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While were getting ready to start, please
              download the three exercises from:

             YUIs Foundational CSS
                     CSS Reset, CSS Fonts, CSS Grids

                                                                                               Nate Koechley
Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   Platform Engineering, Yahoo!
YUIs Foundational CSS
                     CSS Reset, CSS Fonts, CSS Grids

                                                                                               Nate Koechley
Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   Platform Engineering, Yahoo!
About me

       YUI team:
             Engineer and Design Liaison
             Technical Evangelist
       Graded Browser Support
            and browser vendor coordination

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   3
What well cover

       Background and YUI CSS Goals
       Hands-on with CSS Reset
       Hands-on with CSS Fonts
       Hands-on with CSS Grids
             What It Does (x3)
             Using It (x3)

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   4
CSS is Accretive

       An elements presentation accumulates
        substance from every rule that touches it
             via direct declaration, cascade, inheritance

       Put another way:
             CSS rules build on one another

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   5
CSSs Two Mechanisms

             many rules  single element
             single rule  many elements

      (And dont forget about cascading inheritance, of course.)

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   6
CSS is Accretive (contd)

       The accretive aspects of CSS 
        cascade and inheritance  are the
        source of CSSs power

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   7
CSS is Accretive (contd)

       but also a source of vulnerability:

      A worrying equation:
            Slight disagreement on foundational rules
         + Slight disagreement on application of rules
         = Dramatic compounded difference!

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   8

      1. Normalize and stabilize
                  Sound foundation enables sane
      2. Maximize Availability and Accessibility
      3. Centralize wheel invention
      4. Centralize kludges
      5. A-Grade Browser Support
      6. Support Yahoo! Specifications
Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   9
The Three Tools

      1. CSS Reset
      2. CSS Fonts
      3. CSS Grids

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   10
YUI Reset  What it Does

       Cross-browser normalization of the
        default rendering of HTML elements
             Overcome browser.css
             Level the playing field

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   11
Removes common default

       Helps ensure all style is declared
             You choose how you want to <em>phasize
       Allows us to choose elements based on
        their semantic meaning instead of their
        default presentation
             You choose how you want to render <li>sts
       A-Grade Browser Support
Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   12
Using YUI Reset http://

    Step 1: Say what you mean.
    (there is no Step 2)
                       strong {font-weight:bold;}
                       h1 {margin-bottom:1em;}

                       li {
                       no-repeat left 6px;
                       padding:0 0 0 .55em;

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   14
YUI Fonts  What it Does

       Consistent font sizing and line-height
       Appropriate cross-OS font-family
        degradation paths
             e.g., arial, helvetica, sans-serif
       Not fixed, so users can adjust the font
        size within their browser
             Even when adjusted, better cross-browser

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   15
YUI Fonts  What it Does (contd)

       Works in both Quirks Mode and
        Standards Mode
             A centralized kludge (was hack, but)
             We develop with HTML 4.01 Strict which
              puts us in Standards Mode
       Normalizes em size (almost)
             Allows font-size-responsive positioning
       A-Grade Browser Support

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   16
YUI Fonts  What it Does (contd)

       For free:
             Font-family: Arial (except per OS)
             Font-size = 13px (not pixels)
             Line-height = 16px (not pixels)
       Consistent em dimension.

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   17
Using YUI Fonts: Setting Size

      To get pixel size         Use this percentage                      http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
      10px                      77%
      11px                      85%
      12px                      92%
      13px                      100%
      14px                      107%               h1 {font-size:136%;}
      15px                      114%               #node {font-size:77%;}
      16px                      122%
      17px                      129%
      18px                      136%
      19px                      144%
      20px                      152%

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006                     18
Using YUI Fonts: Setting Font

 We use:
        Arial (default)
                                        h1 {font-family:georgia;}
                                        #node {font-family:verdana;}
        Tahoma                         .error {
        Monospace                           font-size:77%;

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   19
Hands-on Exercise #1

   Open hackday-exercise1.html
   Match these specs:

                                                                          16 pixels

                                                                          Verdana 11 pixels and grey

                                                                          1em margin at the bottom of
                                                                          each paragraph and after

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006                          20
YUI Grids  What it Does

      The safe and easy way to create complex
        page and template layouts that are
        bulletproof and flexible.

