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Virtual Trade Show
               24/7 On-Line Virtual Event

         A unique opportunity to promote your
               business 24/7 virtually to
      International, Regional & Local Prospects.

       OSBO (Organization Supporting Business
              Owners) and Your Social Media
           Connections are partnered to provide
              visibility for your business virtually.
Your Social Media Connections                           Direct
Virtual Trade Show

      Levels of Sponsorship Benefits & Costs

Your Social Media Connections                  Direct
Auditorium Media Library Sponsor Banner Display
Keynote Info Additional     Rotation based on
  Powerpoint   Powerpoint   Level of Sponsorship
  Webinar      Webinar    Exhibit Hall                          Social Media Links
  Video        Video       Display
                                                                 Learning Center
                                                                  Business Education
                                                                  Recruiting Info
                                                                 Consumer Access
                                                                 Prospect Leads Genera

                          Featured Attractions
   Access to Virtual Trade Show is FREE with 24/7 access for duration specified
   for Industry specific Trade Show. Leads are generated for distribution to
   Exhibitors and Sponsors.
   Your Social Media Connections                                         Direct
Webinar or Video             Logo Banner                         Content
                                                                      White Paper
                                                                      Where to Buy
                                                                      PDF Docs
                                                                      Our Website
                                                                      Live Chat

                            Exhibition Hall
We will built the virtual booth for you by uploading your
logos, video, brochures, PDF, pictures, and product catalogues, and make
them visible to everyone who visit your display
Your Social Media Connections                                        Direct
Sponsorship Levelsres and products
               catalogues              Display Space   Banner Sponsor   Area Sponsor   Auditorium   Event Sponsor   Title Sponsor
Basic Display                                *               *                *             *              *               *
Video                                        1               2                2             2             3                5
Side Banners                                 2               2                2             2             2                2
Video or Powerpoint                          1               1                1             2             2                5
Download of Brochure or Catalogue            1               2                2             3             3                5
Contact Features                             *               *                *             *              *               *
Live Monitoring                              *               *                *             *              *               *
Banner space in Exhibit Hall                                x2               x3            x3             x3              x10
Logo in Area Sponsored                                                        *             *         ALL Areas       ALL Areas
Presentations in Auditorium                                                                 *              *               *
Downloads in Library                                                                        *              *               *
Presentations in Media Lounge                                                                              *               *
Banner space in Lobby                                                                                                      *
Inclusion in Advertising and PR                                                                                            *

TOTAL COST (**)                            $750           $1,000          $1,500         $2,000        $2,500          $4,000
**Non-Members Plus $100
includes Annual OSBO Membership            $850           $1,100          $1,600         $2,100        $2,600          $4,100
TOTAL COST OSBO MEMBERS                    $500            $750           $1,250         $1,750        $2,000          $3,500

                                 Level of Sponsorship and Cost
              To accommodate different budgets and capabilities, several levels of sponsorship and
              opportunities are offered to be involved. The above pricing is for those business who have
              the logos, videos, brochures, PDF, pictures, and product catalogues ready to upload into
              DROPBOX Folder shared by our staff and yours. For those who need assistance in
              designing ADD ON MARKETING pricing is available. Any design creations to be your
              Your Social Media Connections
              property.                                                                          Direct
  Additional video and downloads (created)                   $50 each        $50 each
  Additional video (live shoot at specified location)       $200 each       $200 each
  Create Powerpoint (ca. 10 slides)                         $100 each       $100 each
  Create Powerpoint Video (webinar)                         $150 each       $150 each
  Create Banner Standard Design                             $250 each       $250 each
  Create Banner Standard Design and include
  a Physical Banner Stand                                   $500 each       $500 each
  Create Logo                                               $500 each       $500 each
  Create Website (per month based on
  requirements) starting prices                               $199            $299
  Monthly Maintenance (if required)                           $100            $100
  Re-Branding Social Media                                    $149            $149
    setup Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
    Monthly Maintenance to Manager                             $99             $99
  MOBILE APP                                                  $1,000         $1,500
  Create an invitation for your list                         $50 each        $50 each

                             Add on Marketing Items
For the businesses who needs assistance in designing the above products our
staff is available to assist your staff.

