather than brittle locators, feeding data externally rather than internally, using a page object pattern rather than procedural style, tagging scripts for discovery rather than suites, running scripts from a CI server rather than locally, using browser specific jobs rather than Selenium Grid for cross-browser testing, and using judgment in deciding what advice to follow rather than blindly implementing everything suggested.
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You're doing it wrong
1. Selenium
(You¡¯re doing it wrong)
Adam Goucher
Thursday, April 7, 2011
7. My goal is to replace humans and
push to production faster
Thursday, April 7, 2011
8. My goal is to replace humans and
push to production faster
My goal is to let humans test higher
quality builds with greater ef?ciency
Thursday, April 7, 2011
27. I inherit from my framework¡¯s
TestCase class
Thursday, April 7, 2011
28. I inherit from my framework¡¯s
TestCase class
I have a custom class that my scripts
inherit from (-- it inherits from my
framework¡¯s TestCase class)
Thursday, April 7, 2011