       130+ layouts from single efficient CSS file
             (under 1.9kb)
       Recursive, extensible system

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   21
YUI Grids  What it Does (contd)

       Scale with font-size adjustment
       Source-order independent
       Self-clearing footer
       Fits all IAB Advertising Units
       Forward-compatible (coming soon!)
       A-Grade Browser Support

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   22
How It Works

      Two Components:
            1. Templates
            2. Subdivide with Grids and Units

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   23
How It Works (contd)

       Choose a template (yui-t1yui-t7)

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   24
<div id="doc class=yui-t1>
 <div id="hd"></div>
 <div id="bd">
    <div id=yui-main>
        <div class=yui-b></div>
    <div class=yui-b></div>
 <div id="ft"></div>
Hands-on Exercise #2

   Open hackday-exercise2.html
   Switch top-level template (yui-t1)
   Experiment with source-order control

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   26
How It Works (contd)

                                         Recursively subdivide
                                         Based on grids
                                          holding units

                                         Custom grids for non-
                                          even unit distribution

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   27
The Base Case:

    .yui-u first
The Base Case:

.yui-g (tells children to take 50%)
    .yui-u first (obey parent)
    .yui-u (obey parent)
The Base Case:

<div class=yui-g>
  <div class=yui-u first></div>
  <div class=yui-u></div>
1. You Can Nest Grids.
2. Units and Grids can both be within Grids.

<div class=yui-g>
  <div class=yui-u first></div>
  <div class=yui-g>
    <div class=yui-u first></div>
    <div class=yui-u></div>
What % does each take up?

<div class=yui-g>
 <div class=yui-u first></div>
 <div class=yui-g>
    <div class=yui-u first></div>
    <div class=yui-u></div>
Special Grids (yui-g[a...f])

<div class=yui-gb>
 <div class=yui-u first>33%</div>
 <div class=yui-u>33%</div>
 <div class=yui-u>33%</div>
. . .
<div id=bd>
  <div class=yui-b></div>
  <div id=yui-main>
    <div class=yui-b>
       <div class=yui-g>
         <div class=yui-u first></div>
         <div class=yui-u></div>
. . .
<div class=yui-b>
  <div class=yui-g>
    <div class=yui-g first>
         <div class=yui-u first></div>
         <div class=yui-u></div>
    <div class=yui-g>
         <div class=yui-u first></div>
         <div class=yui-u></div>
  .yui-g first
     .yui-u first
     .yui-u first
.yui-g (tells children to take 50%)
  .yui-g first (half of parent & children take half)
     .yui-u first (half of parent)
     .yui-u (half of parent)
  .yui-g (half of parent & children take half)
     .yui-u first (half of parent)
     .yui-u (half of parent)
Hands-on Exercise #3

                                            Open hackday-exercise3.html
                                            Experiment stacking grids
                                            Experiment nesting grids
                                            Experiment with custom grids

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   38

       Available for questions all day and night
             In Clasroom 1 and Classroom 6
             Wandering around
       Hack on, hackers

Nate Koechley  natek@yahoo-inc.com  Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006   39