Your Social Media Connections                                                           Direct
Virtual Trade Show
         Contact us for a FREE Live Presentation

yoursocialmediaconnections@gmail.com or call Direct 256-

Your Social Media Connections                         Direct

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Ysmc Virtual Trade Show

  • 1. Virtual Trade Show 24/7 On-Line Virtual Event A unique opportunity to promote your business 24/7 virtually to International, Regional & Local Prospects. OSBO (Organization Supporting Business Owners) and Your Social Media Connections are partnered to provide visibility for your business virtually. Your Social Media Connections Direct 256-226-3099
  • 2. Virtual Trade Show Levels of Sponsorship Benefits & Costs Your Social Media Connections Direct 256-226-3099
  • 3. Auditorium Media Library Sponsor Banner Display Keynote Info Additional Rotation based on Powerpoint Powerpoint Level of Sponsorship Lounge Webinar Webinar Exhibit Hall Social Media Links Video Video Display Learning Center Business Education Recruiting Info Directory Consumer Access Prospect Leads Genera Featured Attractions Access to Virtual Trade Show is FREE with 24/7 access for duration specified for Industry specific Trade Show. Leads are generated for distribution to Exhibitors and Sponsors. Your Social Media Connections Direct 256-226-3099
  • 4. Webinar or Video Logo Banner Content Brochure White Paper Where to Buy PDF Docs Our Website Live Chat Contact Exhibition Hall We will built the virtual booth for you by uploading your logos, video, brochures, PDF, pictures, and product catalogues, and make them visible to everyone who visit your display Your Social Media Connections Direct 256-226-3099
  • 5. Sponsorship Levelsres and products catalogues Display Space Banner Sponsor Area Sponsor Auditorium Event Sponsor Title Sponsor Basic Display * * * * * * Video 1 2 2 2 3 5 Side Banners 2 2 2 2 2 2 Video or Powerpoint 1 1 1 2 2 5 Download of Brochure or Catalogue 1 2 2 3 3 5 Contact Features * * * * * * Live Monitoring * * * * * * Banner space in Exhibit Hall x2 x3 x3 x3 x10 Logo in Area Sponsored * * ALL Areas ALL Areas Presentations in Auditorium * * * Downloads in Library * * * Presentations in Media Lounge * * Banner space in Lobby * Inclusion in Advertising and PR * TOTAL COST (**) $750 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $4,000 **Non-Members Plus $100 includes Annual OSBO Membership $850 $1,100 $1,600 $2,100 $2,600 $4,100 TOTAL COST OSBO MEMBERS $500 $750 $1,250 $1,750 $2,000 $3,500 Level of Sponsorship and Cost To accommodate different budgets and capabilities, several levels of sponsorship and opportunities are offered to be involved. The above pricing is for those business who have the logos, videos, brochures, PDF, pictures, and product catalogues ready to upload into DROPBOX Folder shared by our staff and yours. For those who need assistance in designing ADD ON MARKETING pricing is available. Any design creations to be your Your Social Media Connections property. Direct 256-226-3099
  • 6. ADD ON MARKETING SUPPORT ITEMS OSBO MEMBERS NON MEMBERS Additional video and downloads (created) $50 each $50 each Additional video (live shoot at specified location) $200 each $200 each Create Powerpoint (ca. 10 slides) $100 each $100 each Create Powerpoint Video (webinar) $150 each $150 each Create Banner Standard Design $250 each $250 each Create Banner Standard Design and include a Physical Banner Stand $500 each $500 each Create Logo $500 each $500 each Create Website (per month based on requirements) starting prices $199 $299 Monthly Maintenance (if required) $100 $100 Re-Branding Social Media $149 $149 setup Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Monthly Maintenance to Manager $99 $99 MOBILE APP $1,000 $1,500 Create an invitation for your list $50 each $50 each Add on Marketing Items For the businesses who needs assistance in designing the above products our staff is available to assist your staff. Your Social Media Connections Direct 256-226-3099
  • 7. Virtual Trade Show Contact us for a FREE Live Presentation yoursocialmediaconnections@gmail.com or call Direct 256- 226-3099 Your Social Media Connections Direct 256-226-3099