1) Video content now accounts for a quarter of web bandwidth and is predicted to rise to 90% by 2013.
2) The amount of digital data grew 62% in the past year and will be 50 times larger by 2020, equivalent to the entire population tweeting continuously for a century.
3) Individuals now generate 70% of digital data as they move towards more data-rich online environments centered around social media and user participation.
3. Today a quarter of the web’s bandwidth is videoCisco predicts that figure will rise to 90% by 2013
4. THE DIGITAL UNIVERSELast year grew 62% to 800,000 petabytes (million gigabytes)By 2020 it will be nearly 50 times as big as it was last yearhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/steve-maw/Source: IDC… http://www.emc.com/collateral/demos/microsites/idc-digital-universe/iview.htm
5. Enough to fill 75Bn iPadsA digital output equivalent to the entire population of the Earth tweeting continuously for a centuryhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/ruthanddave/Source: IDC… http://www.emc.com/collateral/demos/microsites/idc-digital-universe/iview.htm
6. NOT JUST MORE CONTENT, BUT EXPONENTIALLY MOREDisaggregation and Re-aggregationAny piece of content, anytime, anywherehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/guymauve/
7. The fastest growing category of data on the web is metadata (data about data)New ways to categorise, store, and search content
8. About 70% of the digital universe is generated by individualsIndividuals who continue to move towards data rich environmentshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/janeland/
12. IS THIS REALLY SUCH A BIG DEAL?http://www.flickr.com/photos/marthaburzynski/
13. SOCIAL IS BECOMING A PART OF ALL MEDIA STREAMSSocial dimensions are paramount to most people…and most forms of entertainment“The desire to be part of a group that shares, cooperates, or acts in concert is a basic human instinct.” Clay ShirkySource: Future Foundation: Entertainment Futures Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kicey/
14. Media brands are increasingly defined less by the platform and more by the communityhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/hankins/
15. EMPOWERED USERS, UNLIMITED CHOICEEveryone is a media ownerThe means of production and distribution are sharedhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/esparta/
16. NOT JUST TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE, BUT CULTURAL AND BEHAVIOURAL“Our focus should be not on emerging technologies but on emerging cultural practices.”Henry Jenkins, Professor of Comparative Media, MIT and author of Convergence Culture
18. TURNING COMMUNICATIONS FUNDAMENTALS ON THEIR HEAD“The other guys think the purpose of communication is to get information.We think the purpose of information is to foster communication.”Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebookhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/danarah/
20. THE VALUE EQUATION IS CHANGING= AttentionContent= Attention, participation, interaction, content Content, tools, serviceshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/wespionage/
21. ATTENTION IS INCREASINGLY EARNED, NOT BOUGHT"The internet is a the great disintermediator – it connects everything to everything else…Previously mass media aggregated attention and brands bought it. To earn your own attention you have to do things, create content, that people elect to spend time with.” FarisYakobhttp://blog.marketing-soc.org.uk/tag/digital/
22. MEDIA AS FACILITATOR“Media is less and less often about crafting a single message to be consumed by individuals, and more and more often a way of creating an environment for convening and supporting groups” Clay Shirky
23. “A business without engaging and nurturing its community is like a village, a town, or a city without a population” Alan Moorehttp://emptyla.com/
26. “Communities already exist. Instead, think about how you can help that community do what it wants to do”Mark Zuckerberg
27. “One part anarchy, one part aristocracy, one part democracy, one part monarchy”Jimmy Wales on the Wikipedia Communityhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/vhata/
29. ATTRIBUTION, AUTHENTICITY, RECOGNITION, SHARING"In the past you were what you owned. Now you are what you share." Charles Leadbeater – We Thinkhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/paopix/
30. STICKING AROUNDRelationships require building, so rather than short-term ROI, you need to take a longer-term viewHT http://farisyakob.typepad.com/http://www.flickr.com/photos/jryle79/
31. BEING RESPONSIVE“There is a correlation between the amount of time it takes for information to be transmitted, the amount of time it takes to have an effect, and the corresponding cultural decay rate. The real-time web of twitter and facebook has brought the cultural latency rate down to almost zero. In response, companies must act faster, responding in real time, to keep apace with its customers.” FarisYakobhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/bright/
32. AGILITY IS NOT ABOUT VELOCITY, IT’S ABOUT RESPONSIVENESS“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
33. A BIG FAT OPPORTUNITY FOR CONTENT PRODUCERShttp://www.flickr.com/photos/streamishmc/