More Related Content

Yui css

  • 1. While were getting ready to start, please download the three exercises from: http://yuiblog.com/devday06/yui-css/ YUIs Foundational CSS CSS Reset, CSS Fonts, CSS Grids Nate Koechley Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 Platform Engineering, Yahoo! 1
  • 2. YUIs Foundational CSS CSS Reset, CSS Fonts, CSS Grids Nate Koechley Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 Platform Engineering, Yahoo! 2
  • 3. About me natek@yahoo-inc.com YUI team: Engineer and Design Liaison Technical Evangelist Graded Browser Support and browser vendor coordination http://yuiblog.com http://nate.koechley.com/blog Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 3
  • 4. What well cover Background and YUI CSS Goals Hands-on with CSS Reset Hands-on with CSS Fonts Hands-on with CSS Grids What It Does (x3) Using It (x3) Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 4
  • 5. CSS is Accretive An elements presentation accumulates substance from every rule that touches it via direct declaration, cascade, inheritance Put another way: CSS rules build on one another Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 5
  • 6. CSSs Two Mechanisms Cascade many rules single element Inheritance single rule many elements (And dont forget about cascading inheritance, of course.) Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 6
  • 7. CSS is Accretive (contd) The accretive aspects of CSS cascade and inheritance are the source of CSSs power Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 7
  • 8. CSS is Accretive (contd) but also a source of vulnerability: A worrying equation: Slight disagreement on foundational rules + Slight disagreement on application of rules ---------------------------------------------------------------- = Dramatic compounded difference! Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 8
  • 9. YUI CSS Goals 1. Normalize and stabilize Sound foundation enables sane development 2. Maximize Availability and Accessibility 3. Centralize wheel invention 4. Centralize kludges 5. A-Grade Browser Support 6. Support Yahoo! Specifications Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 9
  • 10. The Three Tools 1. CSS Reset 2. CSS Fonts 3. CSS Grids Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 10
  • 11. YUI Reset What it Does http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/reset Cross-browser normalization of the default rendering of HTML elements Overcome browser.css Level the playing field Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 11
  • 12. Removes common default presentation Helps ensure all style is declared intentionally You choose how you want to <em>phasize something Allows us to choose elements based on their semantic meaning instead of their default presentation You choose how you want to render <li>sts A-Grade Browser Support Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 12
  • 13. body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form, fieldset,input,p,blockquote,th,td {margin:0;padding:0;} table {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} fieldset,img {border:0;} address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var {font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;} ol,ul {list-style:none;} caption,th {text-align:left;} h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {font-size:100%;} q:before,q:after {content:'';}
  • 14. Using YUI Reset http:// developer.yahoo.com/yui/reset Step 1: Say what you mean. (there is no Step 2) strong {font-weight:bold;} h1 {margin-bottom:1em;} li { background:transparent url(dot.gif) no-repeat left 6px; padding:0 0 0 .55em; } Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 14
  • 15. YUI Fonts What it Does http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/fonts Consistent font sizing and line-height Appropriate cross-OS font-family degradation paths e.g., arial, helvetica, sans-serif Not fixed, so users can adjust the font size within their browser Even when adjusted, better cross-browser consistency Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 15
  • 16. YUI Fonts What it Does (contd) http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/fonts Works in both Quirks Mode and Standards Mode A centralized kludge (was hack, but) We develop with HTML 4.01 Strict which puts us in Standards Mode Normalizes em size (almost) Allows font-size-responsive positioning A-Grade Browser Support Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 16
  • 17. YUI Fonts What it Does (contd) http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/fonts For free: Font-family: Arial (except per OS) Font-size = 13px (not pixels) Line-height = 16px (not pixels) Consistent em dimension. Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 17
  • 18. Using YUI Fonts: Setting Size To get pixel size Use this percentage http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/ 10px 77% 11px 85% 12px 92% 13px 100% 14px 107% h1 {font-size:136%;} 15px 114% #node {font-size:77%;} 16px 122% 17px 129% 18px 136% 19px 144% 20px 152% Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 18
  • 19. Using YUI Fonts: Setting Font We use: Arial (default) Verdana h1 {font-family:georgia;} Georgia #node {font-family:verdana;} Tahoma .error { Monospace font-size:77%; font-family:verdana; color:red; } Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 19
  • 20. Hands-on Exercise #1 Open hackday-exercise1.html Match these specs: 16 pixels Verdana 11 pixels and grey (#666) italic 1em margin at the bottom of each paragraph and after source/timestamp Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 20
  • 21. YUI Grids What it Does http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/grids The safe and easy way to create complex page and template layouts that are bulletproof and flexible. 130+ layouts from single efficient CSS file (under 1.9kb) Recursive, extensible system Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 21
  • 22. YUI Grids What it Does (contd) http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/grids Scale with font-size adjustment Source-order independent Self-clearing footer Fits all IAB Advertising Units Forward-compatible (coming soon!) A-Grade Browser Support Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 22
  • 23. How It Works Two Components: 1. Templates 2. Subdivide with Grids and Units Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 23
  • 24. How It Works (contd) Choose a template (yui-t1yui-t7) Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 24
  • 25. <body> <div id="doc class=yui-t1> <div id="hd"></div> <div id="bd"> <div id=yui-main> <div class=yui-b></div> </div> <div class=yui-b></div> </div> <div id="ft"></div> </div>
  • 26. Hands-on Exercise #2 Open hackday-exercise2.html Switch top-level template (yui-t1) Experiment with source-order control Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 26
  • 27. How It Works (contd) Recursively subdivide Based on grids holding units Custom grids for non- even unit distribution Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 27
  • 28. The Base Case: .yui-g .yui-u first .yui-u
  • 29. The Base Case: .yui-g (tells children to take 50%) .yui-u first (obey parent) .yui-u (obey parent)
  • 30. The Base Case: <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-u></div> </div>
  • 31. 1. You Can Nest Grids. 2. Units and Grids can both be within Grids. <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-u></div> </div> </div>
  • 32. What % does each take up? <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-u></div> </div> </div>
  • 33. Special Grids (yui-g[a...f]) <div class=yui-gb> <div class=yui-u first>33%</div> <div class=yui-u>33%</div> <div class=yui-u>33%</div> </div>
  • 34. . . . <div id=bd> <div class=yui-b></div> <div id=yui-main> <div class=yui-b> <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-u></div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
  • 35. . . . <div class=yui-b> <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-g first> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-u></div> </div> <div class=yui-g> <div class=yui-u first></div> <div class=yui-u></div> </div> </div> </div>
  • 36. .yui-g .yui-g first .yui-u first .yui-u .yui-g .yui-u first .yui-u
  • 37. .yui-g (tells children to take 50%) .yui-g first (half of parent & children take half) .yui-u first (half of parent) .yui-u (half of parent) .yui-g (half of parent & children take half) .yui-u first (half of parent) .yui-u (half of parent)
  • 38. Hands-on Exercise #3 Open hackday-exercise3.html Experiment stacking grids Experiment nesting grids Experiment with custom grids Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 38
  • 39. Thanks! Available for questions all day and night In Clasroom 1 and Classroom 6 Wandering around Hack on, hackers Nate Koechley natek@yahoo-inc.com Yahoo! Hack Day, September 29/30th, 2006 39