34. DISTRIBUTED NOT DESTINATIONStreams not microsites“As we move beyond Web 2.0 into an ever more interactive network, in which users send as much material as they consume…it becomes obvious that we are progressing from the Internet through the Web to the Stream” Glen Hiemstra, Futurist.com
35. FREE FLOWING NOT STATICServices, applications and content are scalable and portablePlatforms that are seamlessly inter-connectableNo barriers to interaction - interfaces that get out of the wayImage: img209.imageshack.us/img209/5781/deadlocknajkcomafarialibh3.jpg
36. SLIPPY NOT STICKYHT http://garethkay.typepad.com/brand_new/http://www.flickr.com/photos/curtisperry/
37. CAPITALISING ON OUR INHERENTLY SOCIAL NATURE"Copying among a population with frequent interactions creates a pull mechanism by which things spread through populations. This is the opposite to conventional marketing wisdom, where 'influence' is a 'push' idea, in being about what we do to people, rather than them choosing to do themselves, without us.” Mark Earlshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/elithebearded/http://herd.typepad.com/
38. CREATE CONTENT THAT IS REMARKABLEIf the web is a mass of conversations, then get talked aboutCreate content and services that are worth passing onMake it as easy as possible for your fans to find it and spread the wordhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/oldflints/
39. SETH GODIN – ‘FLIPPING THE FUNNEL’Marketing spend generates trafficSome of that traffic sticksUsers are inspired and enabled to talk about your productThey spread the message around the networkRef: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/files/flippingfunnelPRO.pdf
40. CREATING SPREADABLE CONTENT4th most viewed film on Nike Football channel600,000+ views - more than twice the number of views as the Nike Five TV ad“If it doesn’t spread, it’s dead” Henry Jenkins, MIT
42. SOCIAL IDEA NOT SOCIAL MEDIACOMMUNITY AUGMENTATIONStatus, Notes, Pictures, VideosVIDEO CONTENTBloopersTCVsFav video content TVPHOTO SHARINGAleks’ visual characterFrom TVCsFamily portraitsCommunity connectionsCompetitionsMICRO-BLOGGING140 characters onlySharing thoughts, links,Participating in chatCOMPARISON APPLICATIONViral “comparison” app Compare The Meerkat80% increase in quotes…600,000+ Facebook FansCPA reduced by 73%...Brand Awareness from 20% to 59%HT http://ameliatorode.typepad.com/
45. ONLINE MEDIA IS ADUNDANT, NOT SCARCEStreams of content, unconstrained by timeA new film released every day for a year to promote New Balance 365 trainershttp://www.newbalance365.com/
46. PARTICIPATION AT EVERY STAGE OF THE PROCESS THE TALENT363,000 subscribers…more than any women’s magazine in the UK77m video views
47. THE FINANCING3 teenagers, 1 forgotten Jules Verne novelBuy a taste of Hollywood by having your name on the end creditsOpen production process
54. NEW INTERFACES HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO CHANGE OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MEDIUM“Apple's iPad will likely take the crown for the fastest consumer product growth to the $1 billion revenue mark in history, taking less than 120 days from announcement to reach that milestone” Carl Howe
55. IS THIS CONVERGENCE?Personal and portable like mobileScreen like a TVInteractive like a PChttp://paulisakson.typepad.com/planning/2010/05/ipad-marketing-gaming-social-behavior.htmlhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/48600091327@N01/4569922802/
56. CONVERGENCE IS ABOUT CONTENT AND PEOPLE NOT THE TECHNOLOGY“Convergence does not depend on any specific delivery mechanism, rather, convergence represents a paradigm shift - a move from medium-specific content toward content that flows across multiple media channels” Henry Jenkinshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/ekarjala/
57. TV / Video content could give devices like the iPad mass appealParticularly when it becomes a useful, interactive ‘TV’Plus new situational contexts, new ways of sharing & interacting with contenthttp://www.feedingthepuppy.com/2010/04/ipad-video-review-its-the-future-of-television.html
58. NEW WAYS TO TELL STORIESThe agency without a website
59. MULTITASKING IS A REALITYAmericans now spend 35% more time using the Internet and TV simultaneously than they were a year ago
60. SOCIAL AND TV WORK WELL TOGETHERSocial scheduling – MIT Social TV prototypeA central database aggregates video from online sources like YouTube, shares user-specified data with social networks, delivers video to the user's TV, and lets users and the people in their networks send comments and ratings back and forth via an iPhone app
63. VIDEO DIDN’T KILL THE RADIO STAR“Old media are not being displaced. Rather, their functions and status are shifted by the introduction of new technologies” Henry Jenkins
64. Not an either /or but morePeople consume more media, video gets into new placeshttp://www.flickr.com/photos/agitpropdevices/
65. AND THE TRADITIONAL, SHIFTS“And this is really why YouTube is so important. It was started as a TV channel for everyone…but it has grown into a far more powerful medium where it is now the first port-of-call for anyone seeking video content.”Computer Weeklyhttp://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/social-business/2010/04/youtube-is-five.html
66. ONE LAST THOUGHT…"Over and over again, connecting people with one another is what lasts online. Some folks thought it was about technology, but it's not.“Seth GodinImage: http://www.gapingvoid.com/